Cover Sheet for 2015-2016 Mini-Grant/Assigned Time Requests

Date Stamp
Round One (Summer/Fall 2015)
Project Period July 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015
Cover Sheet for 2015-2016 Mini-grant/Assigned Time Requests
(Please type)
Name____________________________________________ Academic Rank_______________________________
Department ________________________________Project Title__________________________________________
A. Abstract
B Assigned Time Requested (1 course max.)
Fall 2015:_______ WTU
(Only tenured and tenure-track faculty are eligible to apply for assigned time)
C. Summary Mini-grant Budget Requested (see RFP “Proposal Format” #3 for itemized budget instructions.
Released Time. Provide justification for any request for release time.
Student Assistants. In the proposal, describe the specific activities in which the students would
be involved in order to support the requested hours and level of pay. Requests for Class III
student assistants (max. rate of $17.26 per hour) must be fully justified.
Supplies & Services. In the proposal, describe the specific use of the supplies and services
in achieving the objectives/goals of the proposed project. Funds should be expended by December 31st.
Equipment. In the proposal, describe the specific use of the equipment in achieving the goals/
objectives of the proposed project. (Provide model numbers where appropriate). Funds should be
expended by December 31, 2015.
Travel. Travel not integral to the conduct of the project will not be supported. Travel needed to
collect data or consult materials otherwise not available locally is allowed. All travel should be
completed by December 31, 2015.
Other (Specify)
TOTAL REQUESTED ($5,000 max.)
D. Human or Animal Subjects Research
Are human__ or animals __ involved as subjects in your research project? If so, please supply an IRB (humans) or an
IACUC (animals) authorization letter prior to award decision.
CSUB Office of Grants, Research and Sponsored Programs, RCU Round One Cover Sheet
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Human Subjects:
Please see the definition of human subjects research on the following link:
Animal Subjects:
The principal investigator on every IACUC protocol, as well as others having substantial contact with the animals must be certified as
having appropriate training in the Humane Care and Use of Animal Subjects (HCUAS). Training materials for this purpose are
available online HCUAS Training.
E. Acknowledgement Signatures
I have discussed with my Department Chair all commitments of department resources, especially assigned time, needed to complete
the proposed project.
Investigator ______________________________________
Date: _______________
I have reviewed the proposal, and acknowledge its submission to the RCU. If assigned time is requested and granted, I will work with
the School Dean to find a replacement, if at all possible.
Department Chair ______________________________________________________________________________________
COMMENTS (if any):
RCU Round One Project Period: July 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015
Final reports will be due: February 15, 2016
Please return your application to GRSP (DDH D-108) no later than 12 Noon, Friday, May 15, 2015
For additional information please contact the
Office of Grants, Research & Sponsored Programs, DDH D-100 [x2233]
CSUB Office of Grants, Research and Sponsored Programs, RCU Round One Cover Sheet
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