
 4: I can explain to the class how the nation reflected
a growing sense of national pride and identity in first
half of the 1800’s.
 3: I can explain why the Worchester v Cherokee
landmark decision affects Oklahoma
 2: I know why the Era of Good Feeling lasted for a
very short time in history and how America responded
to the revolutions in Latin America.
 1: I can explain how the three important Supreme
Court Rulings (McCulloch v. Maryland, Dartmouth
College v. Woodward and Gibbons v. Ogden)
outraged States’ Rights advocates.
 0: I do not know how Americans built national unity
and a stronger national economy but I am ready to
Henry Clay
John C. Calhoun
Daniel Webster
Interstate commerce
By the end of today, you should know
these important people and vocabulary
Absence of major
political differences
James Monroe,
Republican, toured the
United States meeting
and greeting people
Monroe served 2 terms
? What do you think
historians can call this
time in history today?
Northern beliefs
Southern beliefs
 Opposed slavery
 Slavery necessary
 Believed that tariffs
 Tariffs benefit
protected American
northern factories
but increase prices
 Need National Bank
for southerners
to improve strength of  State bank would
protect people’s
 Need to use tax
money to build roads,
canals, bridges
Planter from South
War Hawk
Strong supporter of
state sovereignty
(states’ rights)
Tariffs only benefit
the Northern
? (M in last name)
give an example of
a tariff today.
Read picture
graph on 341
 Answer critical
thing: apply
information in
your journal
Senator From
Supporter of Tariff of
1816 to protect
? (Last name has N)
Why would a
Northerner support a
“liberty and Union,
now and forever, one
and inseparable”
War Hawk
Representative from
Tried to resolve
conflicts between
Northern and
Charter is a legal document giving
certain rights to a person or company
 Charter ran out for First Bank of USA
 Congress established a Second Bank of
America because State banks were
causing economic stress
 It lent money and controlled the money
 Boost businesses
Chart on page 342
 War of 1812 boost production because
of the embargo Act
 British was able to sell products cheaper
than USA
 Dumping is selling goods in another
country below market prices
 Give an example of “dumping” today
North loved this tariff and helped boost
 South hated this tariff since they
imported many goods
 Manufacturing vs agriculture
The American System included a
protective tariff; a program of internal
improvements to build roads and canals
 It would be funded by tariffs
 It would provide for a national bank to
lend many for the projects
 Manufactures in the North could benefit
the South by buying more agricultural
goods from the South
This protective tariff passed but the South
did not see an increase of agriculture
purchases from the North
 In the end, Henry Clay’s system went into
effect and some internal improvements
were made but not on the large scale
that Clay had hoped for.
 The national bank was created but it
was still controversial.
Maryland taxed the Second National Bank of
United States
 The bank refused to pay
 Under John Marshall, the courts ruled that
Maryland had no right to tax the bank
because it was federal property
 This case set a precedent that the federal
government received their authority directly
from the people, not by way of the state
 State cannot pass a law that violates federal
5 minutes in a group assigned to you,
come up with a state law that would
violate the Constitution.
 When sharing you must explain why it
would violate the Constitution.
elastic clause
 Noun
 a statement in the U.S.
constitution (Article I, Section 8) granting
Congress the power to pass all laws
necessary and proper for carrying out
the enumerated list of powers.
 Name examples of the “elastic Clause”
today. (student with B in their last name)
Contract is an agreement between two
or more parties that can be enforced by
 Capitalism is an economic system in
which privately owned businesses
compete in a free market.
 What is the oppose of Capitalism?
 Interstate commerce is trade between
two or more states.
This case established that states could
not enact legislation that would interfere
with Congressional power.
 Strengthen the national government!
 States’ Rights advocates were outraged
 Created more sectionalism. Why?
Henry Clay
John C. Calhoun
Daniel Webster
Interstate commerce
As of today, you should know these
important people and vocabulary terms.
 4: I can explain to the class how the nation reflected
a growing sense of national pride and identity in first
half of the 1800’s.
 3: I can explain why the Worchester v Cherokee
landmark decision affects Oklahoma
 2: I know why the Era of Good Feeling lasted for a
very short time in history and how America responded
to the revolutions in Latin America.
 1: I can explain how the three important Supreme
Court Rulings (McCulloch v. Maryland, Dartmouth
College v. Woodward and Gibbons v. Ogden)
outraged States’ Rights advocates.
 0: I do not know how Americans built national unity
and a stronger national economy but I am ready to