Undergraduate Academic Council

Undergraduate Academic Council
Meeting Date:
Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 12:00 Noon-12:56 PM.
Scott Barclay, Maria Brown, Ivan Edelson, Susanna Fessler, Carolyn Malloch, John Monfasani,
Karin Reinhold, Dan Smith, Lisa Trubitt, Daniel Truchan, Guests: Sue Phillips, Greg Stevens
Minutes from the February 6, 2007 meeting was reviewed and corrections acknowledged. Those
minutes, with required updates, were approved.
Undergraduate Bulletin Wording Change for UNI Courses:
The Chair mentioned that UAC never voted on updated wording for UNI courses and distributed the
changes approved in the Executive Committee. Areas underline below are the suggested changed
U Uni 150 Selected Interdisciplinary Topics (1-4, as approved)
Experimental class, the subject varying with instructors and the term offered. Course is designed to present a large
body of information without expecting a mastery of detail (e.g., as in a survey course) or to present general
theoretical or methodological approaches (e.g., as in a foundations course). See special announcements of courses
to be offered under this heading. May be repeated when content differs. Prerequisite(s): Topic must be approved
by the Interdisciplinary Studies Committee of the Undergraduate Academic Council and reported to the UAC; the
topic must also be approved by the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education; permission of instructor is required
to register for the class. Approval is for one semester only; a faculty member wishing to offer the course again
through U Uni 150 must reapply to the Interdisciplinary Studies Committee.
U Uni 350 Selected Interdisciplinary Topics (1-4, as approved)
Experimental class, the subject varying with instructors and the term offered. Course content should be bey ond the
introductory or survey level and the course should require prior academic achievement and/or experience related to
the topic. See special announcements of courses to be offered under this heading. May be repeated when content
differs. Prerequisite(s): Topic must be approved by the Interdisciplinary Studies Committee of the Undergraduate
Academic Council and reported to the UAC; the topic must also be approved by the Vice Provost for
Undergraduate Education; permission of instructor is required to register for the class. Approval is for one
semester only; a faculty member wishing to offer the course again through U Uni 350 must reapply to the
Interdisciplinary Studies Committee.
The Chair mentioned that an experimental class could result in a standard course without
governance review if prior permission were not obtained from the Interdisciplinary Studies
Committee. He noted that topic courses are supposed to be reviewed by departments but that
interdisciplinary UNI courses by definition do not fall under the purview of any department and
consequently need some faculty governance body to act as the reviewing body.
It was suggested that “one semester only” be changed to “one academic year”. Due to tight time
frames, the academic year phrasing would ensure all courses are included in the schedule of classes.
Although the Chair will need to return to the Executive Committee to discuss and obtain mutual
agreement with the “academic year” wording, the Council voted and approved the word change.
The Council was reminded that topic courses are not included in the Undergraduate Bulletin.
The Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education was unable to attend today’s meeting. The Council
voted and approved tabling the Undergraduate Bulletin word changes for UNI courses until Vice
Provost Faerman can attend and engage in the discussion.
UAC Minutes, 2/27/07
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Policy Change for Accounting Majors:
The School of Business is proposing the following for some of their accounting students: “Bulletin
year changes need to be made for some Accounting Students who will be graduating Spring 2009 or
later. This will be necessary so that those students, regardless of their university matriculation date
will have audits that correctly reflect new requirements needed for CPA Exam eligibility.”
Recently changed CPA eligibility rules will affect (a) transfer students and freshmen students
admitted Fall 2005, Spring 2006, Fall 2006, and Spring 2007; and (b) students graduating Spring
2009 and thereafter. Program requirements are based on year of matriculation. It will be necessary
to adjust the bulletin year for these students to provide audits reflecting the correct program
requirements needed for graduation. It was emphasized that this is a one time exception.
Council members questioned what changes will occur for the accounting students. Maria Brown
mentioned credits will be lowered from 60 to 54, accounting students will now be allowed to take
business courses, etc. Since the School of Business is requesting approval as soon as possible, Sue
Maloney will be invited to the next meeting so she may describe the complete impact this change
will have on accounting students. The Council voted to table a vote until next week after Sue
Maloney answers Council members’ inquiries.
S/U Option:
Maria Brown discussed handouts showing examples of undergraduate S/U option grading for
students in fall 2006. Statistics included grade base, class number, subject, catalogue, grade, and
academic plan. She mentioned the only place where the S/U option is restricted is in the degree
audit. A member questioned whether People Soft could include a restriction for the S/U option.
The software for People Soft will not allow that type of change. A common recurring problem is
when seniors register for an S/U grade, obtain a C- or below, and then are not eligible for
graduation. Choosing an S/U option shows up on a student’s DARS audit as a pound sign.
Restriction of Admission Follow-Up Answer:
The Chair provided a follow-up answer to a previous inquiry on whether other colleges, as opposed
to departments, could also restrict enrollment as the School of Business is presently doing.
Registrar Bob Gibson provided the following answer. “The UAC policy provides for process to
restrict admission to majors, and is not by schools/colleges. Current policy restricts admission to
majors of Accounting and Business Administration. It just so happens those are the only two
undergraduate majors in the School of Business.”
Next Meeting:
The next Undergraduate Academic Council meeting will be held Tuesday, 3/6/07, 12:00 Noon,
Minutes Taken:
Notes taken by Joanne Baronner, Undergraduate Education.