Science Fair Letter to Parents: Grades 4-6


Monday, October 26, 2015

Dear Parents/Guardians,

It's Science Fair time! On Thursday, November 19 th , we will be having our annual

Science Fair for 4th-6 th grade students. Fourth grade students may enter a project in our

Science Fair on a voluntary basis this year. However, each fifth and sixth grade student is

required to do a project for their science class. Science projects are primarily independent study assignments involving experimentation on a topic of individual interest. The educational benefits to the student who completes a project, which are numerous, include, developing skills in writing, oral presentation, creating thinking and problem solving.

Students entering the Science Fair will be required to display their experiments on a 36’’ X

48”” science display board that can be purchased at Hobby Lobby,

Michael’s, and other various school supply retail stores.

Science Fair Projects are to be completed at home.


Students will complete their own/individual project. The only team projects will be in 4th grade.


Students and parents should monitor their progress staying on track to meet deadlines.


Topic of Science Fair due: Friday October 30. Students must provide 2-3 topic

choices for consideration.

4. Completion of Project and Logbook due Monday November 16 th -18th.

Projects involving the following materials are prohibited from our Science Fair:

● No animal or human testing. This includes taste testing, sleep deprivation and other tests that require a human or animal test subject to be involved in the experiment.

● Molds and bacteria are prohibited from science fair, due to the high possibility of spreading disease, germs and other unsavory cells.

● No Tobacco, weapons, or firearms.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Please sign the Parent/Student Agreement below and return it to school by

Wednesday, October 28th, 2015. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact either Ms. Sikes at

, Ms. Baker at

, or myself at


Additional information can be found on our teacher websites, under the science fair link. To access our websites, visit the Apple Creek home page, click on “Our Staff” and then click on the name of the teacher you are looking for. Each of us has a Science Fair Info link that contains all of the additional information needed/required for the Science Fair project and research.

This is the science fair security release form. Please sign and return the bottom portion of this letter stating you understand the terms and conditions of the science fair.


Ms. Baker, Ms. Sikes, and Mrs. Cisneros

4 th , 5 th , and 6 th Grade Science Teachers


I have received the science packet containing all the necessary paperwork for completing the science fair.


Parent Signature


Parent Name (Please Print)


Student Name


Homeroom Teacher
