PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASS PROCEDURES Illness? Injury? Unprepared? If a student comes to class unprepared to participate or cannot participate due to a health reason then they will need to sit by the teachers table and wait for their alternate written lesson. If the assignment is completed before the end of the class period then the student will still receive full credit for that day. If a student misses a fitness test due to being unprepared or a temporary health issue then they will need to make it up at a later date when the teacher is able to administer the test. Failure to follow expectations and/or disrupting class: First Incident: Verbal Warning Second Incident: Sit by teacher’s table or an assigned spot and wait for a student/teacher conference Third Incident: Sit out for remainder of class period. If a student remains out after the student/teacher conference or there is a severe incident then the student will be assigned a written fitness/health assignment on the next PE day. This assignment must be fully completed and approved by the assigning teacher before that student may rejoin the class activities. If the assignment is not completed then a new assignment will be given the next day. Fourth Incident or continued refusal to complete assignments: parent contact Repeated incidents or severe offense: results in a referral to the office (principal)