Children’s Holiday Party will be held Friday December 7th in the Activity Center, East Lounge. We will be having 40 children joining us from the Inglewood Head Start program.
ASO will be having a Fundraiser at Yogurtland, 21213 Hawthorne Blvd., Torrance from 4pm-7pm on
Thursday December 6th.
December 10th-13th ASO will be hosting Finals Madness in the Activity Center East Lounge between
9pm and 12am. Tutors will be available.
ASO Activities Committee is preparing for a Talent Show in the Spring semester.
We’ve have 7 new clubs that are in the process of Chartering: o Young America For Liberty o Opera Theater Club of El Camino College o Tech Club o German Club o Pre-Med Club o Student Collective Club o Feminist Collective Club
Other upcoming club activities (see calendar): o Monday, 12/3: Honors Transfer Club-- Krispy Kreme Fundraiser o Tuesday, 12/4: Salsa Club Event o Wednesday, 12/5: Astronomy Club—Donut Fundraiser o Saturday, 12/15: Robotics Club—Robots Competition
The FYE Holiday Event on December 4th was well attended by over 120 students and faculty. We enjoyed a festive lasagna lunch with delicious chocolate cake; 4 students participated in the talent show and we raffled off ECC t-shirts, sweatshirts, and mugs.
The winner of the FYE Canned Food Drive is Community C, bringing in over 1,100 canned foods. They will be honored with a breakfast celebration on Wednesday, December 12th. The items will be donated to St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church in Gardena in support of “Agape Ministry”, a program providing food and clothing to the needy.
The FYE Office will be closed December 19th thru January 1st.
Number of students who tested increased since registration began.
L. Garcia and Kenya Alvarez will conduct the TOEFL exam all day Wednesday, December 5th. TOEFL paper-based exams are administered once a semester to International students testing for their
English-language proficiency in reading, listening, speaking, comprehensive and writing skills. The exam usually takes three to four hours with approximately 30 students scheduled, two sessions per day.
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Testing continued on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday during the server shutdown week of
11/26-30. Did not test on Tuesday, the server moving day, because of intermittent access to the
Outreach is working with Admissions and Institutional Research to address the increase in new students being admitted with an unknown high school attended. With the increase in number of students attending ECC from charter schools and private schools, it appears Colleague has not kept up with including these additional schools.
Outreach staff/students on Accreditation Standards: o Standard I – R. Dreizler, T. Tran o Standard IIB – S. Hafiz o Standard IVA – J. Ortiz, B. Matson o Standard IVB – D. Horton
There are 9,662 students currently in our Prospective Student Database. The database will be purged later this semester of students who have registered or have been in the database for more than two years with no admissions activity. Contact Robin Dreizler if your program wishes to use this database for program recruitment.
Our high school contact listserv continues to grow (390 high school counselors and administrators) and has been updated for the Fall 2012. If you would like information regarding how to market your program or services by accessing this listserv, please contact Robin Dreizler or Julieta Ortiz.
Winter Session – no Welcome Week is planned, however, Ambassadors will be scheduled in additional areas of campus including the second floor of the Student Services Center and a “traveling information desk” near the library lawn.
Spring Welcome Week planning is underway; dates include 2/11-2/14 - still considering having 2 tables out on Saturday, 2/9.
Student Ambassador mid-year training is scheduled for Friday, January 11, 2013. Training provided includes: student oriented customer service training, explaining matriculation to students and understanding SB 1456.
Status report - accreditation follow-up visit o Last Wednesday, the visit from three members of the accrediting team went very well.
Reviewed five recommendations we have to respond. First was linking program planning and budgeting. Schedule of program reviews was shared. Other items that needed response: SLO with online Ed plan and fiscal situation at Compton. We are working to meet the proficiency level with all SLO assessments. Linking course level SLOs to degree level SLOs was just completed. o The chair of the accrediting team spent the day at Compton and said that the change has been unbelievable and she was astounded of what was accomplished in the last 4 years.
Accreditation Self-Evaluation o Taking part of the self-evaluation process is a great experience and you'll learn a lot about that area of campus. Colleges are measured against federal standards to assure the public it offers quality services to our students and community.
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Accreditation Planning Agenda o Planning agenda items are identified if standards are not met. Last self-evaluation included more than 50 items. This next round should be minimized. o Irene Graff is now the Director of Research and Planning.
Compton Center Update o Kudos to the construction progress at Compton Center. Going through trenching project.
Parking lot should be ready for usage soon. Allied Health building is being remodeled.
Other Issues o MBA building will open for Spring 2013. o Compton and ECC will offer 50 sections in winter. In spring we will add 35 - 80 sections. If we get 1% growth money, we will add sections for summer. o Demolition of Murdock Stadium will be delayed in order to have commencement there. This way, two commencements will not be displaced. Possibly Commencement 2014 will take place in Lot L.
Team Reports o Business Training Center - things are slowing down; new project specialist will be hired soon.
If anybody is looking to start a business, BTC offers training. o Foundation - just had their distinguished alumni event. Banners of alumni and quotes will be displayed throughout campus. Banners will go up in the spring 2013. One of our alumni was acknowledged statewide. In process of hiring a part time fundraiser coordinator. Direct mail will be sent soon. Scholarship application deadline is December 14. o Counseling - online counseling appointments is working well. Three consecutive no shows should get an alert so students would not be able to make another appointment online. o A&R - deadline to drop was last Friday. Sara Cohen is available for Veterans in need of psychological services in the library basement on Wednesdays from 12pm to 4pm. ISP - switch to have information available online, still waiting for a computer and a scanner. 431 eligible degrees for fall. Eight students requested Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T) certification, and only 3 were eligible.
The December Area Council meeting is cancelled.
Staff are gearing up for CA Dream Act applications as first fee payment drop deadline is 12/7/12.
FA Website has been updated to include CA Dream Act, Special BOGW, and other information as of
Disbursements are current as of 11/30/12 but we are still catching up with reviewing students’ files.
Loan processing is in progress and loan eligibility letters will go out this week.
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Time Date Event (Department) Place
Honors Transfer Club – Krispy Kreme
FYE Holiday Luncheon
Salsa Club Event
Astronomy Club – Donut Fundraiser
ASO Fundraiser
ICC Children’s Christmas Party
Finals Madness
Library Lawn & Tennis
East Dining Room-
East Lounge, Activities
12/15/12 Robotics Club – Robotics Competition 1:00pm-6:00pm
Auditorium & Lot H
21213 Hawthorne Blvd,
East Lounge, Activities
East Lounge, Activities
East Lounge, Activities
No flyers needed
Inglewood Head Start program
Tutors available
Michelle Arthur, Theresa Clifford, Lorena Garcia, Linda Lew, Julieta Ortiz, and Breanna von Stein