January 28, 2013


University Senate Executive Committee

Monday January 28, 2013

2:45 PM

UNH 306

Andi Lyons, Senate Chair


Present: Thomas Devlin, Susanna Fessler, Richard Fogarty, Tim Groves, Yenisel Gulatee, Robert Jones,

Vincent LaBella, Danielle Leonard, Andi Lyons, Carolyn MacDonald, Adrian Masters, John

Monfasani, Susan Phillips, Leslie Saint-Vil,

The meeting convened at 2:50 pm.


The minutes of December were approved.


President Jones said he was honored to be the 19 th

president of the University at Albany. He believes it’s the best leadership opportunity in higher education. UAlbany is poised to move forward in short period and he said he was excited about the excellence at UAlbany. President Jones added that we should be thinking about those things at which we are good and what programs we would like to see move forward. PTAC, the presidential advisory committee, was established to provide broad input and allow him to use his first 100 days efficiently. The president said it has been an opportunity to meet alumni as well as members of the University Foundation.

President Jones thanked Susanna Fessler and Provost Phillips for their leadership in convening the PTAC group.

President Jones reported on Chancellor Zimpher’s State of the University address and its implications for

UAlbany. One of the chancellor’s goals is the notion of Open SUNY and the development of a three-year program track to obtain a bachelor’s degree. The program would allow a student to bring advanced college credit to

UAlbany as freshman. This would reduce student debt load and allow other students to get into classes and programs they need. We will need to consider how to structure our curriculum to allow students to meet this goal but President Jones expects UAlbany to be a major player in the Open SUNY concept.

President Jones briefly discussed Chancellor Zimpher’s other initiatives such as experiential learning. The initiative includes expanding the notion of SUNY Works and strongly supports service learning opportunities.

Through SUNY Discovers, we will consider how to leverage our research opportunities and pull them together.

The SUNY Innovation Hub is an opportunity to leverage areas where there is a lot of research expertise that would drive economic development and innovations. SUNY Global Access would provide involvement both globally and locally. President Jones said study abroad is an important component of a student’s education. He advocated for a discussion on how to provide ample opportunity or alternative international experiences to those student who are unable to study abroad.

President Jones discussed implications of the governor’s budget for UAlbany, most notably a reduction in capital funds. UAlbany submitted its plan to the Board of Trustees in December which was important for deferred maintenance. We will continue to work with current resources.

The president also discussed his concerns over the loss of funds due the new resource allocation model. UAlbany will lose $1.8 million. President Jones added that we were able to convince Chancellor Zimpher to provide our campus with a transitional plan. She was receptive to the idea and has put forth a proposal to include ideas that will assist the faculty to obtain grants. The plans will also provide resources to assist with our enrollment strategy.

President Jones said that although the past three weeks have been busy, they have also been rewarding and have helped him understand some of the challenges that UAlbany faces. He reminded everyone that UAlbany Day would be held on Monday, February 4.

COR Chair Monfasani asked the president which campuses would be rewarded with the new allocation model.

President Jones said those campuses that bring in federal grants such as Stony Brook and Binghamton gained the most. The president said he hope to mitigate our loss over the next five years.

CERS Chair MacDonald inquired as to how the loss of funds would affect the new buildings in our 2020 proposal.

President Jones said the 2020 funding is still on the table. Provost Phillips has assembled an executive group to lay the plan on how it will be rolled out. He said he believed we could bring in 2020 and manage the debt service.

President Jones expressed his regrets for not being able to attend the first Senate meeting on February 11.


Provost Phillips provided an update on the Chancellor Zimpher’s strategic plan. The Chancellor’s office is putting together a report card that will assess the meeting of the goals which she has set. The provost said she expects that we will see a SUNY-wide set of metrics as well as our own campus report card. Provost Phillips added that we would integrate those metrics with our own strategic plan.

Provost Phillips provided an update on Year Two activities of our UAlbany strategic plan. Accomplishments include implementation of the general education program, hiring a director for the writing program, working on professional adult continuing education, and developing initiatives to engage undergraduates in research. The provost expects that will have completed our goals for years one and two by the end of the semester.

Provost Phillips discussed the next steps in the 2020 plan. A team has been assembled and they are working on an implementation plan. We expect to move forward with tuition and fees as well as plans for a new building and other 2020 initiatives. Facilities Management is working on plans and expects to get information out to the campus in a few weeks.

The provost discussed the process for cancelling classes due to inclement weather. The process begins in the

Provosts’ Office obtaining information from Atmospheric Science. Those offices then collaborate with Facilities to monitor the situation. Once all of the information has been accumulated, an assessment is made on when to make the call if classes are going to be cancelled. An announcement is posted to the Snow Line and University web site as well as communicated via email and text alert. GSO President Devlin asked if the university loses funding if it closes. Provost Phillips responded that it does not.

Provost Phillips informed SEC members that Professor Andy Haas from Computer Science died suddenly last week from an aneurysm. Professor Haas was a faculty member at the University for 23 years. He was 57 years old. The Computer Science Department will hold a memorial service on Tuesday in HU 354.

UPPC Chair Fessler inquired about the remaining capital funds to complete the current renovations. Provost

Phillips said the projects currently underway will be completed, but that new projects for which funds have not been encumbered could not be started unless there is a new capital plan. Currently, the only new capital allocated to the campus is the funds for the new building in the 2020 plan. SUNY is expected to seek restoration of capital funds before the state budget is finalized.


Over 5,000 people attended Winter Commencement with more than 1,000 graduates processing. Honorary degrees were presented to

John Egan and Carol Gilligan, and Senator Schumer arrived to deliver an address.

This semester, the Chair hopes to keep the Senate involved in continuing to provide energy for the Campus Diversity and Inclusion


UAlbany Advocacy Day will be on February 4. Please encourage your colleagues to get involved.

Josh Ringel, the Student Association President’s Designee, has resigned. We have not yet received notice of a replacement.

The Task Force Report on Resolution 1112-05R was discussed at the December 17 Senate meeting. No action was proposed as a result of the report, which was submitted to the full Senate as required by the language of the Resolution.

Senate Bill 1213-03: Graduate Certificate Program in Global Health Studies, and Senate Resolution 1213-03R: Responsible Use of

Technology Policy were both voted on and approved at the December Senate meeting. Both items were approved by President Philip before he left office.

Chair Lyons said her future reports will include a summary of events from the most recent Senate meeting in order to provide the non-senator chairs, CAFFECoR Chair Saint-Vil and CERS Chair MacDonald, with the information.

SUNY Senator Leonard asked if the work on the three resolutions was complete. Chair Lyons summarized the work of the resolution committees. Last spring, work was completed on Resolution 1112-03R. The SEC concluded that Resolution 1112-

04R was not enforceable. A full report on Resolution 1112-05R was completed and provided to the full Senate as required in the resolution with no further action required. Chair Lyons said she believed all actionable items were complete.


UFS (University Faculty Senator’s Report) –Danielle Leonard, J. Philippe Abraham & Shadi Shahedipour-

Sandvik, SUNY Senators

Senate Leonard said she had not received any information from other senators concerning the plenary at SUNY Oneonta this past weekend but believed Daniel White had attended in her place.

GSO (Graduate Student Organization) – Thomas Devlin, GSO President

GSO President Devlin reported that a request has been submitted for space on the downtown campus and he is waiting for a response. He isn’t expecting to get exactly what has been requested but believes GSO will get some space. He is working on a proposal for furnishing the space with computers, printers and furniture.

Mr. Devlin inquired about attendance of graduate student representatives at council meetings. According to several of the chairs they have not been attending. Mr. Devlin asked if it was a normal practice for students to not meet their charge.

Chair Lyons said it had become rather common. Mr. Devlin will address the issue with the students.

SA (Student Association) – Arthur Rushforth, Student Association President Chair Lyons reported that Josh

Ringel resigned his position as president’s designee but submitted some concerns he would like to have addressed this semester. She has not received any information about a replacement for Mr. Ringel. Chair Lyons said she believed Mr.

Ringel also resigned from his council service as well.


CAA (Council on Academic Assessment) – Adrian Masters, Chair

Nothing to report

CAFFECoR (Committee on Academic Freedom, Freedom of Expression, and Community Responsibility) –

Leslie Saint-Vil, Chair

Nothing to report

CERS (Committee on Ethics in Research and Scholarship) – Carolyn MacDonald, Chair

Nothing to report

COR (Council on Research) – John Monfasani, Chair

Chair Monfasani reported that 16 grants totaling $119,000 were approved for FRAP A.

CPCA (Council on Promotions and Continuing Appointments) – Sanjay Putrevu, Chair

The next CPCA meeting is scheduled for early February.

GAC (Graduate Academic Council) – Tim Groves, Chair

The GAC met on 12-21-2012. Several changes to existing curricula were presented by the Committee on Curriculum and Instruction, and ratified by the GAC. A proposal to eliminate the residency requirement for the Ph.D. programs in the School of Social Welfare was approved by the GAC. A presentation titled ‘Principles of Effective Teaching in Higher Education’ was given and discussed. There are no bills to bring before the Senate at this time.

Chair Groves reported that graduate students are attending GAC meetings.

GOV (Governance Council) – Christine Wagner, Chair

Chair Wagner was unable to attend the meeting. UPPC Chair Fessler reported on her behalf that GOV continues trying to resolve the IRCUAP issue. A subcommittee has been formed to address the matter.

LISC (Council on Libraries, Information Systems, and Computing) – Elizabeth Gaffney, Chair

Chair Gaffney reported that meeting dates have been set for the spring semester. The council membership is down as one member has retired from the university and another is on sabbatical.

UAC (Undergraduate Academic Council) – Richard Fogarty, Chair

Nothing to report

ULC (University Life Council) – Vincent LaBella, Chair

ULC met on January 17 th and reviewed the feedback from the fall faculty forums. We also had a conference call with Frances Kendall to discuss the feedback and plan for her visit to UAlbany on March 6,7,8 th . We are currently planning another set of forums for the faculty during her visit.

UPPC (University Planning and Policy Council) – Susanna Fessler, Chair

UPPC has not met over the winter session break, and so has nothing new to report.

Chair Fessler reported that the council’s membership is shifting with members going on leave.

Chair Lyons reported that the Senate officers met with President Jones to discuss issues that the Senate will address this semester, including the smoking policy, family leave policy and the resource allocation model. ULC

Chair LaBella said his council would be looking into the family leave matter.

In her role as co-chair of PTAC, Chair Fessler said the group has provided President Jones with a list of things to complete in his first 100 days as president. The items are nominally ranked. President Jones’ Senior Assistant,

Susan Supple, has scheduled 56 of the items and is working on the remainder. Chair Fessler said if anyone has questions about who the president will meet with, they can email her and she will try to answer their questions.

She said the decision about a formal inauguration has not been made. The charge for PTAC is to let the president know who the important stakeholders are in the community.


The meeting adjourned at 4:10 pm

Respectfully submitted by

Gail Cameron, Recorder
