Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes 3-13 v3.docx

Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes
March 2013
Committee Members: Brenda Armentrout, Kimberley Balcos, Amy Bruining, Chris Burns,
Mick Campbell, Ken Collins, Kelly Demarte, Matt Geis, Fred Gore, Steve Gore, Tony Jones,
Mary-Margaret Kantor, William Kennedy, Courtney Kimball, Nancy Knight, Sandy Newnan,
Pat McDaniel, Steppen Murphy, Arlene Parrish, Keith Powell, Mike Putts, Cathey Ross, Doug
Short, Kathryn Wells, Pat West, Leesa Whicker, Linda White, Ron Williams.
Guests: Owen Sutkowski, Hugh Dussek
Curriculum Requests Reviewed and Approved
Course Revisions:
MEC 275, Engineering Mechanisms pre-requisite removal at the state level
MEC 270, Machine Design pre-requisite removal at the state level
Program of Study Requests:
Additions / Revisions to Programs of Study:
Mechatronics Engineering Technology (A403-50) Electrical Program of Study Request.
Mechanical Engineering (A40320) Program of Study Request.
Mechatronics Engineering Technology (A40350) Mechanical Program of Study Request.
Mechatronics Engineering Technology Certificate Specialization in Mechatronics
(C40350-C1 revisions.
Mechatronics Engineering Technology Certificate Specialization in Mechatronics
Engineering Pathway (C40350-C2) revisions.
Mechanical Engineering Technology Certificate (C40320-C2) revisions.
Mechanical Engineering Technology Certificate (C40320-C1) elimination.
Associate of Science Diploma (D10400) Program of Study Request to remove the
following courses from the AS Diploma core:
Humanities and Fine Arts
ART 117 Non-Western Art History
ASL 211/281 Intermediate Sign Language 1
ASL 212/282 Intermediate Sign Language 2
DAN 211 Dance History I
DAN 212 Dance History II
DRA 112 Literature of the Theatre
DRA 122 Oral Interpretation
FRE 211/281 Intermediate French I
FRE 212/282 Intermediate French II
GER 211/281 Intermediate German I
GER 212/282 Intermediate German II
PHI 215 Philosophical Issues
PHI 221 Western Philosophy II
PHI 240 Introduction to Ethics
REL 221 Religion in America
SPA 211/281 Intermediate Spanish I
SPA 212/282 Intermediate Spanish II
Mathematics & Quantitative Options
MAT 175 Pre-calculus
MAT 272 Calculus II
MAT 273 Calculus III
Social/Behavioral Sciences
ANT 220 Cultural Anthropology
ECO 151 Survey of Economics
Math/Natural Science Electives & Sequences
AST 151/AST151A General Astronomy I
AST 152/AST152A General Astronomy II
BIO 120 Introductory Botany
MAT 141 Mathematical Concepts
MAT 171 Pr Calc Algebra
MAT 172 Pr Calc Trig
MAT 175 Pre Calculus
MAT 272 Calculus II
MAT 273 Calculus III
MAT 280 Linear Algebra
PHY 251 General Physics I
PHY 252 General Physics II
Associate of Arts Diploma (D10100) Program of Study Request to remove the following
courses from the AA Diploma core:
Humanities and Fine Arts
ART 117 Non-Western Art History
ASL 211/281 Intermediate Sign Language 1
ASL 212/282 Intermediate Sign Language 2
DAN 211 Dance History I
DAN 212 Dance History II
DRA 112 Literature of the Theatre
DRA 122 Oral Interpretation
FRE 211/281 Intermediate French I
FRE 212/282 Intermediate French II
GER 211/281 Intermediate German I
GER 212/282 Intermediate German II
PHI 215 Philosophical Issues
PHI 221 Western Philosophy II
PHI 240 Introduction to Ethics
REL 221 Religion in America
SPA 211 Intermediate Spanish I
SPA 212 Intermediate Spanish II
Mathematics & Quantitative Options
MAT 141 Mathematical Concepts I
MAT 151 Statistics 1
MAT 162 College Trigonometry
MAT 165/165A Finite Mathematics
MAT 175 Pre-calculus
MAT 271 Calculus I
MAT 272 Calculus II
MAT 273 Calculus III
Social/Behavioral Sciences
ANT 220 Cultural Anthropology
ECO 151 Survey of Economics
Natural Science
AST 151/AST151A General Astronomy I
AST 152/AST152A General Astronomy II
BIO 120 Introductory Botany
BIO 140/140A Environmental Biology
CHM 135 Survey of Chemistry I
CHM 136 Survey of Chemistry II
GEL 111 Introductory Geology
PHY 251 General Physics I
PHY 252 General Physics II
Associate of Arts Program of Study request to remove the following pre-majors:
o Pre-Major in Art Education
o Pre-Major in English Education
Pre-Major in History
Pre-Major in Political Science
Pre-Major in Psychology
Pre-Major in Social Work
Pre-Major in Elementary Education
Pre-Major in Middle Grades & Special Education
Diploma Requests:
Concepts of Mechanical Design Diploma (D40320-D1) revisions.
Concepts of Manufacturing Support Diploma (D40320-D2) revisions.
Concepts of Basics of Manufacturing Diploma (D40320-D3) revisions.
Certificate Requests:
Mechatronics Engineering Technology Certificate Specialization in Mechatronics
(C40350-C1 revisions.
Mechatronics Engineering Technology Certificate Specialization in Mechatronics
Engineering Pathway (C40350-C2) revisions.
Mechanical Engineering Technology Certificate (C40320-C2) revisions.
Mechanical Engineering Technology Certificate (C40320-C1) elimination.