October 28, 2013

2013-14 Council on Libraries, Information Systems and Computing (LISC)
October 28, 2013
3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Attendance: Elizabeth Gaffney, Chair; Evgeny Dikarev; Debra Dickerson; Mary
Casserly; John Delano; Kimberly Van Orman; Susanna Fessler; Rem Davis;
Dave Mamorella; Eliot Rich. Guest: Carole Sweeton, ITS Client Support
1. Approval of Minutes
The September 23rd minutes were unanimously approved, as amended.
2. Report from Dean of Libraries – Mary Casserly
Associate Director for Public Services
The Search Committee is bringing in 4 candidates for this position, which was
vacated when Mary Jane Brustman retired this summer. The individual in this
position oversees reference services, information literacy instruction,
circulation services, reserves, interlibrary loan, and the information commons.
The candidates have been asked to give short presentations which will be
followed by questions. They will be presenting at 2:30 on November 14, 18,
21 and 25 in the Cobb Room. Anyone interested in attending, please contact
Mary and she will share the candidates’ CVs.
Circulation Services
In response to a suggestion by the Library’s Student Advisory Board, receipts
will no longer be printed out when a book is returned. A receipt will be issued
when a book is checked out, as that receipt has the due date on it. You can
check My Library Account to see the status of the books that have been
checked out and returned. In addition, no receipts for interlibrary loans will be
printed, either at the point of check-out or return because these books have
the due date on the sleeve on the front cover of the book. The self-checkout
machine has been moved to a more prominent location near the circulation
desk and the staff are working to promote its use. A person is stationed at the
desk to help with any problems.
There was a rocky roll out with the integration of Blackboard and the Libraries’
electronic reserves system; however, the glitch has been fixed and things
seem to be running well now.
LISC Meeting
October 28, 2013
University Libraries and the Center for Distance Learning at Empire State
College are collaborating on a new Massive Open Online Course on
Metaliteracy. Metaliteracy is information literacy set in the social media
environment. It acknowledges that learners need to know how to search and
retrieve information but goes beyond that to empower them to produce and
share information online. The MOOC is free and open to the public. Some of
those enrolled are doing so as part of classes offered at Empire and at UA;
others are information professionals. Currently, this MOOC has about 500
followers. If you want to know more please go to the Metaliteracy Mooc
homepage: http://metaliteracy.cdlprojects.com/.
Mary acknowledged that John Delano did a “MOOC” session today (October
28) that was very interesting.
3. Committee Assignments – Elizabeth Gaffney
The Information Technology Usage Policy Committee is short one
teaching/faculty member. Members include: Christine Haile, Ex Officio, Eliot
Rich, Nancy Poehlman, Rem Davis and Susanna Fessler. Eliot Rich will
convene a meeting to elect a chair once an additional member has been
The Library Committee also needs additional members. Current members
include: Mary Casserly, Ex Officio, Evgeny Dikarev, John Delano, Dave
Mamorella and Elizabeth Gaffney. Elizabeth will convene a meeting to elect a
4. Future Agenda Items
Elizabeth asked Mary if the Library Committee should take up the data backup requirements as a topic for discussion at an upcoming meeting. Mary
remarked that it should be postponed until the spring. Elizabeth agreed and
Mary will speak to Chris Haile on this topic before reaching out to Jim Dias.
Elizabeth will reach out to Brian Macherone to contribute to the discussion on
data back up since this is a Research IT issue in some ways, and Brian could
be a valuable contributor to the discussion.
Elizabeth also added that the Senate is asking all of the committees to look at
their respective Charters to see if it is current, etc. This is another pending
agenda item.
LISC Meeting
October 28, 2013
5. Computer Upgrade Issues in the Classroom- Carole Sweeton
Carole addressed the software imaging process. The ITS Systems group
works on the image, and Client Support Services performs the testing. At the
end of the semester, the machines are reimaged. This process is laborintensive and not fool proof. Semesters do not really end anymore. In
August, classrooms are full and scheduling time to get in and reimage
becomes a problem due to time constraints. Susan Fessler stated that the
language bar had disappeared, as well as the languages she used in her
classroom. She asked if there was a solution to make this process better.
Carole said that they encourage the faculty to test the software before the
semester begins. CSS needs help testing and help from the faculty would
increase the likelihood of detecting problems. Carole can look at logs to see
what software is being accessed by faculty. CSS does not install the image in
departments or labs, only registrar-scheduled classrooms. Eliot stated that
the bigger problem for him was the introduction to Office 2013 and the timing
of ordering textbooks. Communicating upgrades to faculty ahead of time
would be beneficial. Eliot also stated they he would need one and a half
semesters lead time to know what the imprint will look like. Susanna added
that faculty machines and classroom machines should have the same
upgrade. As soon as a new operating system is known, faculty should be
alerted as much as a year in advance. Carole stated that the campus will not
be upgrading to Windows 8 for a couple more years. Eliot asked that ITS
make clearer to faculty if an image is not going to carry over to the next
semester. Carole agreed that she could do that. Elizabeth asked how we
can make sure that people are paying attention and help faculty understand
the ramifications. A web page with classroom information would be helpful.
Carole stated there is a two-week window in the summer for imaging. She
and her staff are working more closely with the Registrar for scheduling free
classrooms. Susanna recommended asking interested faculty to be part of
the testing process to guarantee the software works, and Carole agreed.
Beginning in the spring semester, Eliot recommended that when the request
for software email goes out, tie it in to the opportunity for faculty to test the
Elizabeth thanked Carole and asked the committee to email Carole if there
were any questions.
6. Adjournment
Elizabeth asked the Committee to send any agenda items to her.
being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.