0341 Syllabus (2012).doc

Fall 2012
0341 Grammar/Conversation-Foreign Speakers II
CRN# 26358
Sat. 9:00AM – 2:00PM
Scarcella Science and Technology Room 110
Instructor: Margo Kalfoglou
You may contact the instructor by e-mail at margo.kalfoglou@hccs.edu
Instructional Materials
Grammar Dimensions 2, by Wisniewska, Riggenbach, and
Samuda (required)
Grammar Dimensions Workbook 2 by Cheryl Benz and Ann
Roemer (required)
a one inch ring binder
a folder with pockets
loose-leaf wide ruled notebook paper
blue or black pen/pencil
a highlighter
one scantron (for the final exam)
Course Goals
English 0341 is the second in a series of 5 Academic ESL (English as a Second
Language) courses at HCCS. In this class we study how to write basic English
sentences; we review elementary grammar rules and learn more complex
grammar structures; we work on listening/speaking skills with an emphasis on
listening comprehension and pronunciation. Most of the students in AESL
courses plan to earn a college degree eventually; therefore, this course focuses
mainly on standard spoken and written English.
Grading Policy
Students who complete the work in English 0341 and who are ready for the next
class, English 0346, will receive a letter grade of A, B, or C. Students who are
not ready to continue to the next level will receive a grade of IP or F. The IP is
not a good or bad grade. It means "In Progress" and requires you to take English
0341 again. However, students must receive a letter grade (A ,B, C, or F ) when
they complete 0341 for the second time. Students who do not complete the work
in this class will receive a grade of F.
College Attendance Policy
Houston Community College requires that students attend class regularly. You
are allowed to miss up to 12.5% of the class time. In AESL 0341, you are
allowed to miss up to 10 hours of class time (two Saturday classes). I
recommend that you attend all classes unless you have an emergency or illness.
Students who miss more than 12.5% of class time will be dropped by the
If students are late 15 minutes or more, they will be marked tardy; if students
leave the classroom during class, return from a break late, or leave before class
is finished, they will be marked tardy.
3 times tardy = 1 absence
There are no make up tests or quizzes; however, the lowest test/quiz grade will
be dropped for each student.
Classroom Policies
Students are expected to arrive on time to class. If you are absent from class,
you are responsible for contacting a classmate or e mailing
the instructor about the missed work.
As a courtesy to the instructor and the other students in the class, please
turn off any cell phones and other electronic devices before you enter the
classroom. To show respect of your fellow students and instructor, you
will neither keep your phones and other electronic devices on your desk
nor use them in the classroom unless you receive permission from the
Talking out of turn or while students and the teacher are talking is
considered to be disruptive. This kind of behavior is unacceptable in a
college classroom.
When you come to class you are expected to participate in class group
activities. Sometimes the activity will be a small group discussion,
sometimes the class will interact as a whole group and at other times the
students will be asked to contribute to the class individually. Participation
is 5% of your final average.
There are no make up tests or quizzes. However, the lowest test/quiz
grade will be dropped for each student.
I reserve the right to dismiss you from class for any violation of the
classroom and college policies.
Homework is an important part of your learning and grade. Sometimes we will go
over homework answers in class, and at other times, the teacher will collect the
homework. You should come to class prepared to discuss homework answers.
Most of the homework exercises are from the workbook.
We will have a major test after every 2--3 chapters.
Other short quizzes may be given as needed. Major test dates are listed on the
Final Exam
The Final Exam has two parts: a multiple-choice grammar test with
listening comprehension and an oral interview with your teacher.
The date for the interviews is Saturday, December 8.
The date for the objective test is Saturday, December 15.
Grading Formula
Your grade for this course is calculated as follows:
Final Oral Exam:
Final Grammar Exam: 15%
Academic Honesty
Academic honesty is expected of all college students. Any homework, quiz or
test that is not the student’s own work or that has been copied from another
person will be given a grade of “0”. The student may receive an F for the course
if this problem occurs repeatedly.
ENGLISH 0341 (16 Week Calendar)
(The instructor may change this calendar to meet the needs of the class.)
Week 1
Introduction to AESL program; course syllabus; diagnostic
Unit 2: Present Progressive and Simple Present Tenses,
pp. 18-33
Week 2
Continue diagnostic assessment, as needed. Finish Unit 2
Week 3
Unit 3: Talking about the Future, be going to and will,
pp. 34-47
Week 4
Finish Unit 3; TEST # 1 on Units 2 & 3
Week 5
Go over Test #1 and test taking strategies;
Begin Unit 4: Asking Questions, Yes/No, WH-questions, and
Tag Q’s, pp.48-67
Week 6
Finish Unit 4; & quick introduction to Phrasal Verbs, Unit 23,
pp. 328-332 & pp. 339-40
Week 7
Begin Unit 6: Past Progressive and Simple Past, pp. 88-103
Week 8
Finish Unit 6
TEST # 2 on Units 4 & 6
Begin Unit 8: Measure Words, Indefinite article “a/an,” and
Quantifiers, pp. 120-135
Week 9
Finish Unit 8
Study Unit 10: Giving Advice & Expressing Opinions,
Week 10
Study Unit 11: Modals of Necessity and Prohibition,
pp. 166-183
Week 11
TEST # 3 on Units 10 & 11
Study Unit 13: Present Perfect with since and for,
pp. 196-211
Week 12
Study Unit 14: Present Perfect and Simple Past,
pp. 212-225
Study Unit 15: Present Perfect Progressive, pp. 226-237
Week 13
Study Unit 19: Past Perfect, pp. 272-283
TEST # 4 on Units 13, 14, 15, & 19
Week 14
Study Unit 25, pp. 362-381 (NOTE: work on each Focus
point in the following order: Focus 4, then “Opening Task,”
pp. 362-362 & Focus 1, then Focus 5, & finally Focus 2 )
Week 15:
Option: Take-home quiz on Unit 25
Final Oral Interviews
Review for the Final Grammar Exam
Week 16:
Final Exam Saturday, December 15