Procedure: Gift Processing Procedure California State University, Bakersfield California State University, Bakersfield Foundation VOLUME: Procedure TITLE: Gift Processing Procedure DIVISION: University Advancement DEPARTMENT: University Wide I. Process a gift A. Check 1. Opening the envelopes a. Vice President for University Advancement (VPUA) opens mail for CSUB Foundation b. All checks received directly by Athletics or other campus departments are delivered to Advancement unopened c. Checks are given to front desk staff to enter and log d. Staff person gives checks and envelopes to data entry person 2. Determining designation a. Receive plain white envelope, no pledge, nothing in system – deposit gift into CSUB Fund b. Envelope coded – deposit into fund on envelope; save envelope for paper back-up 3. Entering the gift a. Hard credit – company vs. individual b. Soft credit - tied to company or individual c. If not connected on Raiser’s Edge (RE), data entry person gives to prospect researcher to set up direct connections d. Donor records – split 50/50 between Mr. & Mrs. 4. Paperwork storage a. Copy check, process check at CSUB cashier’s office, store copies of checks in bundles organized by month, keep 3 years of records stored in data entry office, records beyond 3 years kept in storage b. May change process in future – scan copy of check 5. Depositing the check a. Data entry person at CSUB cashier’s office 6. Receipting the donors a. Send acknowledgement letter and perforated gift receipt 7. Thanking the donors a. Standard acknowledgement letter with perforated gift receipt sent to all donors & additional personalized acknowledgement letter signed by VPUA sent for $1000+ gifts b. Athletics sends perforated letter and receipt – under $1,000 gifts Page 1 of 8 Procedure: Gift Processing Procedure B. C. receive letter with Athletics Director’s (AD) scanned signature; $1,000+ gifts receive letter with Athletics Director’s actual signature 8. Reports to administration, gift officers, deans/AD a. Send weekly reports to review and write thank you letters; include acknowledgement preference (e.g. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, or Mr. John Smith and Mrs. Mary Smith) Pledge and gift agreement 1. Opening the envelopes - See I.A.1.a. above 2. Determining designation and start date a. If unclear, ask solicitor b. Revised pledge agreement - change in pledge terms needs to be in writing from donor c. Determine how pledge will be paid; options – monthly, quarterly, annually (no more than 5 year pledge) d. Ask donor who will be source of gift (individual or company) e. CSUBF will not accept or book conditional pledges - e.g. donor offer of a gift based on the sale of something, when stock price increases, etc. f. No pledge will be entered in the data base without a signed communication from the donor. Pledge forms, letters, e-mails detailing gift, are acceptable forms of backup. 3. Entering the gift a. Hard credit – company vs. individual b. Soft credit - tied to company or individual c. If not connected on RE, data entry person gives to prospect researcher to set up direct connections d. Donor records – split 50/50 between Mr. & Mrs. 4. Paperwork storage a. Pledge book – for those gifts of $5,000 and greater. All paperwork will be kept together alphabetically in binder in the data entry office. b. Paperwork to include original agreement, correspondence, pledge payments, and accompanying background information from prospect visits Endowment agreement 1. Opening the envelopes a. Opening the envelopes - See I.A.1.a. above. Agreements are usually hand delivered by gift officer 2. Determining designation a. Verbiage drafted by gift officer and donor – outlines donor intent b. VPUA approves every draft agreement c. Donor and campus administrators sign agreement d. See CSUBF - Endowment Agreement Policy 3. Entering the gift a. Hard credit – company vs. individual b. Soft credit - tied to company or individual c. If not connected on RE, data entry person gives to prospect researcher to set up direct connections Page 2 of 8 Procedure: Gift Processing Procedure d. Donor records – split 50/50 between Mr. & Mrs. Paperwork storage a. Original hard copy of paperwork stored in advancement central records Gift-in-kind (GIK) – will only be accepted as they meet the educational mission of CSUB as determined by the CSUB Gift Acceptance Committee (Vice President of University Advancement, Beverly Byl; Vice President for Business & Administrative Services, Michael Neal; Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Soraya Coley). VPUA will act as the representative in accepting any Gift-in-Kind valued at $5,000 or more as determined by a third party appraiser obtained by the donor. For any Gift-in-Kind valued under $5,000, the VPUA may delegate the authority to accept the gift to the Director of Donor Relations or other appropriate administrator. 1. Opening the envelopes – GIK received through the mail a. Opening the envelopes - See I.A.1.a. above. The paperwork on gifts-in-kind usually will go directly to the VPUA. b. Discuss GIK item with donor and appropriate university program 2. Determining designation and evaluation a. Form – acceptance (yes or no) b. Gift evaluation – 1.) credit amount (under $5,000 determined by donor and supported by paperwork or knowledge of fair market value.) 2.) Value of gifts estimated to be over $5,000 must be determined by an outside professional appraisal or appropriate source document as determined by the VPUA. CSUB may not do the appraisal of GIK over $5,000) 3. On acceptance of the GIK $5,000 or greater, CSUB VPUA will sign off on the IRS 8283 Form that is supplied by donors. GIK less than $5,000 do not need IRS Form. 4. Letters of acknowledgement issued by CSUBF and donor receipts do not include a value as it is the donor’s responsibility to do so. 5. Entering the gift a. Hard credit – company vs. individual b. Soft credit - tied to company or individual c. If not connected on RE, data entry person gives to prospect researcher to set up direct connections d. Donor records – split 50/50 between Mr. & Mrs. 6. Paperwork storage a. Hard copy of all background material on Gift-in-kind will be stored in advancement division central records. Stocks 1. Opening the envelopes a. Opening the envelopes - See I.A.1.a. above. 2. Determining value a. Median high and low on date of receipt (sold amount in Raiser’s Edge) b. List of brokers – UBS, etc. c. Donor works directly with broker 4. D. E. Page 3 of 8 Procedure: Gift Processing Procedure d. CSUB obtains information from broker Entering the gift a. Hard credit – company vs. individual b. Soft credit - tied to company or individual c. If not connected on RE, data entry person gives to prospect researcher to set up direct connections d. Donor records – split 50/50 between Mr. & Mrs. 4. Paperwork storage a. Original hard copy of paperwork stored in advancement central records Credit Card gifts 1. Opening the envelopes a. Opening the envelopes - See I.A.1.a. above. b. Credit card gifts received in Advancement office - processed through the CSUB cashier’s office & credit card numbers are not retained in Advancement c. Credit card gifts received by Athletics - entered in Jump TV and credit card numbers are destroyed d. Roadrunner gifts being paid for by credit card will be called in by Athletics to the credit card company, until such time as we close down JumpTV and enter all gifts on Raiser’s Edge. 2. Determining designation a. Designation will be determined by the paperwork accompanying the credit card information 3. Entering the gift a. Hard credit – company vs. individual b. Soft credit - tied to company or individual c. If not connected on RE, data entry person gives to prospect researcher to set up direct connections d. Donor records – split 50/50 between Mr. & Mrs. 4. Paperwork storage a. Back-up paperwork on credit card gifts must be retained; however, the credit card numbers or SSN’s are blacked out or destroyed. 5. Charging the credit card a. Data entry staff will handle all entry of credit cards, once Roadrunner Jump TV is closed. In the meantime, see I.F.1.d. Online gifts 1. Retrieval of online gift – data entry person (Carolyn Powers) receives email with gift form 2. Designation will be determined by details on gift form 3. Entering the gift a. Hard credit – company vs. individual b. Soft credit - to tied company or individual c. If not connected on RE, data entry person gives to prospect researcher to set up direct connections. d. Donor records – split 50/50 between Mr. & Mrs. 4. Paperwork storage a. Back-up paperwork on credit card gifts must be retained; however, the credit card numbers or SSN’s must be blacked out or 3. F. G. Page 4 of 8 Procedure: Gift Processing Procedure destroyed. Charging the credit card a. Data entry staff will handle all entry of credit cards, once Roadrunner Jump TV is closed. In the meantime, see I.F.1. Sponsorships - athletics and event sponsors 1. Opening the envelopes - See I.A.1.a. above. Sponsorship agreements are usually delivered to campus by athletics or a gift officer. a. Agreement sent to CSUBF for VPUA’s signature within one week of receiving sponsorship 2. Determining designation and start date a. If unclear, ask athletics/gift officer b. Determine how sponsorship will be paid; options – monthly, quarterly, annually (no more than 5 year pledge) in cash or by gift in kind fulfillment. c. If needed, ask gift officer who will be source of gift sponsorship payment (individual or company) d. Value and benefits received by donor will be set by Athletics/VPUA/gift officer. e. Revised sponsorship agreement - any change in terms needs to be in writing from donor 3. Entering the sponsorship contract in Raiser’s Edge a. Gift type is “other” b. Gift subtype is “sponsorship” c. Gift-in-kind sponsorships - e.g. hotel rooms, television time, advertising of games will be posted as a completed sponsorship d. Sponsorships that will be paid by a cash gift will be entered as a sponsorship open pledge. Payments will be entered by advancement against the “sponsorship pledge”. e. Pay method is “other” f. Deposited into a sponsorship fund account and coded as a sponsorship campaign fund and coded to a specific sponsorship year - e.g. SP09 or SPONS g. Hard credit – company h. Event sponsorships will be entered as gifts in the same manner as outlined for a pledge in I. B above. i. If not connected on RE, data entry person gives to prospect researcher to set up direct connections 4. Sponsorship cash/check payments a. All cash received for payments of sponsorships will be sent to advancement for payment entry into the Raisers Edge system. b. Payments will be handled in the same manner as outlined in the same manner as I.A.1.above. 5. Paperwork storage a. Sponsorship book - All athletics paperwork will be kept together alphabetically in binder in the data entry office by sponsorship year. b. Paperwork to include original sponsorship agreement, correspondence, pledge payments, and accompanying background information from prospect visits as needed. 5. H. Page 5 of 8 Procedure: Gift Processing Procedure c. I. J. K. Event sponsorship paperwork will be kept in the same manner as I.B. above. Matching Gifts - processing of match 1. Opening the envelope a. Forms come directly to the VPUA and are given to data entry person 2. Determining designation a. Database is checked for original gift b. Once gift is ascertained, paperwork is processed and signed by VPUA 3. Entering the gift a. Hard credit – company vs. individual b. Soft credit - tied to company or individual c. If not connected on RE, data entry person gives to prospect researcher to set up direct connections d. Donor records – split 50/50 between Mr. & Mrs 4. Paperwork storage a. Copy of matching gift form and check are kept in matching gift file in data entry person’s office as well as data entry person’s processed gift file 5. Signed form is returned to matching gift company 6. Check is received from matching gift company 7. Thanking the donors – individual donor is thanked for their gift as well as the matching gift 8. Reports to administration, gift officers, deans/AD Honor and memorial gifts 1. Opening the envelopes a. Opening the envelopes - See I.A.1.a. above. 2. Determining designation a. Designation is based on the direction of the family or the deceased 3. Entering the gift a. Hard credit – company vs. individual b. Soft credit - tied to company or individual c. If not connected on RE, data entry person gives to prospect researcher to set up direct connections d. Donor records – split 50/50 between Mr. & Mrs 4. Donors are thanked directly 5. Family or honoree is notified of the gift, not the amount, on a weekly basis via established form letter 6. Paperwork storage a. Original hard copy of paperwork stored in advancement central records 7. Reports to administration, gift officers, deans/AD Payroll deduction 1. Form process a. Completed and signed by donor b. Delivered to data entry person by gift officer Page 6 of 8 Procedure: Gift Processing Procedure Data entry person makes copy of form, stores copy in a ‘holding folder’ for all payroll deductions awaiting State Activation, and takes original to CSUB cashier’s office for processing d. Data entry person receives report from cashier’s office, indicating State Activation has occurred and the first payroll deduction payment was received e. Data entry person inputs pledge information on Raiser’s Edge f. Template thank you letter is sent to all first-time payroll deduction donors 2. End of fiscal year a. send total fiscal year gift receipt and standard thank you letter b. re-book new fiscal year pledge, if appropriate L. Real Estate 1. Approval a. Gifts of Real Estate cannot be accepted without the prior approval of the Vice President of Business and Administrative Services and the University President. c. II. General A. Pledge reminders 1. Data entry person sends pledge reminders to all necessary donors on the 15th of every month 2. Pledge reminders for a late installment are sent four times – 30 days past due date, 60 days past due date, 90 days past due date, and finally a “don’t miss out” letter 3. For details on the handling of pledges and write-offs, see CSUBF - Pledge Policy and Procedure III. Process - Cashier to General Ledger A. Raiser’s Edge to Cash net 1. After entry into Raiser’s Edge, two collection sheets are filled out and taken to the cashier’s office. The cashier will initial one of the sheets and the sheet is forwarded back to CSUB foundation office. A receipt with totals is returned the next day. 2. The cashier inputs the data from the collection sheet into cash net and reconciles the checks to the collection sheet. At days end the receipt is generated and forwarded to CSUB Foundation. B. Cash net to People Soft 1. Every evening an automatic feed occurs which will load the information from cash net to the general ledger. The fed is based on chart fields. A report is generated from this feed. 2. The report detail is reconciled by accounting to ensure accuracy C. Pledge reconciliation to the general ledger 1. The reconciliation sheet consist of: the general ledger starting balance, new donor pledges, new matching gift pledges, less pledge payments, matching gift payments and donor requested write offs within the fiscal year. 2. On a quarterly basis the reconciliation sheet is prepared and the total is matched with a print out of all pledge receivables and matched with the general ledger number. Page 7 of 8 Procedure: Gift Processing Procedure 3. As of the close of the calendar year end, the pledge receivable detail report is matched with the pledge receivable policy and the annual list of write offs for prior year pledges is prepared. The list is then presented at the next meeting of the CSUBF finance committee for their approval. HISTORY: November 1, 2008 APPROVED: REVISION: July 1, 2009 January 2010 - Addition of Section III May 1, 2015 – Additions to Section I (MAB; DM) September 14, 2015 – Additions to Section I (MAB) Page 8 of 8