January 13, 2012

DATE: JANUARY 13, 2012
Arvid Spor
Members Present:
Michelle Arthur, Theresa Clifford, Liz Fernandez, Brooke Matson,
Julieta Ortiz, Harnish Patel, Breanna von Stein
Lucy Nelson
The meeting began at 9:00 a.m.
Brooke Matson was introduced as the new ASO Student Services Officer and Division Council
Review December 9, 2011 Minutes
1. No changes were made to the minutes.
Follow-Up Items
1. Financial Aid Foster Youth workshop dates will be re-posted on the online campus calendar.
The current online campus calendar will be replaced by a new calendar currently being
2. As part of an ongoing discussion about electronic forms, a meeting with various campus
managers is scheduled to assess the total campus need for a scanning system. Departments
invited to the meeting include fiscal services, campus police, admissions & records, financial
aid, human resources and testing. Scanning reduces the amount of paper copies. Electronic
forms reduce the amount of scanning required. The system could alert students to missing
information/documents needed and create more efficient processes.
3. Four to five pending large lawsuits involving the state of California can affect how much
state funding El Camino will receive for the upcoming year. The state lost the tobacco
lawsuit but won a redevelopment lawsuit. Lawsuits will be settled by January 15th.
4. No updates on adding a ‘register online’ notification/reminder to MyECC where students
look up their registration date and time.
5. No updates on a more permanent solution to decrease the number of students waiting in line
for counseling appointments. Counseling is hoping to hire more counselors. Room
reservation to use SSVC 208 for additional counseling appointments was cancelled.
Proposed Trustee Areas:
1. Legislation passed informing community college districts to review trustee areas within their
districts. An outside vendor is working with the college and board of trustees to assess and
reconfigure current districts. If draft reconfiguration was approved, two trustees may have to
run against each other based on where they reside and the new boundaries. Isn’t it a conflict
of interest for the board to be involved in the final decision? Will verify if approval will
come from the board. Discussions involved a task force made up primarily with non-El
Camino employees, and community open forums. Current trustee areas are based on K-12
school districts. Legislation requires more population-balanced districts. Last year, Ken
Brown was elected as trustee for Area 1, Mary Combs was re-elected as trustee for Area 2,
and Bill Beverly was re-elected as trustee for Area 3.
Open Forum
Financial Aid – M. Arthur
1. Need larger electronic sign (i.e. LCD flat screen) outside the Financial Aid office to
accommodate more financial aid information. Funds may have to come from financial aid
account – need to determine costs and include Facilities and ITS. Another issue is where to
put it in the hallway.
2. Red line outside the financial aid door will be moved farther back into the hallway to clear
door for privacy reasons and to see the next available station.
3. A larger drop box is needed to accommodate the large amount of paperwork students submit.
Contact Jack Selph to see if the drop box could be a construction woodworking class project.
Facilities suggested purchasing the drop box from Home Depot. Suggestion was made that
Financial Aid can provide drop-box envelopes pre-printed with space for students to write
their name and ID number. May need a stand/counter to provide a writing surface.
4. Students do not know how to complete forms properly. Maybe create workshops on how to
complete forms correctly and accurately. Suggestion was made to record a step-by-step video
or PowerPoint presentation on how to complete forms and post online on the F.A. webpage.
Will add to Outreach orientations the importance of filling out F.A. forms correctly.
5. M. Arthur is working on Financial Aid webpage links directly to forms.
6. New online loan forms will be tested in the summer with a small and controlled population.
Three forms are required for loans: Loan Request Form, Budget Sheet, and a reference sheet.
M. Arthur converted the Loan Request Form into a PDF fillable form. The need to develop
fillable forms came from the difficulty of reading students’ handwriting. Some students fill
out forms like they text. M. Arthur will contact Staff Development for training on creating
and editing Adobe PDF fillable forms.
7. Students are writing on the walls/doors and peeling the new signage tape off the walls.
Testing office has the same problem with students tagging their counter, walls and in the lab.
What about installing cameras? A. Spor will check with campus police. Cadets patrol the
Outreach – J. Ortiz
1. J. Ortiz suggested using student ambassadors as a second floor ‘concierge’ and placing them
at a podium at the head of the stairs next to the directory. Will start now instead of waiting
for Welcome Week. Would like to start Welcome Week on the Saturday, February 11th, of
the first week of school. Set up 2 tables on the library lawn from 10am-2pm.
2. There are no signs on the first floor directing students to second floor offices. Will create a
slide for the plasmas listing the departments/programs and room numbers on the second
The meeting adjourned at 9:52 a.m.