Governance Council Monday, September 23, 2013 11:30AM UNH 306 Joette Stefl-Mabry, Chair Minutes Present: Liang Chu, Saurav Dutta, Cynthia Fox, Caitlin Janiszewski, Ann Kearney, Helene Scheck, John Schmidt, Joette Stefl-Mabry The meeting convened at 11:34 am. CHAIR’S REPORT Chair Stefl-Mabry reported the list of recommendations developed by GOV for the Campus Advisory Committee (CAC) was forwarded to President Jones on Friday, September 13. The chair said she appreciated everyone’s effort to accomplish the task through email. We await the president’s selection of 51% of the names submitted. At this point, Chair Stefl-Mabry deferred to GSA President, Caitlin Janiszewski who stated a need for student involvement with the CAC. Senator Janiszewski sent a letter to President Jones requesting student involvement. Her preference would be for the student leaders, herself and Student Association President Francis Agyemang to be the student representative. If Senator Agyemang is unable to serve, then his designee should be included. Senator Janiszewski received a response from President Jones that he welcomed their interest and Provost Phillips would pursue their input. Chair Stefl-Mabry said once the response to the recommendations is received from President Jones, GOV could respond accordingly by requesting student representation if they are not included in the final list. Senator Janiszewski accepted the offer to be included. Request: For Governance to Create an Ad Hoc Committee to Examine the Larger Issues of Senate Changes Regarding the Resignation of CNSE Senators and Council Members: Chair Stefl-Mabry discussed the request from the Senate Executive Committee. The charge of the committee is yet to be identified but considerations will need to be made for both the short and long term. There are no issues for councils this year since the memberships have been replenished and they will be able to continue their work. Chair Stefl-Mabry said the numbers of members has not yet been discerned but she requested volunteers from GOV. Senator Janiszewski voiced concerns of a potential mandate being handed down to CNSE students forcing them to resign from councils. She asked if the faculty situation would set a precedent for the student representatives. There was no consensus at this time on how student representatives would be affected. Chair Stefl-Mabry said the workload with the committee could be heavy at times. Senators Janiszewski, Kearney and Scheck volunteered for the committee work UUP and conflict issues regarding the membership of the Council on Promotions and Continuing Appointments Chair Stefl-Mabry reviewed the issue in which UUP has stated that the Senate is in violation of UUP’s contract by having professional faculty and student representatives as members of CPCA. Chair SteflMabry and Senate Chair Wagner have met with UUP representatives who will be drafting a letter for governance’s response. Once we have received their written statement, GOV will need to consider how to amend the situation for the current year and eventually amending the Charter. She advised GOV members to check their emails for an update on the issue. SEC’s request: nominations for new senator at-large The matter was discussed under New Business. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion to approve the minutes of September 9 was made and seconded. Chair Stefl-Mabry asked GOV members to consider whether, for purposes of transparency, the emails that had circulated concerning the recommendations for the Campus Advisory Committee should be part of the minutes. GOV members discussed the matter and did not feel they should be included in the minutes but should be maintained to show the process was rigorous. The minutes were approved as written with one abstention. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Diana Mancini’s Request: Committee on Campus Security: The request is for a recommendation of two representatives to serve on the committee. Chair SteflMabry said she did not believe the committee would be tasked heavily. She said typically the group meets once a month with much of the business being conducted electronically. GOV members reviewed the omnibus list for names of those who were not placed on a council this past spring and considered faculty who may need to meet service requirements. Two recommendations were made and a motion was made to close the nomination process. A motion was then made and seconded to approve the minutes, and they were approved by a vote. NEW BUSINESS Nomination Slate for New Senator At-Large: Chair Stefl-Mabry said a university wide election would need to be held to fill the vacancy left by Hassaram Bakhru’s resignation. Secretary Gulatee provided the names that were on the ballot this past spring and GOV reviewed the procedure for developing the slate which would then be sent to the voting faculty and additional names would be sought. Senator Fox referred to Section 8.3 of the Bylaws regarding a vacancy which states: 8.3 When a vacancy is declared, the seat shall be filled in the following order of priority: a. Designation of the available person with the next highest number of votes in the last previous election from the constituency involved. b. If no such person is available, election or appointment by an appropriate body in the constituency involved. GOV reviewed the elections results from this past spring, and based on those results, a motion was made to designate the person with the next highest number of votes. The motion was seconded and approved by a vote. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 12:19 pm. Respectfully submitted by Gail Cameron, Recorder