October 12, 2011

University Senate Executive Committee
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
2:45 PM
UNH 306
Susanna Fessler, Senate Chair
Bryant Barksdale, James Castracane, Susanna Fessler, Tim Groves, Yenisel Gulatee, Danielle
Leonard, Eric Lifshin, Andi Lyons, Carolyn MacDonald, JoAnne Malatesta, Aran Mull, Nancy
Newman, Heidi Nicholls, George Philip, Susan Phillips, Christine Wagner
The meeting convened at 2:45 pm.
The minutes of September 12 were approved with a request for additional language from Vince Delio concerning
the NYSUNY 2020 update he provided.
President Philip gave an update on NYSUNY 2020. The University is waiting for the opportunity to give its
presentation to Governor Cuomo. The four university centers will not be able to move forward until all the
presentations have been made to the governor. Once the presentations are made, he said he expects the process
will move swiftly.
The President attended a conference at the University at Buffalo which focused on SUNY as an economic driver.
At the same time, Governor Cuomo held an economic development conference and announced that New York had
entered into agreements that would provide over $4 billion in additional investments with corporate partners and
the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering. The partners include Intel, IBM, Global Foundries, TSMC and
President Philip applauded the Community Service event held on October 5 and praised Miriam Trementozzi for
the excellent work she did. The day concluded with a discussion that was held in the atrium of University Hall
with over 200 students protesting tuition increases. The President indicated he will hold a question and answer
session with students in the future.
President Philip addressed the status of the PEF contract. UAlbany has 37 PEF members and there are just over
200 SUNY wide. He said it is a difficult situation since most of the positions are in health services and we cannot
afford to lose resources in that area.
The President reminded everyone that Fallbany/Homecoming events are planned for the coming weekend.
President Philip informed SEC members that Vice President for Enrollment Management, Wayne Locust, would
be leaving UAlbany to accept the position as vice president for enrollment at the University of Connecticut. The
President said Mr. Locust has done a good job at UAlbany and would be missed.
President Philip said that discussions continue about opportunities for the University such as the possible purchase
of the Holt-Harris property bordering the University. He has met with a group of concerned neighbors from
McCownville at which time he expressed that UAlbany would be interested in acquiring the property but had not
plans for the contiguous property. He said that an offer had been made.
COR Chair Castracane asked President Philip if he had any knowledge on the status of the UUP Contract. The
President said that information could be obtained from the UUP website. He believes that the same level of
benefits will be maintained but did not know how a furlough program could be managed in an academic
Chair Fessler inquired about the time frame for replacing Wayne Locust. The President said it would probably be
an interim appointment. The position is critical for strengthening recruitment of both out of state and international
Student Association Representative Bryant Barksdale asked if the excellence fee would continue beyond the five
years as outlined in the NYSUNY2020 plan. President Philip said he did not believe it would be permanent.
Provost Phillips provided an update on the implementation of the Strategic Plan. She reviewed the priorities for
the first two years. The President has selected a subset of initiatives from the six goals to be implemented first.
There are now working groups addressing those priorities and they have held their first organizational meetings to
address each initiative. Progress will be re-evaluated over the next two years, overseen by an implementation
steering committee. Overall the Strategic Plan is about a 5-7 year plan.
The Provost discussed UAlbany Impact, the campus response to the NYSUNY 2020 Challenge. The plan calls for
additional hiring and the Provost has had conversations with the deans to consider new ways to think about hiring
and connection to the Strategic Plan. In terms of proposing additional hiring, there are two areas of focus over the
next five years: 1) addressing enrollment growth 2) growth in the external funding profile. The plan calls for
enrollment of an additional 1,350 students. This year an additional 200 students were enrolled; 300 students are to
be added each of the next four years. This puts immediate pressure on admissions, advisement, student services
and other academic and support units to make sure that students are entering an environment that is ready to
receive them.
Provost Phillips noted that the SUNY Senators would be able to report on SUNY shared services, which is a
component of Chancellor Zimpher’s initiative to obtain a rational tuition plan. The idea behind shared services is
to consolidate costs of administrative services and use the savings for academic purposes. The UFS, and its
president, Ken O’Brien, have been very engaged to ensure that academic shared services are undertaken with the
appropriate campus governance processes in place.
The Provost reported that the State University Construction Fund has been undertaking an analysis of UAlbany’s
campus needs. This is part of the Facilities Master Plan (FMP) process, which is done every ten years. The Fund
will be looking beyond critical maintenance and instead will envision what the campus would look like in 20+
years. Perkins+Will is the firm hired to develop UAlbany’s FMP. The process began last fall and is now near
completion with a report expected sometime this winter. The report is expected to generate ideas regarding what
the campus will need in terms of space during the next 20+ year period. The FMP has an advisory committee, a
steering committee, and groups viewing needs from pedagogical and space perspectives. A number of UPPC
members serve on the advisory committee, and discussion is underway in UPPC to schedule presentation for the
full Council review and input.
Provost Phillips provided an update on the campus’s NCAA recertification process, which the Provost chaired.
The initial review of our recertification self-study materials by the NCAA indicated that it is not likely that a site
visit will be required. The Provost noted that this was a testament to our status and progress. The Provost said
there were three issues outstanding that needed to be addressed: 1) informing faculty on the class absence policy
for student athletes; 2) clarification of NCAA compliance responsibilities for staff outside of Athletics; 3)
understanding overall SUNY governance structure and its oversight of athletics. Provost Phillips said our report
addressing these issues would be submitted for review in January. The Provost was asked if the NCAA has
provided any comments about our facilities. She responded that we have been asked to consider adequacy of
facilities for purposes of student support.
As council sub-committee formation continues, the Chair reminds all Council chairs that a list of those willing to serve on these
committees is maintained by the Recorder and can be a good resource for populating committees. Of course, faculty members who are not
on the list are eligible to serve also, as long as the pertinent section of the Charter which stipulates committee composition is not violated.
Please remember to send committee rosters to the Recorder so that they can be posted to the Senate web site.
Recently Philippe Abraham was elected to the state-wide Vice President for Professionals of UUP. His term will last until May 2012. The
Chair would like the SEC to delegate this issue to GOV so that it can decide if this formally constitutes the senate seat vacant, and if so,
whether a special election is necessary to fill the seat.
The Senate has recently received the Honors College annual report. The Chair asks that the SEC in particular take time to read this report
and raise any questions about it at the next meeting. If there are entailed concerns, Jeff Haugaard has offered to come to the next SEC
The Senate has been asked to review the report of the Course Assessment Advisory Committee at
https://wiki.albany.edu/display/irpe/Course+Assessment+Advisory+Committee, and to send questions or comments to the co-chairs,
Heidi Andrade (hadrande@albany.edu) or Bruce Szelest (bszelest@albany.edu) by November 11. The Advisory Committee was
constituted in consultation with the 2009-10 Senate Governance Council as its report, from the very beginning, was expected to contain a
number of recommendations around issues that relate to the work of various Senate councils. Therefore, please keep your “council chair”
hat on as you read through the material.
Secretary Leonard asked council chairs to submit any changes in council memberships to her and she will present them at
the next Senate meeting. She reminded them that subcommittee memberships need to go the Recorder.
SUNY Senate will be meeting at our fall plenary on October 20-22 in Westchester at SUNY Purchase. Please feel free to bring any new
or continuing business to the SUNY Senators for discuss at the State level. Topics that we will be discussing will continue to revolve
around the state of the budget and the role of the faculty in deciding what changes occur to curriculum. A summer planning meeting
occurred in June to prepare committees for their work in the up-coming year.
The year has started with the President's Welcome Picnic and RGSO training. We had over 500 graduate students turn out for the picnic
and more than 30 different groups applying for official GSO recognition and funding. Over the summer a new printer was purchased and
the office once again redesigned including more attention the GO Green initiative of the Albany campus including wax ink, composting
coffee and tea disposal, and GSO coffee to go mugs and club. We are still looking for a programming chair hoping to confirm the position
by the end of the month while welcoming those members new and returning to the office management staff, executive board, and senate
Ms. Nicholls reported that the GSO has received 20 new applications for a vacant senator’s seat as well as increased interest
in becoming involved in governance. She encouraged council chairs to contact the GSO if they are still in need of members
for their committees and subcommittees. The GSO recently completed its budget. A decrease in graduate student
enrollments and additional spending over the summer for a new printer has negatively affected the budget with a $25,000
decrease in funds.
Ms. Nicholls also reported the GSO received a FOIL request and is responding to the request. She believes this can be
attributed in part to the GSO becoming more visible and students using more money for its intended purpose. The
organization has more than tripled its use of paper, ink and use of its printer.
The GSO has discussed working collaboratively with the Student Association and other student groups. The GSO will also
be involved with community outreach. GSO officers were given a tour of the SA office and the SA has invited GSO to the
Magic Johnson event.
The Student Association participated in the community service month kickoff event on October 5th. The event involved some of our
student groups working with K-12 student in mini-workshops and then having then show off what they have learned to all in attendance.
Student Association members will also participate in many other community service projects throughout the month which include:
o October 10th- 14th Campus wide Canned Food Drive along with the GSO
o October 16th- Breast Cancer Walk
o October 17th -21st School Supply Drive with Student Groups Donations will go to the children of local refugees (USCRI)
o October 29- University at Albany and Binghamton University Clean Up in Broome County Initiative
We are looking to keep our involvement with community service going well past October and will be launching a “Student to Student”
initiative which will involve our student groups working with different students in peer mentoring and other projects throughout the year.
The 5th Installment of the World Within Reach Speaker Series featuring Earvin “Magic” Johnson will take place on October 15 th. Start
time is at 8pm in the SEFCU Arena.
Mr. Barksdale reported that about 3,500 guests have registered for the speaker series event. The SA has a full student Senate
and has selected its eight student senator. Those names will be forwarded to the Senate Secretary. Attempts to place them on
councils and subcommittees will be made as soon as possible. The SA will be participating in upcoming community service
events including cleanup day on October 23 in the Pine Hills area. SA representative met with staff in the Bookstore over
concerns that faculty members are not turning in their requests and the effect this will have on students. The Bookstore has
offered to educate the faculty on this issue. Mr. Barksdale extended an invitation to faculty and staff to assist with the
cleanup initiative in Broome County on October 29.
CAA (Council on Academic Assessment) – Adrian Masters, Chair
We held our first meeting 26th September where Joel Bloom laid out the workload for the CAA and its subcommittees for this year. We
scheduled the meeting times for the rest of the fall 2011 semester.
Rich Matyi has agreed to chair the GEAC and Sean Rafferty will be chair of the PRC. Both are in the process of setting up a meeting
CAFFECoR (Committee on Academic Freedom, Freedom of Expression, and Community Responsibility) –
Aran Mull, Chair
The committee held our first meeting on September 19th. The committee will be addressing development of committee policy and
procedure for managing complaints received (none currently exists), re-introduction of a bill addressing the Principals of a Just
Community language and continuing training with Residential Life staff on freedom of expression issues. A meeting schedule has been
forwarded to Gail Cameron for publication to the Senate web site. On September 22nd CAFFE-CoR received a complaint. A committee
is being formed to address the complaint.
Chair Mull said the complaint received by the committee if being reviewed by University Counsel.
CERS (Committee on Ethics in Research and Scholarship) – Carolyn MacDonald, Chair
The policy approved by the senate 3/14 has not yet been signed. There are no ongoing cases, and no meetings have been held yet this
semester, but planning will proceed for regular training workshops for CERS members.
Chair Fessler reported that she has had a conversation with the President’s Office concerning the policy and will continue
the conversation at some point.
COR (Council on Research) – James Castracane, Chair
The Council on Research had its first meeting on September 19 th and considered several agenda items. VPR Dias delivered an update on
the status of the recent HHS audit as well as a report on the 2010-2011 F & A Costs for the University.
In addition, COR began populating the various sub-committees with Chairs and Members. Sufficient volunteers were identified to fill all
Chair positions and were charged with gathering enough members to fulfill their responsibilities.
The next meeting will be October 17th.
Chair Castracane reported that one graduate student has been confirmed as a member of the council.
CPCA (Council on Promotions and Continuing Appointments) – Christine Wagner, Chair
CPCA completed the review of two cases at its meeting on September 19 th. Review of two additional cases will occur at the meeting on
October 5th.
Chair Wagner reported that the review of four cases has been completed.
GAC (Graduate Academic Council) – Tim Groves, Chair
The GAC met on September 30, 2011. The constitution of the Committee on Curriculum and Instruction, the Committee on Admissions
and Academic Standing, and the Committee on Educational Policy and Procedures was reviewed. The GAC and its three committees now
have a quorum needed to conduct business. A few openings still exist. The GAC has no bills to introduce at this time.
GOV (Governance Council) – Andi Lyons, Chair
Chair Lyons reported that the council met on September 27 and populated its committees at that time. GOV discussed the
newly formed ad hoc committee charged with conducting administrative evaluations. Joette Stefl-Mabry, chair of the
committee will coordinate a subcommittee. The Chair made recommendations to the Provost’s Office of Senate designees
willing to serve on the Excellence Awards Committees. The council identified issues that will be addressed during the
LISC (Council on Libraries, Information Systems, and Computing) – Nancy Newman, Chair
LISC had its first meeting on Sept. 26. We established a regular meeting time for the year and the membership of the Library and IT
subcommittees. CIO Chris Haile reported that she and Theresa Pardo will co-chair the Strategic Plan Implementation Working Group,
“Keeping Pace with Emerging Technologies.” Bruce Dudek is LISC's liaison. Chris also discussed the new UAmail system, which is
being implemented for students and webmail users this week. Dean of Libraries Mary Casserly informed us that plans for the Library's
renovation are under negotiation, and the result of last spring's survey will be brought to the subcommittee.
Chair Newman reported that two people have agreed to serve as chairs of the subcommittees and she would send the names
to Secretary Leonard.
UAC (Undergraduate Academic Council) – JoAnne Malatesta, Chair
UAC has formed committees and is reaching out to non-UAC members to complete the committee rosters. NEW BUSINESS: We have
reviewed the policy on Restricted Majors and the requirement that UAC follow up on those restrictions. We have discussed how to move
forward with the review of restricted majors and will likely be sending something out to these programs in the very near future.
Additionally, UAC has approved the following Bills (attached):
Philosophy Revisions to the Bioethics Minor
Revisions to the Degree Requirements for the Accounting Major
Revisions to the Informatics Minor
Additionally, UAC approved a proposal for Changes to the Documentary Studies Major. However, given that this proposal has resource
implications, UAC has submitted this proposal for review by UPPC before bring it to SEC.
Chair Malatesta reported that the General Education committee met today. The committee is reviewing the documents
produced by UAC and the GenEd Task Force and will decide if changes are required. The goal is to have something to
present to the Senate by the end of the semester.
ULC (University Life Council) –Yenisel Gulatee, Chair
Chair Gulatee reported that the council met last week. The council will resubmit the Family Leave Policy, Senate Resolution
(No. 0506-05) to President Philip for further consideration. The council discussed organizing a task force to address the
smoking policy. The council also discussed establishing a health insurance policy for students. Vice President for Student
Success Chris Bouchard will be taking the lead on the issue.
UPPC (University Planning and Policy Council) – Eric Lifshin, Chair
Chair Lifshin reported that the council was unable to produce a quorum for its last meeting. At the next meeting it will
discuss membership of the subcommittees, the SIRF evaluation and the Documentary Studies bill submitted by UAC.
Status of Philippe Abraham’s Senate Seat:
Chair Fessler informed SEC members that UFS Senator Abraham is on leave this year as a result of being elected
as the statewide Vice President for Professionals in UUP. However, his term as UFS Senator ends in May 2012,
thus making his status unclear. Chair Fessler suggested that the matter be delegated to GOV. A motion was made
and seconded to move the matter to GOV and approved by a vote.
Bill 1112-03 Philosophy Revisions to Bioethics Minor:
UAC Chair Malatesta said the request comes from the director of the Bioethics minor in the School of Public
Health. The request would add SPH 342 to fulfill the advanced related course requirement in the Bioethics minor.
A motion was made and seconded to move the bill to the Senate, and approved by a vote.
Bill 1112-04 Minor in Informatics
Chair Malatesta said the bill is in conjunction with a number of changes that have been made over the past two
years. The changes in the minor include removing two courses CSI 110 and B ITM 215, and the addition of four
courses as either replacements or to expand upper-division electives. A motion was approved to forward the bill to
the senate.
Bill 1112-05 Degree Requirements for Major in Accounting:
UAC Chair Malatesta said the request was presented to UAC last year. The School of Business would like the
changes to take effect this semester for students admitted this fall. The School of Business has consulted with the
State Education Department which allows for the changes to the existing Accounting requirements as outlined in
the bill. Chair Malatesta was asked if there would be any repercussions to the requirements being retroactive since
they are not listed in the bulletin. She said she believes this will be beneficial for students and did not anticipate it
being an issue. A motion was approved to move the bill forward to the Senate.
The meeting adjourned at 4:28 pm.
Respectfully submitted by
Gail Cameron, Recorder