2006-2007 University Senate Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, March 26, 2007

2006-2007 University Senate Executive Committee
Meeting Minutes
Monday, March 26, 2007
Present: M. Chau, R. Collier, D. Dewar (Chair), S. Friedman, S. Herbst, R. Hoyt,
W. Lanford, S. Messner, J. Monfasani, R.M. Range, J. Savitt, L. Schell,
D. Shub, L. Snyder, D. White, E. Wulfert.
Minutes: The Minutes of January 29, 2007 and February 26, 2007 were
approved with amendments.
Officer-In-Charge Report, presented by Susan Herbst:
UAlbany Basketball Coach: Wil Brown is interviewing elsewhere; UAlbany does not
want to see him leave and it is hoped that he decides to stay.
Intramurals Position: Approval has been granted for one Intramurals position, only.
The Recreational Facilities Resolution previously submitted by ULC was discussed, and
it was suggested it be forwarded to UPC.
Legislative Agenda and Budget: There is no word yet, on the budget, it is still in the
negotiation process. Some funds requested for renovations have come through on the
Assembly side. There is still a lot in the mix, nothing has been decided. The
Chancellor’s budget for SUNY does have a lot of support for UAlbany.
School of Public Health Dean Search: UAlbany is presently in the negotiating stage
with an incumbent from Columbia University for that position.
Harriman Campus Project: Michael Phillips is the new head of the Harriman Project.
(Michael Tucker is no longer with the project.) One primary need for UAlbany is
graduate student housing, and another need is space for CCI.
East Campus: The newly developed East Campus Holding Board met for the first time
a couple weeks ago. There have been a couple options for renovating the East Campus
space (The Sterling-Winthrop Building). The Board will research and report back. The
Board members are: Chancellor Ryan, Officer-In-Charge, Susan Herbst, President of
UAlbany Foundation, George Hearst, a Research Foundation representative, VP Lowery,
and a few additional members chosen by the Board. The full membership list and
bylaws will be sent to the Senate.
Sexual Assault Forum: The Task Force on Sexual Assault produced a great report.
The report is very useful; although the Forum was poorly attended. There is hope for
more students at the next Forum.
Enrollment Management: Enrollment is up about 10% more than last year.
Burton Lecture: NYS Lieutenant Governor David Patterson is hosting the Lecture,
sometime in May. More information will be available soon.
Honorary Degrees: Dr. Seung Park, Governor of the Bank of Korea, Economics
Professor and UAlbany Doctoral Alumnus; Morris Massry, real estate investor and
member, UAlbany Foundation Board; and Louis R. Tomson will all receive Honorary
Degrees in May.
Commencement Speakers: Judith Kaye, Chief Judge of the State of New York, Court
of Appeals, and author Elizabeth Kolbert will be the speakers at the May Commencement
Chair’s Report, presented by Diane M. Dewar:
Undergraduate Writing Program: The Task Force is drafting its preliminary draft for
proposals. There is very much under development. Council Chairs with involvement
will be invited to hear the report.
Forum on Academic Integrity: Chair Dewar reminded the Senate members of the
upcoming forum on Academic Integrity Slated for Tuesday, March 27th, 6-8 p.m. in the
ballroom of the Campus Center.
International Program Development: Ray Bromley will work with the Governance
Council on constituting a committee on International Program Development.
Presidential Search: The Committee did meet and it is securing a professional search
firm. Information will be forthcoming.
Assessment Council Discussion: Professor Lanford spoke about the procedures being
followed by the Assessment Council in reviewing Project Renaissance. There was a
discussion about the “outsiders” that are hired to review the program, not being of the
academic background. He suggested possibly having a few academic deans as the
external reviewers. Officer-In-Charge Herbst offered to discuss the matter further at the
next Brown Bag meeting with the Senate Executive Committee.
New Business:
Resolution: Senate Resolution on John Ryan’s Tenure as Chancellor: The
resolution was introduced by Chair Dewar. It was discussed and slightly amended. A
motion was made to bring the Resolution to the Senate floor at the April meeting, all
Senate Bill 0607-11: Proposal to Establish Electronic Mail as an Official Means of
Communication with Students: The bill was introduced by LISC Chair, Dan White.
There was discussion on the bill. It was approved and will be brought to Senate meeting.
Senate Bill 0607-12: Proposal To Establish A Dual-Degree Graduate Program MA
In Communication And MS In Tesol: The bill was introduced by GAC Chair, Sally
Friedman. The bill was discussed and it was agreed that it will be brought to UPC.
There was approval to bring the bill to the April Senate meeting after UPC reviews it.
Senate Bill 0607-13: Proposal to Establish a Certificate of Graduate Study (Cgs)
Program in Teacher Leadership: The bill was introduced by GAC Chair, Sally
Friedman. It was discussed and approved. It will be brought to Senate.
Senate Bill 0607-14: Proposal to establish a combined Bachelors/Masters Program
B.A. History / M.A. Public Affairs and Policy The bill was introduced by GAC Chair,
Sally Friedman. It was discussed and approved. It will be brought to the April Senate.
Proposed Procedures for conducting Senate Officer Elections: The proposal was
introduced by members of the Governance Council. It was discussed, and approved. It
will be brought to Senate.
ULC Proposed Resolution: ULC Chair Joan Savitt introduced a proposal regarding
recreational needs that is currently being discussed in ULC. There was some discussion
on the proprosal, and it was decided that it will be discussed more in ULC, and then it
will go to UPC before going to Senate.
2007-2008 PRELIMINARY Council Membership lists: Chair Dewar distributed the
preliminary draft council lists for next year. They were quickly reviewed, discussed and
will be amended and sent to Council Chairs via email for further review.
Respectfully submitted,
Jayne VanDenburgh