December 11, 2012

2012-13 Council on Libraries, Information Systems and Computing (LISC)
December 11, 2012
3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Attendance: Elizabeth Gaffney, Chair; Jean Guyon; Evgeny Dikarev; Eliot Rich; Bill
Ziman; Cary Gouldin; Mark Wolf; Debra Dickerson; Mary Casserly; Christine Haile; John
1. Report from the Chair: Elizabeth Gaffney
Elizabeth welcomed the student representative, Cary Gouldin, to LISC.
The November 6, 2012 minutes were unanimously approved, with one change
2. Report from the CIO – Christine Haile
Chris spoke on the IT Strategic Report which was distributed to the Committee on
November 6. The Report was distributed to the campus community via email, and
hard copies were distributed to UAlbany leadership and governance constituencies.
A question arose as to what Chris hoped to accomplish in the future. A couple of
items Chris would like to see are more programs on mobile friendly devices and
addressing the issues of the aged infrastructures that face some of the classrooms
(i.e., wifi coverage in LC’s).
Elizabeth complimented Chris and her staff on well-written language in the report,
making it much easier for the average person to understand.
3. Dean of Libraries – Mary Casserly
As has been the practice for the past few years, the University Library’s hours have
been extended during the final exam period. This means that starting at 8:00am on
this past Friday, December 7th, the University Library will be open 24-hours a day,
five days a week, only closing at 1:00am on weekends. The Science Library will
remain open until 1:00am Sunday–Thursday. A blast e-mail was sent out to all
students about this.
Student Advisory Board – The first meeting of this board took place on December
6th at 6:00PM. Ten of the 15 members attended. The charge of this Board is to
advise the LPG on matters related to services to students. The agenda items for the
first meeting included getting the members’ opinions on various library services and
ideas about marketing library collections and services. The meeting was very
productive – the students gave excellent feedback and ideas for how to market and
promote library services.
LISC Meeting
December 11, 2012
Gregory Maguire Papers donated to Special Collections– On November 20th the
University held a well- attended press conference to announce this gift. There was a
lot of local press coverage, and the story was picked up by the Associated Press. It
also ran in the Wall Street Journal online, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, the Palm
Beach Post, and the Houston Chronicle.
Planning Workshop – On November 14th the library faculty held a planning
workshop. The purpose of this was to review the progress on some of the priorities
that had been established in the summer of 2011. Some very interesting and
valuable feedback was received, and the library faculty are now in the process of
putting it all together into a cohesive document for planning purposes for FY2014
and FY2015.
4. Reports from Initial Committee Meetings
Eliot Rich was nominated as Chair of the IT Committee. The IT Committee has not
met yet as a group other than to elect a Chair.
John Delano was elected Chair of the Library Committee. The committee discussed
the Faculty/Library Guide (found on the Library’s website). They will meet again in
the spring to discuss the Library budget.
5. Discussion of Responsible Use Policy
Elizabeth met with Andi Lyons to discuss whether LISC should be making policy or
advising. The conclusion was that LISC could help develop, advise and monitor
policies, but it is not appropriate for LISC to make policy. Elizabeth handed out a
draft of a resolution to go to the Senate in support of the Responsible Use Policy and
asked for any comments from the Committee. A few suggestions were made to the
wording, and a motion was made and seconded to forward to the Senate. Andi also
asked that an addendum be added to the resolution with a history of the policy.
Elizabeth will prepare the final resolution and appropriate addendum and email to
the Committee.
6. Meeting Times for Next Semester
The Committee decided to meet on Mondays from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. The dates are
as follows: February 4, March 4, April 1, and May 6. The Tuesday, January 8 th
meeting is still tentative.
7. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:50 p.m.
LISC Meeting
December 11, 2012