Syllabus Disability Statement


Syllabus Disability Statement

Improving the Quality of Education for Students with Disabilities

Since it is a well documented fact that one out of every eleven students in our classes is a student with a disability, we have a responsibility as educators to insure that they are well integrated into the classroom environment. Faculty members are encouraged to be responsive to the pedagogical needs of all students. However, students with disabilities may have some additional educational needs which they should discuss privately with each faculty member.

It is helpful to include a statement on the class syllabus inviting students who have disabilities to discuss academic accommodations in private with the instructor.

Disability Statement Definition

A stat ement placed on course syllabi indicating a faculty member’s willingness to provide reasonable accommodations to a student with a disability.


The statement should be an invitation to students who have disabilities to meet with the faculty member, in a confidential environment, to review course requirements and to discuss their need for accommodations. Establishing reasonable accommodations should be considered on a case-by-case basis because of the functional limitations of each individual and the specific demands of the course will vary.


• The accommodation process should be one of collaboration between student and instructor with support from the SRC.

• Students already working with SRC have provided that office with documentation of their disability and the SRC establishes eligibility for accommodations. Faculty should NOT ask the student for documentation, however, they can request that a letter from SRC be sent to verify eligibility and support the requested accommodations for the current school term.

• A statement on the syllabus and an announcement in class normalizes the accommodation process by treating it as just another part of the course.

• The statement can be altered to meet the specific needs of your department / courses.

• It is recommended that instructors for multiple section courses and labs come to an agreement on the syllabus statement used.

Examples of such a statement can be as simple as;

"If you have a documented disability and wish to discuss academic accommodations, please contact me as soon as possible."


"Students with disabilities who believe they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the Special Resource Center on campus as soon as possible to better ensure such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. As well please contact me privately to discuss your specific needs. "

The student with a disability is the best source of information regarding necessary accommodations. In post-secondary settings, it is the students’ responsibility to request special accommodation if desired. A faculty member can facilitate this by increasing the level of student comfort.*

"A disability statement opens the lines of communication making the student feel more comfortable approaching faculty to disclose their disability and need for accommodation". Jennifer Aaron, Student self-advocate

For more information or assistance, please contact the Special Resource Center at 310-660-3295 or one of the following counselors or disability specialists by dialing 310-660-3593 and their extension.


KATE BELEY ....................ext. 3251 ............................KBELEY@ELCAMINO.EDU

CRISTINA PAJO............... ext. 6047 ............................CPAJO@ELCAMINO.EDU


BILL HOANZL ..................ext. 3276 ...........





....ext. 3280..............................KHOLMES@ELCAMINO.EDU


JULIE LAND .............


....ext. 3259 .............................JLAND@ELCAMINO.EDU



.....ext. 3252 ............................JCOLLETTE@ELCAMINO.EDU

