School of Social Sciences and Education Curriculum Committee Request for Proposals This document provides a one-stop location for typical SSE Curriculum Committee review requests such as new proposals, revisions, cancellations, or program discontinuance. Most forms needed are now included here, providing the ability to cut, paste, or delete, depending on request-needs. In addition to applicable forms, please submit a formal memorandum signed by the Department Chair (s) signifying approval of the request. This approval should denote the (a) Department’s faculty affirmative vote, (b) consultation process of other departments or programs affected, and (c) a detailed rationale of the proposal. Whenever possible, cite precedents for request, evidence from other programs or campuses that show compatibility, CSU Executive Orders, Higher Education Title IV (or others), or accreditation mandates. Please submit curriculum maps, outlines, tables, or any other material that can help expedite approval of the proposal. Most importantly, the SSE Curriculum Committee’s mission is not only oversight but also academic support for your request and a reservoir of resources. Please contact the chair, committee members, as well as other department chairs who might already have submitted a similar proposal if you need some assistance. Please email your requests to the SSE Dean’s Office and the Curriculum Committee Chair, attaching the (a) formal memorandum, (b) request forms in this document, (c) supplementary forms such as new course form—links provided under forms below, (d) major/minor/track/concentration outline, (e) course syllabi, and (f) any other relevant information you might consider important in committee deliberations. Revised: 3/1/15 p. 1 School of Social Sciences and Education Curriculum Committee SSE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE -- REQUEST FOR REVIEW Date: Name: Phone: Department: Program: COMPLETE SECTION(S) APPLYING TO REVIEW REQUEST: (cut/paste/delete sections base on needs) COURSE CANCELLATION REQUEST (boxes are expandable) Course / Number / (Units): Course title: What is the reason for cancellation? Does deletion impact the curriculum? What is the effect on resources? Are other programs impacted? If yes, have they been consulted? COURSE REVISION/change REQUEST* (boxes are expandable) Course / Number / (Units): Course title: [] N= graded [] B=credit/no credit Grading basis ([x] one): [] S=Graded w/RP [] P=remedial [] T=Cr/NC w/RP (Director of Academic Operations and Support must approve S &T basis) Revision of: [] Title [] Credit [] Prerequisites [] Description Present course information (catalog copy: use over-strike for deletions and bold for additions) CHANGE TO: (catalog copy) What is the reason for revision? Does change impact the curriculum? What is the effect on resources? Are other programs impacted? If yes, have they been consulted? *Must also submit: “Request for Approval: New Course / Course Change” Attached Below Revised: 3/1/15 p. 2 NEW COURSE REQUEST * (boxes are expandable) Course / Number / (UNITS): Course title: [] N= graded [] B=credit/no credit Grading basis (mark [x]). [] S=Graded w/RP [] P=remedial [] T=Cr/NC w/RP (Director of Academic Operations and Support must approve S &T basis) Indicate unit division for each used; must total UNITS above Type of Course: (If the course involves [] Lecture [] Lab [] Lecture/Lab Formal Scheduled “split units” [] Seminar [] Field Experience [] Internship between two or more components. [] Online; [] Hybrid To be offered: [] On campus Frequency of offering? [] Quarterly [] Antelope Valley [] Online [] Other [] Annually [] Biannually Proposed as: [] Requirement [] Elective in: in: Prerequisite courses / competencies /Test Codes / Students Groups: [] GE/GRE designation: Co-requisites: Catalog Copy Course Description: Why is the course needed? Rationale and goals for the course? Where does the course fit in the curriculum? Who is the potential audience? Does the course duplicate other courses in other departments? If yes, list similar courses. What is the impact of this new offering on resources? How will these be covered? (Support costs/equipment required & implications for faculty/staff). Will the course affect other programs? If yes, attach supporting evidence of consultation and approval of support. *Must also submit: “Request for Approval: New Course / Course Change” Attached Below Revised: 3/1/15 p. 3 CANCELLATION OF DEGREE, MINOR, Note: May be used for moratorium requests also CONCENTRATION, EMPHASIS, TRACK, CERTIFICATE, OR OPTION REQUEST* (boxes are expandable) Cancellation of Program Title: Description: [] Degree [] Emphasis [] Option [] Minor [] Track [] Certificate [] Concentration [] Other_________ What is the reason for cancellation? Does cancellation impact the curriculum? What is the effect on resources? Are other programs impacted? If yes, have they been consulted? * Depending on request, the following handouts need to be consulted and procedures followed REVISION OF DEGREE, MINOR, (boxes are expandable) CONCENTRATION, EMPHASIS, TRACK, CERTIFICATE, OR OPTION REQUEST* Revision for: [] Degree [] Emphasis [] Minor [] Track [] Concentration Old Program Title and catalog description (use over-strike for deletions and bold for additions): New Program Title and catalog description: [] Option [] Certificate [] Other_________ What is the reason for the change? Does the change impact the curriculum? What is the effect on resources? Are other programs impacted? If yes, have they been consulted? (attached memorandum of support) *Must also submit: “Request for Approval: New Course / Course Change” Attached Below Revised: 3/1/15 p. 4 NEW DEGREE, MINOR, (boxes are expandable) CONCENTRATION, EMPHASIS, TRACK, CERTIFICATE, OR OPTION REQUEST Request for new: [] Degree [] Emphasis [] Minor [] Track [] Concentration Title and catalog description: [] Option [] Certificate [] Other_________ Purpose and characteristics of the new program? How does the new program impact the campus vision, mission and strategic plan? Will the program be offered through state support or special sessions? What is the anticipated student demand? What are the projected workforce demands and employment opportunities for graduates? Are there other relevant societal needs? Provide an assessment of required resources and whether there is a campus commitment to allocation of needed resources. NOTE: Please consult the SSE Handbook or the SSE Curriculum Chair for any questions: submit routing form:,%20C oncentration%20or%20Emphasis.pdf consult: Revised: 3/1/15 p. 5 COURSE REVISION REQUEST* (boxes are expandable) Course / Number / (Units): Course title: [] N= graded [] B=credit/no credit Grading basis ([x] one): [] S=Graded w/RP [] P=remedial [] T=Cr/NC w/RP (Director of Academic Operations and Support must approve S &T basis) Revision of: [] Title [] Credit [] Prerequisites [] Description Present course information (catalog copy: use over-strike for deletions and bold for additions) CHANGE TO: (catalog copy) What is the reason for revision? Does change impact the curriculum? What is the effect on resources? Are other programs impacted? If yes, have they been consulted? *Must also submit: “Request for Approval: New Course / Course Change” Attached Below Revised: 3/1/15 p. 6 Request for Approval New Course/Course Change Submitted by: Effective Term: Approved by: Department Contact and Phone extension GE/UWR Effective Term GE/UWR Committee Chair/Date Quarter & Year Approved by: School Dean/Date Approved by: Curriculum Committee Chair/Date Approved by: Approved by: Director of Academic Operations/Date Department Chair/Date Crse ID# (1) example data 000356 Crse Subj Crse # Total Units BIOL 100 5 Split Units Class APDB Mapping Value/CS# (2) 4 lec 1 lab 01 lec 16 lab Hegis (3) 22041 Course Title (this field in PeopleSoft only allows for 30 spaces) CLEV (4) Grading Basis (5) Test Codes, Student Groups and/or Prerequisites 01 N None Corequisites Requirement Designation and Attributes GE/GRE attributes remove or continue(6) none B2B3 LDGE B2B3 Perspectives in Biology Check if new or revised course description (7) X Action: title change, unit change, add a requisite, change grade basis, add new course etc. (8) Add new course (1) Every course in PeopleSoft has a unique course ID: for all new courses a course ID number will be generated. (2) Provide Class APDB Mapping Value or CS#. Refer to PeopleSoft Components spreadsheet. (3) Hegis (previously known as CIP code) can be found in Course Catalog. Look at an existing course in your dept for Hegis (CIP code). Check offerings tab at Hegis link. (4) Course Level = CLEV: 01=Lower; 02=Upper, 03=Graduate (5) Grading Basis: N=Graded; B=credit/no credit; P=remedial; S=Graded w/RP; T=CR/NC w/RP (S & T grade basis must be approved by Director of Academic Operations and Support). (6) Changes to Gen Ed (Area/Theme) and GRE approved courses require signature by appropriate Committee Chair. (7) Attach and send an electronic copy to Academic Scheduling of all new or revised course descriptions. (8) What action needs to be taken with the course. Revised: 3/1/15 p. 7