October 25, 2011

Governance Council
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
1:30 PM
UNH 306
Andi Lyons, Chair
Liang Chu, Cynthia Fox, Danielle Leonard, Andi Lyons, John Schmidt, Joette Stefl-Mabry,
Daniel White
The meeting convened at 1:37 pm.
Chair Lyons reported that GSO representative Giray Aksoy Cevat has a conflict with his class schedule and
will not be able to attend meetings during the fall term. Secretary Leonard suggested reaching out to him so
he understands the attendance policy.
Chair Lyons said that the agenda item under New Business concerning the status of UFS Senator Abraham
has been resolved. Senator Abraham is on leave from his position at the University having been elected to the
state-wide Vice President for Professionals of UUP. However, he will continue to attend Senate meetings and
serve out his term as UFS Senator which ends next year.
The minutes of September 27 were approved.
Assessment update by Joette Stefl-Mabry
Joette Stefl-Mabry reported that the Committee on Administrative Evaluations (CAE) met this morning and
had a productive meeting. As a result, the Committee proposed that a Charter amendment be introduced to
form a new Senate Council that would address evaluations of administrators and administrative units. The
committee discussed the formation of an oversight council that would be charged with periodic reviews of
administrators and administrative units. The oversight council would consist of 13 members -- 10 tenured
teaching faculty, at least one but not more than two professional faculty, and one each from the undergraduate
and graduate students. The membership would also include members from each of the campuses, at least four
senators, and at least one administrator to maintain transparency and balance. The council would be
populated from the list of people who sign up for senate service in the spring. John Schmidt added that the
oversight council would also include assessment committees which would have one year to complete work
assessing an administrator and then would disband so that a new membership would be in place for the
following year. He said reviews of administrative units would be on a fixed schedule, perhaps three to five
years. He also stressed the importance in obtaining administrative cooperation.
Chair Lyons recommended that there be at least 2 administrators on the assessment committee and said the
suggestions of the Committee might be presented to the President as tying into his initiative to consolidate
administrative duties. She suggested that this be done when the Senate officers meet with him in November.
After that discussion takes place, she said it could be presented to the Executive Committee. Ms. Stefl-Mabry
said she would like the momentum to continue and reminded GOV that the Middle States Report stated that
UAlbany should continue the assessment process for academics and include non-academic units as well. She
said she would like it to be a committee where people show willingness to take action.
Secretary Leonard discussed the timetable needed if an amendment were to be presented to the Senate by the
end of the year. She offered to work with Ms. Stefl-Mabry on those details. Secretary Leonard said that since
a discussion of percentage of the apportionment of senators will need to take place soon, GOV could consider
whether or not more senators would be needed to populate the committee.
Joette Stefl-Mabry said the committee is scheduled to meet again and will firm up its plans and
Committee on Council Nominations Representative:
Chair Lyons provided a handout showing the current membership of the committee. According to Section
X.1.5 of the Charter, a member of the Committee on Liaison and Elections needs to be elected to serve on
CCN. Joette Stefl-Mabry and Daniel White both volunteered but he later declined. GOV voted to approve
Ms. Stefl-Mabry’s appointment to the CCN.
Charter/Bylaws Revision Relating to Appointment of a Senate Parliamentarian:
Chair Lyons explained a discrepancy between the Bylaws and the Charter concerning the appointment of a
parliamentarian, which was brought to her attention by Senate Chair Fessler. The current language in the
Charter indicates the Senate Executive Committee may appoint a parliamentarian while the Bylaws state the
presiding officer may appoint a parliamentarian. This year, Chair Fessler contacted Albany Law School and
obtained a student with a background in parliamentary procedure who provides the Senate with someone who
is neutral and experienced.
To align the Charter and the Bylaws, Chair Lyons proposed that the language in the Charter be changed to
read that “the Chair of the Senate may appoint a parliamentarian.” GOV members agreed with the proposed
change and Chair Lyons asked for a motion to move the amendment to the SEC. The motion was made and
seconded and approved by a vote.
Populating UPPC’s Resource Analysis and Planning Committee:
The charge of populating a portion of the committee falls to GOV as outlined in Section X.2.9.2 of the
Charter. Additionally, three members from the Governance Council, two of whom are Senators, serve on the
GOV members discussed sources for populating the committee. Chair Lyons referred to the Strategic Plan
working groups as identified in a handout provided by Provost Phillips at Monday’s Senate meeting.
Secretary Leonard referred to the omnibus list of potential senate participants and said she would reach out to
both of the student group representatives for names. She said consideration should be given to other voices
outside the process for diverse input. Three other potential candidates were identified, and Cynthia Fox and
Daniel White agreed to contact the people who were named. Secretary Leonard agreed to send the omnibus
list to GOV and the discussion would be continued electronically.
Departure of Vice Provost for Enrollment Management Wayne Locust
Senator White inquired about the role of governance in the search process to replace Mr. Locust. He said we
need to indicate that we want to be involved. Chair Lyons said the assumption is that an interim appointment
would be made and then a search conducted, and agreed that governance should be part of the search.
Chair Lyons said that if there were no specific issues to come up prior to the November 8 meeting, it could be
cancelled. The November 22 meeting would take up the issue of apportionment of Senate Seats among the
school and colleges and would tie into the discussion on identifying what constitutes a unit. Secretary
Leonard will prepare a schedule of events related to spring elections.
The meeting adjourned at 2: 59 pm.
Respectfully submitted by
Gail Cameron, Recorder