Governance Council Monday, March 4, 2013 2:00PM UNH 306

Governance Council
Monday, March 4, 2013
UNH 306
Christine Wagner, Chair
Liang Chu, Anthony DeBlasi, Cynthia Fox, Yenisel Gulatee, Ann Kearney, John
Schmidt, Joette Stefl-Mabry, Christine Wagner, Benjamin Weaver, Daniel White
The meeting convened at 2:00 pm.
Provost’s Request: Advisory Committee for Transition in Undergraduate Education
Chair Wagner forwarded the names GOV recommended for the advisory committee. The committee is
charged with advising the provost in the selection process for a new vice provost for undergraduate
education. Provost Phillips has selected several of GOV’s recommendations. Daniel White asked if
there will be a report to the Senate on the process. Chair Wagner said it’s possible that any business
they conduct could be relayed to the Senate or perhaps Provost Phillips will include this in her reports to
the Senate. Since the committee is an advisory committee and not a search committee, the chair wasn’t
certain but said she would check with Provost Phillips about making the information available.
Provost’s Request: Course Assessment Advisory Committee
Provost Phillips would like to convene the committee. GOV recommended re-inviting members who
previously served, but recommended some updates for positions representing specific Senate Councils.
Chair Wagner has not heard from the provost about finalization of the committee.
Elections: conversations with Deans & CAS Faculty Council
Chair Wagner met with the CAS Faculty Council and they will elect 11 senators for next year. She also
spoke with the deans either by phone or in person to remind them to hold elections of senators for their
Schools and Colleges. Chair Wagner sent emails to those deans where there is no turnover in their
Senate membership.
The minutes of February 4 were approved with some revisions.
Update on CAIR
Joette Stefl-Mabry reported that Bruce Szelest will arrange a time to brief President Jones on the
amendment. Chair Wagner requested a follow up with Mr. Szelest to obtain the status on the
conversation. (Senator Stefl-Mabry contacted Mr. Szelest by email at the end of this conversation. She
reported his response later in the meeting which stated he will meet with President Jones next week and
hopes to provide a report shortly after that time.)
Bylaws Amendment
Chair Wagner discussed the timetable and process for distributing the amendment prior to the spring
faculty meeting. The amendment addresses the issue of submitting items for the Senate agenda. She
suggested a distribution date of March 25 after the Senate meeting on that day. Once the final date for
the faculty meeting is set, the distribution date will be confirmed.
Nomination slate for at-large Senators
Chair Wagner reviewed the section of the Bylaws that outlines GOV’s duties as they relate to the
election. In addition to holding the senator-at-large elections, an election needs to be held for UAS
board members. GOV will produce a preliminary slate of candidates for each vacant position and
publish the slate four weeks prior to the elections and eight weeks before the end of the semester.
Secretary Gulatee has arranged for the elections to be held during April 1-5. Once the preliminary slate
is sent, self-nominations need to be submitted two weeks in advance of the elections.
GOV discussed the slates for open and professional at-large seats. Nominations were made and separate
motions were made and seconded to approve each slate. Each of the slates was approved unanimously
by separate votes. GOV then discussed the nominations for SUNY senators. After the nominations
were made, a motion to approve them was made and seconded. The slate for SUNY senators was
approved by a vote. Both of the part-time at large seats will be need to be filled. While there are four
nominees, three nominees have been confirmed to agree to run. Chair Wagner will contact the other
nominee. A motion was made and seconded to approve the part-time slate and it was approved by a
Slate for UAS Board
Chair Wagner spoke with UAS Board Secretary Candace Merbler about appointment of the board
members. Article II, Section 1 of the UAS Bylaws states in part:
“The Board members from the Faculty section shall be: four (4) members of the Faculty
of the University at Albany, to be appointed by the Faculty Senate Committee on
Nominations and Elections.”
Secretary Merbler informed Chair Wagner that traditionally names go out to the full faculty for a vote.
Chair Wagner said she would speak to the board president to obtain information about what the board does
and then will request nominations by email.
Request for Consultation from President Jones
The President’s Office has made a confidential request for recommendations for a search committee.
The committee will conduct a search for the position of Vice President for Finance and Business. GOV
is being asked to put forward six names representing the faculty from which the president will select two
or three names. GOV reviewed a list of names already suggested and noted that it lacked female
representation. Chair Wagner also suggested it would be prudent to have people from disciplines as
they relate to the position. GOV provided additional names to produce a list of six. A motion to
forward the names to the president was made and seconded, and approved by a vote.
Proposed Bylaws Amendment(s)
Chair Wagner had requested GOV members to review the Bylaws for additional changes and
clarifications. Senator Stefl-Mabry brought an additional item, Article II, Section 2.3.2 concerning the
number of senators in the School of Public Health. GOV has had discussion concerning the matter in
the past without resolution. Chair Wagner added that she and Secretary Gulatee have detected other
matters concerning language clarification and other housekeeping matters. Senator DeBlasi stressed
keeping the housekeeping matters separate from the more significant issues as discussed at previous
meetings. Chair Wagner suggested the possibility of putting forth the housekeeping items in the fall but
going forth with the amendment in the spring.
GOV discussed the logistics of having a quorum present at the faculty meeting to conduct the vote as
well as who would receive a ballot. Members discussed the pros and cons of presenting the amendment
to the Senate before it goes for a full vote and the possibility of conducting the vote electronically. In
order to get full faculty participation, it might be possible to conduct it over a two week period with
reminders going out regularly to encourage people to vote. Chair Wagner and Secretary Gulatee will
inquire about setting up the vote in PeopleSoft.
The next meeting is scheduled for March 18 during spring break. Chair Wagner said she would leave it
on the calendar for now but may cancel as we get closer to the date.
The meeting adjourned at 3:44 pm.
Respectfully submitted by
Gail Cameron, Recorder