Carolyn MacDonald, At nearly every one of the weekly meetings of the Undergraduate Academic Council last fall and this spring the need for "reengineering the general education requirements" was on our agenda. If you look through the UAC minutes for this year, you will note several meetings where that was the principal item under discussion. Teaching faculty, professionals and students on the council raised several good ideas for change, and one student, Daniel Truchan, took it upon himself to poll other students. Despite these efforts, nothing has been done. Each time it seemed some progress was being made, it was sidetracked or the issue was clouded by the repeated suggestion we do away the requirement of a minor instead or we were told that the General Education Committee will be taking up the idea. Some members of the Council expressed that general education is not a problem and why Albany is "more generous" than other SUNY schools in its implementation of SUNY general education. On one occasion, I prevailed upon UAC staff person Dick Collier to provide information on some of those issues, and his material, showing what sort of courses meet the requirements on other campuses, indicate we have a rather obstructive implementation. On a related manner, in the second half of the fall semester, UAC was faced with a rather short deadline surrounding Albany’s response to SUNY's call for "Strengthened CampusBased Assessment. We received the response a week before the deadline to present it to the University Senate for its February 13th meeting. This left very little time to thoroughly revise the document and we approved it “under the gun.” As for assessment of general education, the committee charged with it is a subcommittee of the General Education Committee of the UAC. While we would like to have information about the quality and effectiveness of our general education courses, we have been more concerned with getting some sort of policy proposal from the parent committee. I do not think the UAC has been convinced that doing away with the requirement of a minor is a solution to the problem, and some members feel very strongly that the minor requirement must be retained, and others have noted why eliminating the requirement may make the general education problem worse (as more students take more lower division electives). The wisdom of our retaining "Global/Cross-cultural" and "U.S. Diversity and Pluralism" is at least worthy of being revisited by the Senate, particularly if there are not far more opportunities to double-count these additional requirements with those mandated by SUNY. The requirement of two Natural Sciences and two Social Sciences was repeatedly questioned, especially when it was noted that transfers to Albany are only required to take one of each (though this doesn't seem to have been formally approved and isn't mentioned in the bulletin). The very restrictive and narrow implementation definitions that were added by Albany on such SUNY requirements as "Europe" and "Regions Beyond Europe" were a concern. The failure of Albany to deliver sufficient supplies in lower level writing suggests to many members that we have no right to require that one of the two writing requirements be lower division [but the requirement of two courses, at least one at the upper division level, has strong support]. When the practices of other campuses were examined, which either designed courses specifically for SUNY general education or demanded of their departments that courses be put forward for the requirement, members wondered why at Albany departments are allowed to refuse to put forward courses that clearly meet the SUNY guidelines. Somewhat related is the Honors College, which we understood would draw upon major and general education courses that new freshmen and sophomores need to take. The policy UAC and the Senate approved stated that the Provost and the Governance Council would work together to decide who in addition to college and school deans would make up the Governing Council for the Honors College. This matter is still pending. Sadly, in a year when UAC was extremely productive and responsive in so many other matters, we have been able to do nothing regarding general education. It is our hope that this coming year will bring significant change in the approach taken by the UAC and that issues of importance to the undergraduate students such as those mentioned above will be addressed and decided upon by the new membership. Special attention should be given to the make up of the Undergraduate Academic Council for the upcoming year. Sincerely, J. Philippe Abraham, Chair Undergraduate Academic Council