ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE MANUAL SECTION TITLE LINE OF DUTY LEAVE BASED ON BOARD OF TRUSTEES’ RULE AND TITLE 6Hx7-3.27 Leave NUMBER PAGE 03-1008 1 OF 1 DATE REVISED August 12, 2014 Purpose The purpose of this section is to outline the procedure for granting Line of Duty Leave to College employees. Procedure A. Any full-time employee required to perform non-regular duty away from his/her regular place of employment with or without expense reimbursement, is required to file a Request for Line of Duty Leave from which includes a statement showing benefit to the College. Duty away from the College can include, but is not limited to, workshops, seminars, conferences and conventions. Line of Duty Leave may not be used for the purpose of advancing certification rank or certification renewal for personal reasons not related to employment. B. Any employee requesting Line of Duty Leave is required to forward his/her Request for Line of Duty Leave form in a timely manner to allow for adequate staffing and planning purposes with appropriate documentation of the event. C. Line of Duty Leave may be granted to part-time personnel, when an agency is sponsoring and providing reimbursement for the activity directly related to the program at the College, or when parttime personnel are included in the budget of the Staff and Program Development Project and such duty is authorized. D. Illness in line of duty leave shall be granted as provided in APM 03-0906 Worker’s Compensation. REFERENCES: F.S. 1001.64, SBE Rule 6A-14.0261 Adopted Date: November 2, 1987 Revision Date: August 12, 2014