Iliad Jeopardy Answers BlanketyBlank Tell me about it How’d it happen? Random Who did what? Greek, Immortal, or Trojan Name that Character Helen/Menelaus wealth/Helen Covers him in smoke, Wisks him away Push the Trojans back Whichever side Greek Agamemnon Priest/daughter Victory and safety for Patroclos surgeon Aineas Ares/Aphrodite Greek Andromache Chryseis/Briseis Go back to Olympus Moat Odysseus Menelaus Trojan Thetis Greeks/Trojans Drags it behind his chariot and steals armor Rock Agamemnon Sleep Greek Hephaestus Pandaros Briseis, his daughter, gold, horses, women, etc Patroclos Achilles Menelaus Trojan Menelaus Rock Die young, get fame Hector Hector The Trojans (Paris) Greek Ares Rock Live long His armor Took care of him Andromache Trojan Helen Paris Can’t go to the Underworld draw/gift exchange Agamemnon Hermes Immortal Hecuba/Hecabe Athena rock leaders Zeus Hephaestus Trojan Odysseus Apollo Kill him Burn the ships horse won Trojan Patroclos