October 10, 2004

El Camino College-Office of the President
Facilities Steering Committee
October 7, 2004
Present: Pat Caldwell, Jan Caldwell, Mike D’Amico, Thomas Fallo, Bob Gann, Philip Gomez,
Donna Manno, Leo Middleton, David Miller, Barbara Perez, Susan Pickens, Jim Schwartz,
Angela Simon, Luukia Smith, and Julie Stewart.
Also present: Jim Rogers, representing Maas Companies, Tom Hazell, and Steve Flanagan,
representing LPA Architects.
1. Steve Flanagan presented the Humanities Complex Replacement proposal from LPA. This
presentation will be given to the Board at the October 18, 2004 Board meeting. The building
will be constructed of brick, concrete and glass. The instructional portion will be three
stories and will house classrooms, computer labs, journalism center, and a language lab. The
professional portion will house faculty offices and suites. The circular building will be the
reading and writing center and will be two stories. The division offices and adjunct faculty
offices will be on the second floor.
2. Concern was expressed about the layout of the adjunct faculty offices not providing privacy
for student conferences. One suggestion to solve this would be to allow adjunct faculty
access to the conference areas in the faculty offices. Furniture packages could also address
issue of privacy.
3. Bob Gann presented his comparison of parking structure locations for the north and south
side of campus. The net gain parking spaces for north structure would be 417, and the net
gain for the south structure would be 503. The relative cost per net gain in parking spaces
would be 20.5% higher for the north structure.
4. Both parking structures would require athletic facilities to be relocated. North structure: a
replacement for the North field would be constructed on the northern portion of existing Lot
H and the western portion of the tennis courts and softball field. South structure: a
replacement for the Softball field would be constructed on the northern portion of existing
Lot H and the western portion of the tennis courts. Under either option the tennis courts
would be reconfigured and located on their current location and the location of the existing
volleyball courts. Neither option includes replacement of the volleyball courts.
5. Parking will be affected during construction of either parking structure. A parking structure
committee will be formed to address this and other issues.
6. Tom Hazell presented his analysis of parking structure locations. The two locations cited in
his document were the south side structure (built on softball field) and Lot L structure. Tom
presented a cost analysis of both options. The South structure analysis totaled $14.25M and
the Lot L analysis totaled $8.85M. Tom Hazell’s proposal requests that a 50-meter outdoor
pool be constructed on the south side of campus.
7. It was reported that it would take 6-8 weeks to look at the pool option. After much
discussion, it was decided by the committee to proceed with the South parking structure
complex. Tom Hazell will be allowed to go back through his Division with his proposal for a
50-meter pool. We will consider his proposal if it is cost neutral or a decrease to the current
bond budget for the Health Sciences and Athletics facilities.