2005-2006 University Senate Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, May 1, 2006

2005-2006 University Senate Executive Committee
Meeting Minutes
Monday, May 1, 2006
J.P. Abraham, R. Collier, D. Dewar, K. Hall, S. Herbst, V. Idone, W. Lanford,
A. Lyons, C. MacDonald, S. Messner, E. Redkey, J. Savitt, M. Sherman,
D. Shub, L. Snyder, D. Wagner, R. Zitomer
The April 3, 2006 Minutes were approved.
President’s Report: Presented by Kermit L. Hall, President
Faculty Meeting: President Hall noted there were mixed reviews about the change in the format of the Annual
Spring Faculty meeting that was held a couple days prior to this meeting.
Chair Messner reported that he, too, received mixed feedback about the new format. He noted that some
questions were raised that might be better addressed in a forum, rather than at a Faculty meeting. He suggested
discussing this further at the next Brown Bag Lunch with President Hall.
Mission Review: Discussion on the time frame for the Senate to respond/comment on the document ensued.
President Hall and Provost Herbst agreed that they would like to have comments sometime around July or
August; giving them time to review and reorganize the document. It was noted that the document has been
posted on a private web site for members of the Senate Executive Committee and members of UPC. President
Hall noted that the document needs more attention before being released publicly.
Chair’s Report: Presented by Steven F. Messner, Senate Chair
[No report – observations about the format of the Spring Faculty meeting were made during the President’s
Items for the Upcoming Senate Agenda:
a) Resolution for Position for Intramurals and Recreational Activities – introduced by ULC Chair,
Professor Savitt. The proposal was explained in detail. It was noted that it will be on the next UPC
agenda. After lengthy discussion, a motion was made that an amendment be introduced on the Senate
floor locating the full time position within the Office of the Vice President for Student Success. The
motion was seconded, and passed with one opposed vote.
b) Proposal for Mandatory Health Insurance for All Matriculated Students – introduced by ULC.
There was lengthy discussion on the need for mandatory health insurance, the actual risks associated
with uninsured students, and potential negative consequences of increasing costs for students. Professor
Savitt reported that ULC members have discussed these concerns and concluded that the need for
insurance outweighs the costs. She further reported that approximately 20% of current students are not
insured; and that the insurance will entail approximately an $800.00 to $900.00 increase in costs to
students. Because there were many unanswered questions, it was suggested to have representation from
Financial Aid and Health Services at the Senate meeting to help answer questions. A motion was made,
and passed, to bring it to the Senate in the form of a bill.
c) Resolution for a University at Albany Family Leave Policy - introduced by ULC. The resolution was
discussed. Some questions about implementation were raised. There was support for bringing the
resolution to the Senate.
d) Proposal to Amend Policy and Procedures on Misconduct – introduced by CERS. Richard Zitomer,
Chair of CERS, explained the proposal. There was support for bringing it to the Senate in the form of a
e) Standards for Academic Integrity Proposal – introduced by UAC and GAC. Professor Rodriguez
explained the amendments and additions to the document. She noted the main action item is to replace
language in the existing document in student guidelines. There was lengthy discussion on the language
used indicating whether or not faculty members are mandated to report incidents. There was a motion
that the Executive Committee take a recommendation to the floor changing the language to read “must
report.” The motion did not pass. (Five in favor, six opposed.) There was agreement that the bill
should be brought to the Senate floor, and any recommendations be made there.
f) Proposed Changes to Doctoral Research Tool Policy – introduced by GAC. Professor Rodriguez
explained the proposed changes and reported that GAC unanimously supported it. There was some
discussion, and there was support for bringing the bill to the Senate.
g) Proposal for “Exempt” Category in IRB Human Subjects Review – introduced by COR, Professor
Idone. The proposal was explained and discussed. There was support for bringing the proposal to the
Senate as a bill.
h) Resolution on Email as an Official Means of Communication – introduced by LISC Chair, Professor
Wagner. Professor Wagner explained that LISC approved the policy guidelines on email as an official
means of communication last spring, assuming that the council had the authority to do so. In retrospect,
members of LISC have concluded that the matter probably should have been brought to the Senate.
Some units are apparently following the guidelines at present. It was agreed that LISC will review the
policy again next year and formulate a proposal to be introduced to the Senate including any
recommended changes or additions.
Mission Review II – Professor MacDonald reported that UPC will meet on Mission Review II. Chair Messner
invited Executive Committee members to send comments to UPC prior to the meeting. After some discussion it
was noted that at some point, the Executive Committee might have a joint meeting with UPC.
Vice President for Research Candidates - Chair Messner reminded members of an interview scheduled with
one remaining candidate. He stated his view that it would be preferable for the Executive Committee to report
a collective evaluation of the candidates to the Office of the Provost in writing. All agreed. A meeting to
discuss the candidates will be scheduled.
CPCA – Chair David Shub reported that cases have not been moving on schedule to CPCA as some
Departments/Colleges are not getting the cases in on time. He indicated he was not sure if there will be a
quorum of CPCA members over the summer to complete all assigned cases.
Respectfully submitted,
Jayne VanDenburgh, Recorder