Committee Members : Brenda Armentrout, Kimberley Balcos, Amy Bruining, Debbie Brooks,
Mick Campbell, Ken Collins, Marcia Colson, Kelly Demarte, Matt Geis, Fred Gore, Steve Gore,
Martha Ingle, Mary-Margaret Kantor, William Kennedy, Courtney Kimball, Nancy Knight,
Lisa List, Pat McDaniel, Steppen Murphy, Sandy Newnan, Arlene Parrish, Keith Powell, Mike
Putts, Cathey Ross, Kathryn Wells, Pat West, Leesa Whicker, Linda White, Ron Williams.
Guests: Loretta Evivie, Hugh Dussek, Owen Sutkowski, Teresa Cronell and Catherine Holton
Program of Study Requests:
Additions / Revisions to Programs of Study:
Accounting (A25100) Program of Study request:
Add to technical electives :
ACC 270, International Accounting
BUS 110, Introduction to Business
BUS 240, Business Ethics
BUS 152, Human Relations
BUS 258, Compensation and Benefits
INT 115, Global Communications
INT 110, International Business
Remove from technical electives:
ACC 151, Accounting Spreadsheet Applications
BUS 210, Investment Analysis
DBA 112, Database Utilization
Move from Other Major Requirement and Add to technical electives:
BUS 225, Business Finance
Business Administration – Marketing and Retailing (A2512F) Program of Study request:
Add to Technical Electives:
BUS 240, Business Ethics
INT 115, Global Communications
BUS 152, Human Relations
BUS 234, Training & Development
Business Administration – International Business (A2512D) Program of Study request:
Add to Technical Electives:
BUS 240, Business Ethics
BUS 152, Human Relations
BUS 234, Training & Development
Business Administration – Human Resources Management (A2512C) Program of Study request:
Add to Technical Electives:
BUS 139, Entrepreneurship
BUS 240, Business Ethics
INT 115, Global Communications and Culture
MKT 232, Social Media Marketing
Business Administration (A25120) Program of Study request:
Add to Technical Electives:
INT 115, Global Communications
MKT 223, Customer Service
MKT 232, Social Media Marketing
INT 210, International Trade
Remove from Technical Electives :
BUS 210, Investment Analysis
Graphics Arts and Imaging Technology (A30180) Program of Study request:
Add to technical electives:
BUS 110, Introduction to Business
BUS 139, Entrepreneurship
MKT 120, Principles of Marketing
CIS 110, Introduction to Computers
Graphics Arts and Imaging Technology Flexography (A3018A) Program of Study request:
Add to technical electives:
BUS 110, Introduction to Business
BUS 139, Entrepreneurship
MKT 120, Principles of Marketing
CIS 110, Introduction to Computers
Criminal Justice Technology (A55180) Program of Study request to:
Move the CIS110 and Communications requirement to the “Other Major
Requirements”, required courses, and remove them from the General Education
Requirements of the curriculum.
Add to major elective requirement:
SOC220, Social Problems
PSY23, Forensic Psychology
PSY237, Social Psychology
Remove from major elective requirement:
SOC213 Sociology of the Family
PSY150 General Psychology
PSY241 Developmental Psychology
Reduce the number of technical elective credits needed from 28 to 21 credit hours.
Simulation and Game Development (A25450) Program of study request:
Add to technical electives:
WBL 111, Work-Based Learning I
WBL 112, Work-Based Learning II
Pharmacy Technology (A55280P) Program of Study request:
Add BIO 110, Principles of Biology, BIO 111, General Biology, BIO 112, General
Biology II, BIO 163, Basic Anatomy & Physiology and BIO 168, Anatomy &
Physiology I as either /or options for BIO 161, Introduction to Biology.
Advertising and Graphic Design (A30100) Program of Study request to add to their technical electives, list is attached.
Nursing (A45110) Program of Study request:
CIS 110, Introduction to Computers
Communications requirement.
ENG 114 to be required (instead of choice between ENG 112, 113, 114).
Associate in Fine Arts (A10200) Program of Study request to remove courses (see the attached list).
Electrical Engineering Technology (A40180) Program of Study request to meet CIP revisions.
Electronic Engineering Technology (A40200) Program of Study request to meet CIP revisions.
Computer Engineering Technology (A40160) Program of Study request to meet CIP revisions.
Mechanical Engineering (A40320) Program of Study request to allow students to select from the approved pic list for Behavioral & Social Science and Fine Arts & Humanities.
Fire Protection Technology (A55240) Program of Study changes to meet state CIP requirements.
Certificate Requests:
Additions / Revisions / Deletions:
Business Administration Certificate with a Specialization in Human Resources
Generalist (C2512-C1) request:
Add BUS 217, Employment Law as an either / or option for BUS 115, Business
Human Services Certificate with a Specialization in Working with at Risk Youth
C45380-C3 request:
Add HSE 242, Family Systems and PSY 150, General Psychology OR SOC 210,
Introduction to Sociology
Remove COE 111, Co-Op Work Experience and COE 115, Co-Op Work Experience
Business Administration – International Business Certificate with a Specialization in
International Business (C2512D-C1) request:
Add LOG 110, Introduction to Logistics as an either / or option for MKT 224,
International Marketing
Add INT 115, Global Communications and Culture as an either / or option for GEO
111, World Regional Geography
Construction Management Technology Certificate with a Specialization in—Entry
Level Estimating I (C35190-C3) request:
BUS 139, Entrepreneurship and BUS 230, Small Business Management as either/or options for ACC 120, Principles of Financial Accounting.
Mechanical Engineering Technology request to eliminate :
Mechanical Engineering Technology Certificate Specialization in Fundamentals of
Sustainability Technologies request to eliminate 2 certificates:
Sustainability Technologies Certificate Specialization in Environmental Engineering
Sustainability Technologies Certificate Specialization in Sustainable Manufacturing
Turfgrass Management Technology Certificate with a Specialization in Turfgrass
Management (C1520-C1) request to:
Remove HOR 164, Horticulture Pest Mgmt and HOR 215, Landscape Irrigation
Add TRF 240, Turfgrass Pest Control and TRF 120, Turfgrass Irrigation.
Diploma Requests
Additions / Revisions / Deletions:
Turfgrass Management Technology Diploma (D15240) request:
remove HOR 240, Turfgrass Pest Control and
add HOR 164, Horticulture Pest Management.
Mechanical Engineering Technology request to eliminate :
Mechanical Engineering Technology Diploma in Concepts of Mechanical Design
Mechanical Engineering Technology Diploma in Concepts of Manufacturing (D40320-
Mechanical Engineering Technology Diploma in Basics of Manufacturing (D40320-D3).
Ophthalmic Medical Assistant Diploma (D45510) Program of Study request:
Add to Major Requirements:
MED 121, Medical Terminology
Program of Study Requests:
Additions / Revisions to Programs of Study:
Associate of Arts (A10100) Program of Study request to realign the Gen Ed Core
Courses and remove the attached list of courses.
Associate of Science (A10400) Program of Study request to realign the Gen Ed Core
Courses and remove the attached list of courses.
Office Administration (A25370) Program of Study Request:
Add to technical electives:
COE 111, Co-op Work Experience I
SPA 120, Spanish for the Workplace
ACA 111, College Student Success
ACA 118, College Study Skills
ACA 120, Career Assessment
Office Administration Legal (A2537A) Program of Study Request:
Add to technical electives:
COE 111, Co-op Work Experience I
SPA 120, Spanish for the Workplace
ACA 111, College Student Success
ACA 118, College Study Skills
ACA 120, Career Assessment
Medical Office Administration (A25310) Program of Study Request:
Add to technical electives:
COE 111, Co-op Work Experience I
SPA 120, Spanish for the Workplace
ACA 111, College Student Success
ACA 118, College Study Skills
ACA 120, Career Assessment
Courses to be Removed from AA & AS Degrees
ART 275
AST 152
AST 152a
AST 251
BIO 120
BIO 140
BIO 140a
BIO 143
BIO 145
BIO 170
BIO 230
BIO 235
BIO 243
BIO 271
BIO 272
CHM 135
Course Prefix Course Name
ANT 220 Cultural Anthropology
ART 110
ART 113
Introduction to Art
Art Methods and Materials
ART 130
ART 140
ART 214
ART 222
Basic Drawing
Basic Painting
Portfolio and Resume
Wood Design I
ART 223
ART 245
ART 246
ART 250
ART 251
ART 252
ART 263
ART 274
Wood Design II
Metal I
Metals II
Surface Design: Textiles
Weaving I
Weaving II
Color Photography
Lettering Design
CHM 136
COM 160
COM 232
COM 251
COM 252
CSC 136
CSC 236
DAN 127
Intro to Commercial Art
General Astronomy II
General Astronomy II Lab
Observational Astronomy
Introductory Botany
Environmental Biology
Environmental Biology Lab
Field Biology Manicures
Introductory Microbiology
Marine Biology
Cardiopulmonary Biology
Survey of Chemistry I
Survey of Chemistry II
Small Group Communication
Election Rhetoric
Debate I
Debate II
Fortran Programming
Advanced Fortran Programming
Dance for Musical Theatre
DRA 230
DRA 231
DRA 240
DRA 241
DRA 243
DRA 245
DRA 250
DRA 251
DRA 260
DRA 275
DRA 276
EDU 216
EGR 213
EGR 218
EGR 219
EGR 225
EGR 230
DAN 128
DAN 129
DAN 211
DAN 212
DRA 112
DRA 122
DRA 124
DRA 128
DRA 143
DRA 147
DRA 150
DRA 151
DRA 160
DRA 175
DRA 176
ENG 133
FRE 120
HEA 120
HEA 140
HIS 114
HIS 115
HIS 116
HIS 117
HIS 121
HIS 122
HIS 124
Dance Sources I
Dance Sources II
Dance History I
Dance History II
Literature of the Theatre
Oral Interpretation
Readers Theatre
Children's Theatre
Costume Design
Sound Technology
Stage Management
Mechanics and Maintenance
Box Office and Publicity
Teleplay Production I
Teleplay Production II
Acting III
Acting IV
Lighting for the Theatre
Lighting Design
Scene Design
Drafting and Scenography
Theatre Management
Production Management
Teleplay Production III
Teleplay Production IV
Foundations of Education
Electric Circuits
Network Theory II
Instrumentation & Network Lab
Engineering Dynamics
Engineering Materials
Introduction to the Novel
French for the Workplace
Community Health
Health-Child Sexuality
Comparative World History
Intro to Global History
Current World Problems
History of Religions
Western Civilization I
Western Civilization II
Western Cultural History
MAT 280
MUS 133
MUS 134
MUS 137
MUS 138
MUS 170
MUS 175
MUS 176
MUS 211
MUS 212
MUS 214
MUS 215
MUS 217
MUS 233
MUS 234
MUS 237
MUS 238
HIS 153
HIS 161
HIS 163
HIS 164
HIS 167
HIS 211
HIS 212
HIS 213
HIS 214
HUM 110
HUM 220
HUM 230
MAT 141
MAT 141a
MAT 165
PED 110
PED 112
PED 114
PED 115
PED 116
PED 118
PED 119
PED 120
PED 123
PED 124
PED 125
Russian Cultural History
Science and Technology
The World Since 1945
History of Sports
The Vietnam War
Ancient History
Medieval History
Modern Europe to 1815
Modern Europe Since 1815
Technology and Society
Human Values and Meaning
Leadership Development
Mathematical Concepts I
Mathematical Concepts I lab
Finite Mathematics
Linear Algebra
Band I
Band II
Orchestra I
Orchestra II
Business of Music
Recording Techniques I
Recording Techniques II
History of Country Music
American Musical Theatre
Electronic Music I
Electronic Music II
Elementary Conducting
Band III
Band IV
Orchestra III
Orchestra IV
Fit and Well for Life
Physical Fitness II
Aerobics II
Step Aerobics I
Step Aerobics II
Weight Training II
Circuit Training
Walking for Fitness
Yoga II
Run, Swim, Cycle
Self Defense: Beginning
PED 143
PED 144
PED 145
PED 146
PED 147
PED 148
PED 149
PED 150
PED 151
PED 152
PED 153
PED 154
PED 155
PED 156
PED 158
PED 159
PED 160
PED 126
PED 129
PED 130
PED 131
PED 132
PED 133
PED 134
PED 135
PED 136
PED 137
PED 138
PED 139
PED 140
PED 141
PED 142
PED 161
PED 162
PED 164
PED 167
PED 172
PED 174
PED 175
PED 176
PED 177
PED 178
Self Defense: Intermediate
Golf Intermediate
Tennis - Beginning
Tennis - Intermediate
Racquetball - Beginning
Racquetball - Intermediate
Fencing - Beginning
Fencing - Intermediate
Bowling - Beginning
Bowling - Intermediate
Tumbling and Gymnastics
Lifetime Sports
Volleyball - Beginning
Volleyball - Intermediate
Basketball -Beginning
Basketball -Intermediate
Flag Football
Baseball - Beginning
Baseball - Intermediate
Swimming - Beginning
Swimming - Intermediate
Swimming for Fitness
Water Aerobics
Scuba Diving
Whitewater Rafting
Canoeing - Basic
Canoeing - Rivers
Kayaking - Whitewater
Sailing - Beginning
Sailing - Intermediate
Outdoor Living
Wilderness Pursuits
Horseback Riding I
Horseback Riding II
Ice Skating
In - Line Skating
PED 251
PED 252
PED 254
PED 255
PED 256
PED 257
PED 259
PED 260
PED 262
PED 270
PED 276
PHI 210
PHI 221
PHY 133
PHY 153
PHY 253
PHS 140
PED 179
PED 181
PED 182
PED 183
PED 184
PED 185
PED 186
PED 187
PED 188
PED 189
PED 210
PED 211
PED 220
PED 240
PED 250
POL 130
PSY 211
PSY 239
PSY 243
PSY 249
PSY 263
REL 112
REL 221
RUS 111
RUS 112
RUS 181
Roller Skating
Snow Skiing - Beginning
Snow Skiing - Intermediate
Folk Dancing
Square Dancing I
Square Dancing II
Dancing for Fitness
Social Dance - Beginning
Social Dance - Intermediate
Team Sports
New Games
Exer for Phys Challenged
Advanced PE Skills
Coaching Basketball
Coaching Football
Coaching Baseball
Coaching Soccer
Prev & Care Ath Injuries
Lifeguard Training
Water Safety Instructor
Canoeing Instructor
Sailing Instructor
History of Philosophy
Western Philosophy II
Physics-Sound & Light
Modern Topics in Physics
Modern Physics
Weather and Climate
State and Local Government
Psychology of Adjustment
Psychology of Personality
Child Psychology
Psychology of Aging
Educational Psychology
Western Religions
Religion in America
Elementary Russian I
Elementary Russian II
Russian Lab I
RUS 182
SOC 230
SOC 232
SOC 240
SOC 244
SOC 250
SOC 252
SOC 254
Russian Lab II
Race and Ethnic Relations
Social Context of Aging
Social Psychology
Soc of Death & Dying
Sociology of Religion
Sociology of Work
Rural and Urban Sociology