Moore Public Schools Parent Medication Consent Form (It is recommended to give medications at home if possible.) Student: ____________________________ School: ____________________ Teacher: _______________ Gr: ____ If it is necessary that a medication be given during school hours the following regulations must be met: *Medication must be ordered/advised by a physician/dentist and permission granted for the school staff to contact the prescribing physician/dentist if necessary regarding this medication. *Prescription medication must be brought to school in the ORIGINAL container with appropriate label intact. The label must have the student’s name, name of medication, dosage, and time to be given. IF MEDICATION IS NOT PROPERLY LABELED, IT WILL NOT BE GIVEN. *Non-prescription medication must be in the ORIGINAL, UNOPENED container and accompanied by a physician request and instructions for administration at school. The physician request must include student’s name, name of medication, dosage, and time to be given. *Medication cannot and will not be accepted in baggies or envelopes. *Parent/guardian MUST sign this form, granting designated school employee permission to give the medication during school or during school-sponsored activities, according to school policy. *For your child’s safety, the parent/guardian must bring prescription/non-prescription medication to the school, rather than sending it with the student. At the end of the school year, any remaining medication must be picked up by the parent/guardian or it will be discarded by the school. The school can not send medications home with students. Students CANNOT carry medications on their person. The only exceptions are emergency medications such as rescue inhalers, epi-pens and insulin. These medications must have a medication consent form on file, signed by a parent/ guardian and a physician, stating the student can carry the medications. It is highly suggested that you provide a back-up medication to the office. *By signing this form, the parent with legal custody or guardianship understands that under state law the Board of Education, the Moore School District, or employees of the District shall not be liable to the student or the student’s parents or guardian for civil damages for any personal injuries to the student which result from acts or omissions of school employees in administering the medication. *The parent/guardian agrees to provide medication and any particulars connected with administering medication at their own expense. *The parent/guardian will promptly notify the school of any change in the administration of this medication and will provide the school with new prescription bottle and physician order. Written or verbal changes from parent/guardian CANNOT be accepted. *The parent/guardian will notify the school of any physician change and obtain a new written prescription. PLEASE FILL OUT THE FOLLOWING. ALL MEDICATIONS MUST HAVE THE FOLLOWING FILLED OUT BY A PHYSICIAN/NURSE PRACTITIONER/ PHYSICIAN’S ASSISTANT. This form will only be valid for the current school year. A new form is required yearly. PLEASE USE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH MEDICATION Medication: ________________________________ Diagnosis:_____________________________________ Trade name or generic Dosage: ___________________________ Time(s) to be given at school: ___________________________ Method of administration: ORAL __Liquid __Tablet __Inhaler Drops: __Eye R L __Ear R L Topical: __ apply where ___________________________ Other: _________________________________ Effective Dates: From ___/___/_____ to ___/___/_____ Possible side effects: __________________________________________________________________________ If medication is PRN (as needed), please specify: ____________________________________________________ Signs and symptoms ___________________________ Can medication be repeated? ___Yes ___No How many times? _________ Frequency of Administration __________________________________ ______________________________________ _____________________ __________________ Physician’s Name (Please print) Physician signature Physician’s phone Date TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PARENT/GUARDIAN: I have read the procedure for medication administration and I hereby request and authorize Moore Public Schools personnel to administer this medication as directed. I agree to release, indemnify, and hold harmless Moore Public Schools and any of their officers, staff members, or agents from lawsuit, claim, demand, or action against them for administering medication to this student. I understand that permission is granted for exchange of verbal and/or written communication between the school staff and the prescribing physician/dentist regarding this medication. __________________________________ Signature of Legal Parent/Guardian ________________________ Date Nursing 3/11 CONTRACT FOR EXCEPTION: TO SELF-ADMINISTER AND RETAIN MEDICATION ON PERSON *Provisions under 70 O.S. 1984, Section 1-116.3 and the Moore Public Schools Policy #7150 allow a student to self administer a prescribed asthma, anaphylactic medication or diabetic medication. Approval to self administer medications must be authorized by the prescribing physician. The parent/ guardian of the student is to provide the school an emergency supply of the student’s medication. ___I have instructed ________________________________ in the proper use of his/her medication and it is my professional opinion that this student is capable of self-administration of the medication and should be allowed to carry and use that medication by himself/herself. __________________________________________________ Physician signature _____/______/__________ Date I understand this request is governed by Moore Public Schools regulations on self-administration of medication and there are conditions and exceptions to self-administration. I have instructed my child to inform school personnel if symptoms persist so additional emergency care can be obtained, if needed. I also understand that this permission may be revoked if my child misuses the medication. I understand that Moore Public Schools, its agents and employees shall incur no liability for any adverse reaction or injury suffered by this student as a result of selfadministration. We, the undersigned, absolve the school of any responsibility in safeguarding our child’s medication. __________________________________________________ ____/_____/____________ Signature of Legal Parent/Guardian Date Moore Public Schools MEDICATION RECORD 2014-2015 Student Name__________________________ Medication____________________________ School_______________ Grade_________ Teacher______________ Dosage________ Time________________ (Person administering medication should initial date box and write the time, initials, and signature at bottom of page required for each person giving mediation) M October 2015 Pill Count: T W Th 23 N = No Med Initials _____ Initials _____ Initials _____ Initials _____ Initials _____ Initials _____ 24 F 25 A = Absent O = No Show DC = Discontinue Signature____________________________________ Signature____________________________________ Signature____________________________________ Signature____________________________________ Signature____________________________________ Signature____________________________________ Medication picked up by parent: Date______________ Parent Signature___________________________________