Flowers for Algernon Vocab. 1 Contd

Flowers for Algernon
Vocabulary One Review!
Wednesday, Sept. 3
1. The prefix psyche means mind.
2. The suffix -ology means the study of.
3. Related: (verb) had something to do with
4. glory- (noun) praise or honor
5. tangible- (adjective) able to be seen,
touched, or felt
Wednesday, Sept. 3
6. acquire: (verb) to get
7. invariably- (adverb) constantly; always
8. cowered- (verb) moved away in fear
9. obscure (verb) to hide
10. stimulus (noun) something that causes a
Wednesday, Sept. 3
• For 10 minutes, read your library book and
begin your two column journal.
Thursday, Sept. 4
Write out the synonyms and the vocabulary
word that relates.
• 1. Perceptible, Concrete, Real:
• 2. Obtain, Get, Attain: _________________
• 3. Motivation, Incitement, Spur:
Thursday, Sept. 4
Write sentences to show the meaning of:
1. tangible
2. stimulus
3. acquire
Thursday, Sept. 4
• We will visit the media center at the start of
the hour.
• Have your book ready to turn in/renew!
Friday, Sept. 5
Write out the synonyms and the vocabulary
word that relates.
• 1. Unclear, Vague, Murky: _______________
• 2. Cringed, Recoiled, Fled: ________________
• 3. Always, Constantly,
Friday, Sept. 5
Write out the synonyms and the vocabulary
word that relates.
• 1. Credit, Praise, Honor: _______________
• 2. Connected, Associated, Linked:
• 3. Study, Education, Schooling: ____________