Undergraduate Academic Council Meeting Date: Monday, March 6, 2006, 9:30-10:54 AM. Present: Scott Barclay, Seth Chaiken, Richard Collier, Robert Gibson, Anne Hildreth, Carolyn Malloch, Lisa Trubitt, Daniel Truchan, Guest: Sue Phillips Chair’s Report: Due to a prior commitment by Chair Abraham, Lisa Trubitt chaired today’s meeting. Minutes: Minutes from the February 13, 2006 meeting were reviewed and corrections acknowledged. Approval will be requested in next week’s meeting. Faculty-Initiated Interdisciplinary Major in Document Studies: Lisa informed the Council that the Interdisciplinary Studies subcommittee reviewed the proposal. The academic portion was approved, but the committee expressed concerns for technology resources. All participating departments have some of the necessary machines and programs required for completing course work in the program. The committee wondered whether there was a common baseline of equipment across participating departments and whether there were enough technology resources for students to complete assignments in a timely manner. The proposal relied on additional resources from the Interactive Media Center (IMC) but the Library did not review the proposal. The committee asked that the Library be consulted and indicate their support for the program. Dick Collier provided an e-mail response from Gerry Zahavi in answer to the Council’s questions. Modest support has already been obtained from the IMC and CETL (CETL was not mentioned in the proposal). There has already been considerable discussion between the participating departments regarding technology resources. Work is in progress to secure workstations and develop a fundraising strategy. Zahavi indicated he would get letters of support from the Library as requested by the committee. It was further noted that the program was stated as an initiative in the Compact Planning process and if approved, additional resources may be made available. The Council approved the academic portion of the proposal. Faculty-Initiated Major in Globalization: The Interdisciplinary Studies subcommittee approved the proposal but suggested considering the addition of SPH 321-Global Environmental Issues and Their Effect on Human Health. Council expressed concern that students be informed of the major’s academic home in any given year and when it will be moved to another department. Both Sociology and Political Science signed off on the proposal. Some members of the Council wanted time to review the proposal in more detail. The proposal was tabled and will be revisited in a future meeting. UAC Minutes, 3/6/06 Page 2 of 2 Deactivating the Geology Major: The proposal was tabled for further review by Council members. Proposed Minor in Public Health: The Interdisciplinary Studies subcommittee approved the proposal. A member suggested that the Gen Ed committee review the proposal regarding courses that might meet gen ed requirements. She also agreed to review the guidelines for the natural sciences. There was discussion regarding the inclusion of additional natural science courses. The majority of courses will be offered on the main campus and the School is seeking office space in order to create a presence on the podium. Council passed the proposal. Proposal to Reduce Labs Required for Biology BS/BA Degree: Dick will ask the department for additional information regarding resources. The Council’s motion is to refer the issue to UPC. BA/MA in Sociology/Public Affairs & Policy, BA in French Studies/MBA, BA in Italian Studies/MBA: Dick mentioned that the Curriculum and Honors subcommittee is reviewing the proposed BA/MA in Sociology/Public Affairs and Policy, BA in French Studies/MBA (5 years), and the BA in Italian Studies/MBA (5 years) Information Science Minor: Peter Bloniarz informed Dick that he plans to submit the regular information science minor shortly. Geological Science: The Curriculum and Honors subcommittee will review the proposal. It will be presented to the executive committee. Dick mentioned he plans to speak with Carolyn McDonald today regarding the status for Geo Sciences’ proposal. Next Meeting: The next Undergraduate Academic Council meeting will be held Monday, 3/13/05, 9:30 AM, LC-31. Minutes Taken: Notes taken by Joanne Baronner, Undergraduate Studies.