University Senate Governance Council April 23, 2007

University Senate
Governance Council
April 23, 2007
Reed Hoyt, Chair
Erin Bell, Scott Birge, Richard Collier, Edward Cupoli, Heather Horton,
Reed Hoyt, Sanjay Putrevu, R. Michael Range, Helen Strother
The Minutes of March 5, 2007 were approved.
Ray Bromley, Interim Vice Provost for International Education
Interim Vice Provost Bromley spoke about UAlbany strategic objectives for
internationalization and the mission of the Office of International Education to help the
University develop a Strategic Plan for Internationalization. He noted that a draft
document will be forwarded to Senate early next Spring with updates on the progress of
the mission. He would like to develop a process, or a council or committee of the
Senate, which could work together with the International Education Office.
Chair Hoyt reported that the Senate Executive Committee does support having
International Education working with one of the Senate’s councils on international issues,
and that the designated council should report to the Senate as a whole. Professor Range
suggested the council should report to the Senate Executive Committee, similar to that of
other subcommittees of the Senate Executive Committee. Such an addition would take a
Charter amendment.
Handbook on Council Chairs and Senate Officers: A draft sample of the handbook was
distributed and discussed.