Exploring defect level position and occupation in GaAsP via recombination analysis KyungTaek Lim and Tim Gfroerer, Davidson College, Davidson, NC Mark Wanlass, National Renewable Energy Lab, Golden, CO Abstract When electron-hole pairs are created in a semiconductor, recombination can occur either radiatively or nonradiatively. We measure the radiative efficiency (the fraction of recombination that is radiative) as a function of laser excitation intensity and temperature to characterize recombination mechanisms and predict how defects will impact solar cell performance. In a 1.6eV-bandgap GaAsP heterostructure, we observe complex changes in the photoluminescence spectrum and radiative efficiency with excitation and temperature. The changes suggest that two defect bands may be contributing to recombination in this alloy. Further evidence for the presence of these bands is obtained by modeling the defect level occupation and recombination statistics. The analysis suggests that thermal activation out of shallow defect levels can improve the performance of solar cells incorporating GaAsP. Luminescence Spectra at Low Excitation E-Field 5 Intensity (Abs. Unit) - ELECTRON ABSORPTION HOLE + E-Field + -ENERGY ENERGY - - - Trapping kT 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 Radiative recombination reveals a Defect-Related (D-R) transition approximately 40 meV below the Band-to-Band (B-B) emission. The D-R transition is primarily radiative at 78K, but becomes primarily nonradiative at higher temperatures. - Escape - Band to Band (Radiative ) Recombination 8 7 10 B-B 78K 120K 165K 10 Defect Level ∆p∆n is the product of hole and electron densities in the valence and conduction bands, respectively. Defect-related recombination is assumed to be purely non-radiative so we do not include the 78K results in the fit. Temperature-dependent defect level occupation allows for thermal activation out of shallow traps. The least error between theory and experiment is obtained with the defect-related density of states (DOS) shown in the inset, which matches our interpretation of the data. 23 10 120K 165K 207K 250K 297K 22 10 32 34 10 10 36 10 The Low-Density Defect Band At 120K At 77.7K Conduction Band - - - - - - Trapping D-R B- B Radiative Recombination 6 10 - - Photons Heat Defect Related Recombination 5 10 PHOTON + + + + + Valence Band At low temperature, electrons can recombine with holes by hopping through defect levels and releasing heat. This loss of energy as heat reduces the efficiency of a solar cell. At high temperature, trapped electrons can escape to conduction band and then be swept away to create electricity or drop down to valence band by emitting photons. Experimental Setup 4 10 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.80 The radiative efficiency increases dramatically with laser power at 165K, while the D-R band is still prominent in the 78K spectrum. This behavior suggests that another, lower-density defect level is contributing to the recombination under low excitation at 165K. Valence Band Valence Band The hypothetical low-density defect level which reduces the radiative efficiency at low excitation and high temperature is not an effective recombination center at 78K. Perhaps there is an energetic barrier that surrounds these defects, inhibiting occupation at 78K. Efficiency Results: Band Gap Energy = 1.75 eV The Higher-Density Shallow Band At 120K At 77.7K At 165K Conduction Band • Excitation-dependent radiative efficiency measurements are consistent with the luminescence spectra 1.0 Conduction Band Conduction Band •Radiative efficiency drops dramatically with temperature between 78K and 120K via 2 mechanisms: 0.8 --- - - - - - - - - - •Second, transitions through another, less-dense defect level begin to contribute to nonradiative recombination In our experiment, laser light is incident upon the semiconductor sample, producing luminescence. We collect this emitted light and focus it onto a photodiode for efficiency measurements, or into the spectrometer for spectral analysis. 1.75 Energy (eV) •First, radiative recombination via the shallow D-R band becomes nonradiative •Radiative efficiency increases again above 120K as carriers are thermally activated out of the shallow D-R band. 0.6 Defect Related Recombination kT Photons - - - kT Defect Related Recombination kT Heat B- B Radiative Recombination 0.4 T 78 T120 T165 T207 T250 T290 0.2 Valence Band 0.0 22 10 23 10 24 10 25 10 -3 -1 Recombination Rate (cm s ) Valence Band Valence Band The D-R recombination at 78K is radiative – the D-R luminescence is as strong as the B-B emission and the radiative efficiency is relatively high. At 120K and above, radiative D-R recombination quenches, producing heat. However, thermal activation out of the shallow level enhances B-B recombination at 165K and above. Conclusions, Significance, and Acknowledgement • • • • • EC Energy -6 B-B D-R EV pn (cm ) Conduction Band Laser Power: 2 74 W/cm 24 10 30 B-B D-R 25 10 10 Luminescence Spectra at High Excitation Intensity (Abs. Intensity) Conduction Band Valence Band 4. Energy (eV) Conduction Band + + + + + 3. 3 1.60 At High Temperature HEAT D-R 10 + At Low Temperature Defect-Related (Non-Radiative) Recombination 4 10 + Defect-Related Trapping and Recombination - - 2. 10 When a photon is absorbed, an electron is excited into the conduction band, leaving a hole behind in the valence band. Then an internal electric field sweeps the electrons and holes away, creating current through the solar cell and providing electricity. HEAT Laser Power: 2 2.83 W/cm D-R 2 Valence Band - 1. B-B Radiative Efficiency PHOTON 10 B-B DOS Conduction Band -3 -1 78K 120K 165K The Model: B-B D-R Recombination Rate (cm s ) Motivation: Solar Cell Operation -- Theoretical Fit We observe complex changes in the radiative efficiency of GaAsP with excitation and temperature. The changes suggest that 2 defect bands may be contributing to recombination. The presence of 2 bands, with expected characteristics, is confirmed by modeling the defect level occupation and recombination statistics. Thermal activation out of shallow defect levels can reduce the negative impact of these states on GaAsP-based solar cell performance. We thank Jeff Carapella for growing the test structure and we acknowledge the Donors of the American Chemical Society – Petroleum Research Fund for supporting this work.