Governance Council Tuesday, December 6, 2011 1:30 PM

Governance Council
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
1:30 PM
UNH 306
Andi Lyons, Chair
Present: Liang Chu, Cynthia Fox, Donald Keenan, Danielle Leonard, Andi Lyons, Patrick Nold,
Donna Scanlon, John Schmidt, Joette Stefl-Mabry, Daniel White
The meeting convened at 1:34 pm.
The minutes of November 22 were approved.
Chair Lyons informed GOV that she will be attending a meeting of the University Council on
Friday of this week. She will provide the Council with an overview of the assessment process that
is being developed, prefacing her presentation with the Middle States recommendations. The Chair
said she thought it would be possible to have the proposed Charter amendment addressing
assessments introduced at the first Senate meeting for next year. GOV discussed the timetable for
presenting it to the Executive Committee and having it forwarded to the Senate within the required
Senator White requested that Chair Lyons inform the Council that governance be involved in the
presidential search process. Chair Lyons said this would be a good time to start to consider people
that would represent teaching faculty. The faculty representatives need to be approved through
governance and would be voted on by the Senate. Chair Lyons suggested that the ballot be in order
to be presented for a vote at the February 6 meeting of the Senate.
Assessment Report:
Joette Stefl-Mabry distributed a draft of the proposed Charter amendment which calls for the
creation of the Council on Administrative Review and Evaluation (CARE). The draft provides
clarifications requested at the November meeting concerning composition and responsibilities of
the council and details about the evaluation committees. Ms. Stefl-Mabry referred to the
Guidelines and Procedures for CARE which provides further detail about the evaluations
committees. Today she asked for feedback on the amendment draft.
GOV members discussed whether composition should consist of tenured teaching faculty or
continuing appointment. They agreed that since there is a precedent in the Charter for tenured the
wording should reflect tenured.
Secretary Leonard referred to Section XII.7.3 of the amendment and inquired how the Committee
on Council Nominations would populate the evaluation committees. Ms. Stefl-Mabry said it would
be up to CARE to populate these and said the procedures are outlined in the guidelines.
GOV discussed the schedule for next semester and the timeline for presenting the amendment to
the Senate Executive Committee and introducing the amendment to the Senate at its first meeting
in February. Secretary Leonard referred to Section IX of the Charter which states the “Secretary
shall circulate the proposed amendment at least three weeks prior to the Senate meeting at which
the vote is scheduled.” In order for the amendment to be included on the SEC agenda for
consideration at its January 23 meeting, Chair Lyons suggested that Ms. Stefl-Mabry send the
amendment to GOV members electronically for review and feedback, including all supporting
documents. Ms. Stefl-Mabry agreed to do so and Chair Lyons asked GOV to submit their
responses electronically by December 20. Chair Lyons said she would contact Senate Chair
Fessler asking that this would be forwarded to the SEC for consideration at its January meeting.
Secretary Leonard agreed to contact Ms. Stefl-Mabry after reviewing the number of senators
available for populating CARE.
Secretary Leonard raised concerns about lack of consultation with administrators about the
proposal which may prevent it from moving forward. Chair Lyons reiterated that she would
mention it at the meeting of the University Council at the end of the week at which President Philip
and vice presidents are expected to attend. She also agreed to inform Provost Phillips before that
time. Chair Lyons asked Ms. Stefl-Mabry to reach out to the Director of Institutional Research,
Bruce Szelest. Although he will not be involved in the development she believed he should be part
of the process.
Apportionment of Senators
Due to time constraints, Secretary Leonard proposed that she would provide GOV members with
the updated statistical information on the distribution for senators by email and that GOV should
provide feedback by December 20. Secretary Leonard has concerns about the situation in
Rockefeller College that resulted from restructuring where a significant number of employees were
lost. This resulted in the College losing a seat but the School of Education gained a seat. She
asked that GOV members review the data and informed them that the information from last year
would be relevant in making comparisons.
Request to provide Selection Committee for promotions to Distinguished Teaching and
Distinguished Service Professor:
Chair Lyons received a request to provide names of individuals who can serve on the selection
committee for Distinguished Teaching and Distinguished Service Professor. The Chair needs to
respond to William Hedberg very soon since there are files pending for both the teaching and
service positions. Committee members serve three year terms and the request is to have members
come from a broad range of disciplines. GOV reviewed the current list DTPs and DSPs which has
dwindled due to faculty who are now retired or deceased. GOV members discussed and identified
potential members and Chair Lyons will submit those names to Mr. Hedberg.
The meeting adjourned at 3:11 pm.
Respectfully submitted by
Gail Cameron, Recorder