Governance Council Monday, October 29, 2014 10:00 AM UNH 306 Cynthia Fox, Chair Minutes PRESENT: Chesin, Sorrell E; Cruz, José; Dutta, Saurav K; Fox, Cynthia A; Gulatee, Yenisel; Janiszewski, Caitlin I; Kuznetsov, Igor; Malavasic, Jolene; Moore, Chris; Zemel, Alan The meeting convened at 10:03 a.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of October 16, 2014 were unanimously approved. CHAIR’S REPORT Chair Fox noted that the upcoming Faculty Meeting on Wednesday, November 5th in the Campus Center ballroom will be a roundtable discussion with President Jones, Interim Provost Mulcahy and Vice President for Research Dias, moderated by Senate Chair Stefl-Mabry, something different this year. There will be refreshments at 2:30 p.m. and the meeting would begin at 2:45 p.m. José Cruz was introduced as the newest GOV member. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Survey of Governance Reports on the Survey on Governance and Consultation Chair Fox thanked everyone for their comments on the report, particularly following the previous week’s presentation at the Senate meeting. Changes have been made to the introduction based on GOV member input. A motion was made and seconded that the reports on the Student and Faculty / Staff surveys be accepted as written and that they be posted on the Senate website. The motion was approved with the following voting results: Approved 8, Opposed 0, Abstained 1 Constituting GOV Standing Committees: Chair Fox put together a chart on membership and requirements and reviewed the Committee charges. Committee on Assessment of Governance & Consultation Suggestions were solicited, especially faculty experts on assessment, as 4 members were still needed. A slate of candidates were unanimously approved to be invited to serve on this committee, with alternates in place to ask should some be unable to serve. Committee on Liaison & Elections Suggestions were solicited, especially for the purpose of diverse representation of the schools and colleges, as 2 members were still needed. The consensus was that all members would come from GOV this time in order that everyone on GOV serve on one or the other of the two standing committees, and as the 2 additions would also broaden the representation of schools and colleges. NEW BUSINESS Procedure for replacing Chair of UPPC Chair Fox explained that GOV has been asked to consider what mechanisms exist for replacing the Chair of the UPPC. The question has arisen because current Chair Christine Wagner will be going on sabbatical next semester; the complicating factor is that the position is usually held by the Past Chair of the Senate. Per the Charter, Section IV: Officers of the University Senate In addition to those duties specified in the Faculty. Bylaws Article II, Section 34: IV.2. the Past Chair shall IV.2.1. chair the University Planning and Policy Council IV.2.2. serve on the Executive Committee of the Senate IV.2.3. serve on the Committee on Council Nominations of the Governance Council IV.2.4. produce the formal annual report of Senate activity required in VI.1.1 in the September after serving as Chair. IV.2.5. be available as needed to substitute for the Chair, including, as specified in Bylaws Article II Section 7.4, to preside over the Senate. It was noted as a point of information that that Bylaws II.7.4 cited in Charter IV.2.5 do not make specific mention of the Past Chair: Article II. Section 7 — Calendar and Meetings of the Senate 7.4 The Chair of the Senate shall preside at the meetings of the Senate. In his or her absence, the presiding officer shall be the Vice Chair or, if unavailable, an alternate designated by the Chair or Vice Chair. Chair Fox reported that a similar situation arose in 2010-2011 when then Past Chair Michael Range went on sabbatical at mid-year. That year, UPPC elected one of its members, James Fossett, as Chair. Chair Fox reviewed all of the minutes from the SEC, GOV and UPPC leading up to that vote, but could find no record of how this procedure was decided upon, or of any discussion whether Fossett would be expected to fulfill other responsibilities of the Past Chair. Chair Fox noted that the Charter does address the issue of the replacement of the Chair of UPPC, but that the language is ambiguous as to whether that person is to be elected from UPPC member Senators or from the entire Senate. X.2.2. The chair of the Council shall be the Past Chair of the Senate, or if unavailable, shall be elected from among the Senators. Following discussion of the various issues, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to accept that the logical interpretation of the Charter language “shall be elected from among the senators” is that the Chair replacement of UPPC will be elected by the members of UPPC from among the Senators currently serving on that Council. This decision is supported by the placement of the statement in the Charter section X.2 that describes the composition and charge of the UPPC, and by the fact that it is in keeping with procedures for the election of Chairs of Councils that are not automatically chaired by Senate officers. It also follows precedent set in 2010-2011. Following discussion of the various other responsibilities of the Past Chair, it was concluded that new Chair of UPPC should, by virtue of that position, assume a place on the Executive Committee, but that there is otherwise no mechanism for replacing an immediate Past Chair. For this reason, no substitute can be named to fulfill other Past Chair responsibilities that require a physical presence (e.g. service on the Committee on Council Nominations of the Governance Council, substituting at meetings for the Senate Chair). The Past Chair could still be expected to produce the annual report described in Charter IV.2.1. GOV members agreed that an amendment to clarify this Charter language be considered in the future. It was also agreed that that the only relevant function of the Past Senate Chair not already covered for the 2014-15 academic year is that of serving on the Council of Nominations. GOV will provide guidance if as needed should that committee feel it needs additional support in her absence. CAA Charter amendment GOV discussed the CAA proposed changes to the Charter. Chair Fox advised that, because per the SEC Chair all Councils will be reviewing their charges and making recommendations, these changes should be tabled for the time being. GOV members agreed to wait until other potential Council amendments are received. Faculty Handbook Chair Fox charged the Committee on Liaison & Elections with looking at the Faculty Handbook and the Senate Website for necessary updates and inconsistencies and to re-examine policies regarding for instance service on multiple councils and Emeritus participation in the Senate. GOV will consider recommending a Chair be elected for the Committee on Assessment of Governance & Consultation. Excellence Award Selection Committees Chair Fox reported that GOV has been asked to designate representatives to the Excellence Award Selection Committees. For each category GOV will need to recommend one nominee and an alternate for a total of 6 committees. Chair Fox will send out to GOV members a link to the website listing past recipients for reference. Chair Fox noted it would be most beneficial for GOV members to make recommendations in their particular areas and to aim for diverse representation based on looking at the current membership. The criteria and suggested nominees were further discussed. Suggested nominees would be sent to Chair Fox and would be voted on by GOV members via e-mail. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11:35 a.m. Respectfully submitted by Elisa Lopez, Recorder