ENROLLMENT SERVICES DIVISION COUNCIL MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 19, 2008 CHAIRPERSON: Claudia Lee MEMBERS PRESENT: Joshua Casper, Lorena Garcia, Stacy Higa, Julieta Ortiz, Carolee Vakil-Jessop RECORDER: Lucy Nelson The meeting began at 8:03 a.m. Review the November 19, 2008 Meeting Minutes The minutes were approved with no changes. Budget Update 1. New office hours are planned to go into effect on January 5th for all offices in the Student Services Center (including the Activities Center and SRC). Tentative hours will be Monday & Tuesday, 8am – 7pm; Wednesday & Thursday, 8am – 4pm; and Friday, 9am – 1pm. Will be limiting evening hours due to budget cuts. Spring break hours: Monday – Thursday, 8am – 4pm and Friday, 9am – 1pm. Division office will close at 1pm on Fridays if there is only one person in office. Sent email asking managers to post holiday hours now. Facilities will have to change building hours on doors again. 2. A total of $290,789 was cut from the SCA budget - about 30%. For Enrollment Services Division most cuts will affect hourly staff and Outreach adjunct counselors. $5.145M was cut from ECC’s total budget, which may increase to $5.9M or more. There may be a second round of cuts. 3. C. Lee can let members know what was cut from their departments. 4. The state will be out of money by March if the budget isn’t fixed. The College can borrow $4M from bond money and reserves are healthy. State issues could be problematic in future. SLO Updates 1. Vicki Lockridge developed an SLO outline for Assessment/Testing and updated her staff. 2. Harold Tyler is working with Jeanine Barba on SLOs. 3. Outreach is refining SLOs for 1) ambassadors and 2) adult learners’ orientation. Workplace Hostility Workshop 1. Workshop is a result from last meeting’s discussion about how to handle abusive students. 2. A workshop is scheduled today from 2pm – 3pm in the Alondra Room. Campus Police Chief Trevis is the presenter. Another session is offered on January 16, from 2pm – 3pm in the Alondra Room. Group Reports Outreach & School Relations (J. Ortiz) 1. Outreach office moved to Cherry Tree 106. Reduced the number of information desk staff to three Federal Work Study students. Will close the information desk at 5pm and will have coverage gaps on Thursdays and Fridays. Posted information desk job announcement openings on the Work Study job board. 2. High School Senior Day planning – have money for buses but reworked program so that lunch will not be provided because of the budget cuts. Requested auxiliary funds. 3. Welcome Week Spring 2009 begins on February 17th. Will send email requesting staff volunteers; will have students help out. Assessment/Testing (L. Garcia) 1. Testing is up 15% for the semester compared to last semester. L. Garcia will forward numbers to C. Lee. 2. Harnish Patel continues to train Compton Center testing staff. Student Development (C. Vakil-Jessop) 1. Discipline follow-up from last month: one of two student disciplinary hearings is still pending. Received eleven academic dishonesty reports for finals so far. Seems like numbers have increased - will compare Fall 2008 discipline numbers to Fall 2007. 2. Classified Union update: the union voted for the vision plan 5.5% rate increase and changes made to the union constitution and by-laws. Tickets sold out for the holiday party held on December 13th. 3. The Activities Center and Student Development office will close after today until January 5. Associated Students Organization - ASO (J. Casper) 1. Eighty-eight children attended the Inter-Club Council (ICC) holiday party on December 5. There were more volunteers than children. Inter-Club Council voted to donate extra gifts to CARE/CalWORKs children. 2. Had one meeting so far for the ASO recruitment committee. Met with organizations to gain their support and encourage students to participate in ASO. Plan to have the committee’s next meeting the week before the spring semester begins. The committee would like to meet with other organizations during the 3rd or 4th week of the spring semester. 3. Still looking for a student representative for Industry & Technology. Financial Aid (S. Higa) 1. Three form letters are sent to students regarding their documents. Will have a thousand letters to send out after the holiday. 2. Question from a financial aid staff: Instead of cutting faculty and staff, why not disqualify academically underperforming students? Why approve appeals for those students who cannot meet minimum GPA year after year? Students that have greater than or equal to 24 units attempted must have at least a GPA of 2.0 to qualify for financial aid and those with less than 24 units attempted must maintain at least a 1.75 GPA. There should be a limit to how many times a student can submit an appeal – this should be made into a policy. 3. One hundred-fifty Spring 2009 sections will be cut. Before a semester begins, an average of 138 sections is typically cut because classes don’t fill. Plan to decrease the number of classes offered but increase fill rate. Miscellaneous 1. No word so far on increasing enrollment fees to $26 in January 2009. 2. Phone number changes (no direct dialing except designated office numbers) will go into effect in January. The meeting ended at 8:25 a.m. The next scheduled meeting is January 16, 2009. 2