September 28, 2007

2007-08 Council on Libraries, Information Systems and Computing (LISC)
September 28, 2007
Attendance: Lawrence Raffalovich (chair), Christine Haile, Debra Dickerson (support
staff), Frank D’Andraia, George Berg, Victoria von Arx, Edmee Hernandez, Antun
Milas, Carol H. Jewell, Carolyn Malloch, Martin Manjak, Fan Pen Chen, Sairam
I. Call to Order
II. Introductions were made around the table.
III. Reports
A. Report from the Chair
Larry reported on the LISC Accomplishments for 2006. He inquired as to the status
of the “e-mail as a means of communication,” which made it through the Senate last
year. Chris Haile reported that the document remains unsigned by the Officer-inCharge. Chris explained that the Language signed by President Hall in 2005 still
stands, but it was the proposed changes to the bill that has not been approved.
B. Report from the Chief Information Officer (Haile)
Residence Halls
ITS has contracted the technical management of Resnet to Apogee Networks, Inc. As
part of this program, the network infrastructure has been upgraded and wireless has
been added to each quad. There is a full-time network technician on-site and students
have access to 24X7 phone support from Apogee. With Apogee addressing Resnet
issues, the ITS Helpdesk is now focused on helping students with academic IT
Information Commons, phase II
The Libraries and ITS are pleased to announce the opening of the Information
Commons in the Main (160 PCs) and Dewey (15 PCs) libraries. In addition, the IC in
the Science Library has been expanded to 109 PCs. For the first time, all PCs have a
common “image” of software. There are spaces for students to bring their laptops,
wireless access and group study. Library reference and ITS technical staff will both
be present to assist students.
Classrooms and other public PCs
ITS assumed responsibility for all Registrar-scheduled classrooms as of 1/1/07. For
the first time, all classrooms, in addition to the IC locations and user rooms on the
Downtown and East campuses, have the common software image. This image
consists of 101 different software products: 51 that are faculty-supplied and 50 that
LISC Minutes
September 28, 2007
are ITS-supplied. New software products added by ITS include End Note, Office
2007 and Adobe Creative Suite. The LC3 user room is closed; its redesign will be
reviewed by the Classroom committee this fall.
In total, there are 660 public and classroom-based PCs with a common software
image. This puts the campus closer to a goal of a Teach Anywhere/Learn Anywhere
Also, ITS staff is working on many priority items for this year. Some key items
 Working with Finance and Business on SUNYCard.
 Migration of Core Management System.
 Upgrade of PeopleSoft to go live July 25, 2008, including changes to
MyUAlbany portal.
 Phase I Kickoff for Digital Imaging
Potential Policy Issues for LISC:
 Management of Electronic Files and Online Storage
 Establishing a task force to examine how the University should
approach (working with archivist, counsel, IT, research, president’s
office). No active discussion has occurred regarding life cycles for
students and alumni.
 Developing framework and tools to be able to do analysis of the
records and make wise decisions of disposal and/or retainment.
C. Report from Director of Libraries: D’Andraia
1. Web Pages: First impressions are important and the new library web pages are
now operational. The new pages are a vast improvement over our previous efforts
and the new pages provide our users with easy to use screens that have a
contemporary look and feel.
2. Information Commons (IC): A second information commons, similar in
scope and appearance to the commons established in the Science Library in 2006 is
now open in ULib (1st Floor, wing adjacent to reference). This joint ITS Libraries
collaboration features about 160 new computers, tables and chairs. ITS personnel
and Library faculty will be available to assist students.
3. Operating Hours: Students have been making use of our expanded operating
hours (effective October 1 ULib remain open to 3AM). The new information
commons housed in the University Library has been popular. The surge period (for
now) appears to be between the hours of 11am and 2pm. This may change. Use of
the Info Commons at the SciLib continues to rise. The Libraries are monitoring use
at all locations. To assist students, the Libraries/ITS have installed new software
LISC Minutes
September 28, 2007
that allows students to quickly identify where unoccupied computers may be found
in Dewey, ULib, and SciLib.
4. More Power Outlets: In response to student demand, more electrical outlets
are now available in ULib, providing users with several convenient locations from
which to power up personal lap tops; Also, more circulating lap tops were acquired
for student use;
5. Expanded Software: All computers in all libraries now have the same
common software suites available and software has been enhanced and up-dated (i.e.
EndNote now available);
6. New Entry: An entry from the Podium directly into the Science Library (1st
Floor) is expected to be completed during the fall semester;
7. Succession planning: The Libraries shall have an increasing number of
retirements in the next 5-7 years. Working with ARL, UA has begun to host a
series of management institutes for middle managers. Eight-two librarians from
across the US and Canada applied to attend the three day basic course. The institute
is designed to strengthen middle manager skill sets, provides an opportunity to
develop networks and builds on corps competencies. The institute also lets us
showcase Albany. Of the 82 academic librarians who attended, 22 were from SUNY
Schools (including eleven from UA) the series will continue next year.
LISC Minutes
September 28, 2007
1. Dubious distinction, the Association of Research Libraries has informed me that
the UA Libraries’ national ranking has dropped from 95 to 109 (out of 113
research universities ranked). The new matrix is based on total budget. USB’s
position improved, for it is now ranked 95. UB also did well, moving to 62. The
rankings may be found in - The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2007–8 Almanac,
vol. 54, no. 1, on page 34.
2. Improved Access: Online catalog (Minerva) has been up-dated and here are
some of the highlights:
 Browse Search and Keyword Search boxes have been collapsed into one
search box;
 Frequently used Search Options "Full Catalog," "Journals," "Reserves,"
"Gov't Docs," have been placed in handy tabs in the middle of the page.
 Additional tab "Other Libraries" gives access to local and SUNY online
3. Development: The Class of 1957 has now given in gifts and pledges over
$63,000 to the libraries. Their initial goal was $25,000! The endowment created by
the class supports acquisitions.
4. School of Criminal Justice and the Libraries are working on securing primary
source material on the death penalty currently owned by a distinguished collector
living in Alabama.
5. Additional Resources: During the fall semester the Libraries will begin
consulting with faculty to select new e-resources (Selective Investment: $135,000 Scholarly Digital Commons). Also, a new library endowment in support of materials
for the Social Sciences ($100,000) has been established;
Policy Issues: Circulation Privileges for non-UA Students and Faculty (next
semester) What type of privileges should be given? We should become more
“cognizant” of our overseas alumni.
IV. Old Business
Need to find out the status of the e-mail policy.
V. New Business
A Library and IT Usage Policy Committee need to be established. The
committee was asked to think about members and let Larry know via e-mail.
Note: The “chair” of the committees has to be a member of the Council.
There being no further business, the Committee adjourned at 4:30 p.m.