Document 15255664

2006-2007 University Senate Executive Committee
Meeting Minutes
Monday, April 30, 2007
Present: M. Chau, R. Collier, D. Dewar (Chair), S. Friedman, S. Herbst, R. Hoyt,
W. Lanford, S. Messner, J. Monfasani, R.M. Range, J. Savitt, L. Schell,
D. Shub, L. Snyder, D. White, E. Wulfert.
Ray Bromley, Vice Provost of International Education
John H. Reilly, Associate Counsel
Marjorie Pryse, Dean of Graduate Studies
Minutes: The Minutes of March 26, 2007 were approved.
Officer-in-Charge Report: There was no news to report, since the Faculty meeting
report given two weeks ago. There was a question regarding on-campus safety, and
Provost Herbst noted that a Security Expert has been invited to assist with reviewing oncampus security.
Chair’s Report, presented by Diane M. Dewar: Diane Dewar announced that she is
on the advisory board for the new Data Center Initiative on Campus. This initiative will
include upgrading data security, increasing data capacity, and preparing for technical
Chancellor Ryan Resolution: Discussion with Legal Counsel John Reilly:
Chair Dewar introduced the proposed Senate Resolution commending Chancellor John
Ryan for his service to SUNY, and support of UAlbany. Because of the controversy
surrounding Chancellor Ryan’s appointment to the Board of CIT, some Senators raised
questions on the submission of the Resolution to members of the Executive Committee.
Mr. Reilly was consulted and explained that he understood the Chancellor was under no
charges; that there has not been any indication that he played a role in any wrong-doing
and, further, that there are no allegations pending. He also noted that Chancellor Ryan
went through the State Ethics Commission when taking on the position. He summed up
indicating that there is no reason prohibiting the Senate from generating the Resolution.
The Executive Committee members further discussed the Resolution among themselves,
and it was concluded that the members did want to convey some type of a “thank-you”
message to the out-going Chancellor. It was then proposed to send a letter to Chancellor
Ryan, from the Senate Executive Committee, only. A motion was made to vote on
sending the Resolution from the entire Senate. The Resolution was unanimously voted
down. After further discussion, a vote was taken on writing a letter from the Executive
Committee instead. The letter proposal passed, 12/1/1. Chair Dewar will draft a letter
and send it via email to all SEC members for comments and review before sending it on
to Chancellor Ryan.
GAC Resolution: The Office of Graduate Studies, Name Change. A proposal to
rename Graduate Studies to “The Graduate School.” was introduced by Dean Pryse. The
GAC did support the proposal. It was discussed and it was agreed that the Senate
Executive Committee members wanted more details on other changes that might occur,
along with the name change. It was agreed to return the matter to UPC for further
review, and bring it back with more details to the SEC in the fall.
Internationalization: Discussion with Ray Bromley, Vice Provost for International
Education. VP Bromley explained that his department is working with the American
Council on Education (ACE) on upgrading the university’s international education
programs. He noted that UAlbany will have site visits from ACE staff. He indicated
that both UAlbany’s reputation internationally, and how it recruits internationally, are
very important. International Education has a liaison committee established that will
report to the Council of Deans, and the Senate. He would like to see an ongoing faculty
task force, or a standing committee created, because most ideas may require changes in
programs, or priorities. He reported that the Senate Governance Council previously
discussed the possibility of establishing a Senate ad hoc committee which would include
two students, for this initiative. Chair Dewar added that UAC, GAC and UPC should
also be involved.
After lengthy discussion, it was agreed that the Senate Governance Council will form an
ad hoc committee, with the Senate Executive Committee voting on membership, in the
Council and Committee Reports:
CERS (Committee on Ethics in Research and Scholarship), Elga Wulfert, Chair.
CERS is scheduled to meet on Monday, 4/30, to discuss policy revisions.
CPCA (Council on Promotions and Continuing Appointments), David Shub, Chair.
The council has been meeting for 2 ½ - 3 hours once a week throughout the spring
semester. It is on track to clear all cases by the last day of classes.
GAC (Graduate Academic Council), Sally Friedman, Chair. GAC has been
considering two issues which may or may not require full Senate action but Council
members want to bring them to the attention of the Executive Committee. They are: a
name change for the Graduate School and thoughts about the English language
proficiency scores for entering international students. Details will be available at the next
Senate meeting.
GOV (Governance Council), Reed Hoyt, Chair. The Governance Council met on
Monday, 23 April, to discuss Governance Handbooks and confer with Ray Bromley
concerning campus “internationalization” issues.
ULC (University Life Council), Joan Savitt, Chair. ULC has not met since the last
Senate meeting. ULC is discussing ways that the University at Albany might provide
assistance to newly admitted students who will be living off campus. The needs are clear
but the resources are not! We expect this topic to be carried over into the 2007-08
academic year. The Council anticipates the resolution on recreational space will be on the
agenda for this meeting, perhaps with wording changes from UPC.
UPC (University Planning and Policy Council), Steven Messner, Chair. UPC met on
April 19th. The council approved: (1) the draft academic calendar for 2008-9 proposed by
Robert Gibson, University Registrar; (2) a proposal for the termination of the BA in
Broadcast Meteorology and the initiation of a Broadcast Meteorology minor available to
students pursuing the Atmospheric Science BS. The council will continue discussion of a
draft resolution from ULC on recreational facilities at its next meeting, which is
scheduled for May 3rd. The following items are also on the agenda for that meeting: a
proposal for a faculty-initiated interdisciplinary major and minor in financial market
regulation from the College of Computing and Information, Rockefeller College, and the
School of Business; a proposal for an undergraduate major in Public Health; and a
request for change in the designation of the major in “Public Policy” to “Public Policy
and Management.”
Summer Meeting Discussion: There was discussion on the policy for Councils and
Committees meeting over the summer.
Respectfully submitted,
Jayne VanDenburgh, Recorder