Diseases Variations Disease- a disorder of a body, system, organ structure or function. Ex. Christmas Disease (hemophilia B) Virus- any member of a unique class of infectious agents. Need a host to replicate. Ex. HIV Infection- Invasion and multiplication of microorganisms in body tissues. Ex. Staph. HIV/AIDS 1.) Nearly 37 million people across the globe are infected with HIV. HIV stands for human immunodifiency virus a disease that affects the immune system. This infection is transmitted through human contact or during pregnancy. If HIV goes untreated, it can progress to AIDS as CD4 cells that help the body fight disease are destroyed. HIV and AIDS are caused by human contact with an infected person. They cannot be transmitted through mosquitoes or bathrooms as was widely believed in the 1980s. HIV/AIDS 2.) HIV and AIDS occur in both developing and developed countries. However, developed countries such as the United States have reduced the deaths from AIDS. Populations in Africa, Haiti, and Asia, however, continue to have outbreaks. Physical features don’t play a role in outbreaks of this virus. Human contact is the main factor in transmission and precautions taken by humans affect the rates of transmission. HIV/AIDS 3.) HIV AND AIDS have their own symptoms. Someone can be infected with HIV for many years before symptoms appear. Infected persons usually experience fever, headache and body aches. Once HIV has progressed to full blown AIDS, humans experience weight loss, fatigue and swollen lymph nodes. Those infected with AIDS also have a low CD4 count which affects the body’s ability to fight off infections. Death from AIDS comes from illness that occurs as a result of a low white blood cell count. HIV/AIDS 4.) There is no cure for HIV or AIDS. HIV can be kept at bay with various drugs. Treatment, however, has reduced the number of deaths in many developed countries. HIV and AIDS are treated with combinations of various anti-retroviral drugs. These drugs can be extremely expensive and have many side effects such as stomach pains, weakened bones and heart disease. Treatment and education have been a main focus to preventing the disease. Resources http://www.cdc.gov/ http://www.webmd.com/