March 18, 2016

DATE: MARCH 18, 2016
William Garcia
Members Present:
Alexis Estwick, Lorena Garcia, Rebecca Greer, Brian Hayden,
Sharilyn Thomas, Breanna von Stein
Lucy Nelson
The meeting began at 9:00 am.
Review February 5, 2016 Meeting Minutes
No changes were made to the February 5, 2016 meeting minutes.
1. The Dean of Humanities and Dean of Mathematical Sciences reviewed and edited the “Top
10 Reasons Students May Not Need to Take Placement Tests” flyer developed by L. Garcia
who brought it to the February 5, 2016 meeting. The edited version was shared with student
services managers and the Assessment/Testing office staff.
2. A discussion took place regarding student employment during the summer session and
changes to the federal labor law. Students must be taking classes during the summer session
to retain their student status when employed on campus. If students are not taking classes
during the summer session, they will become casual workers. This change in the federal labor
law will impact their pay. W. Garcia asked Human Resources for written guidance about
rules for Summer 2016. He is still waiting for a response to his seven questions:
a. Do students need to be enrolled in the summer term to continue to work in the
b. What summer sessions do they need to be enrolled in?
c. How many minimum units must they be enrolled in?
d. What happens if they do not enroll in summer school? Can they continue to work as
e. Can students who are casuals in the summer return to work in the fall as student
workers if they re-enroll in classes for the fall semester?
f. Are students who are compensated with CalWORKs and/or Federal Work Study
g. Any exceptions?
3. The sick leave pay policy for temporary part-time workers was discussed. Sick leave days
taken by temporary part-time workers (maximum 24 hours or 3 days per fiscal year) count
against their maximum total number of days worked per fiscal year (170 days maximum) and
the maximum number of hours (25 hours) per week. Temporary part-time employees must
complete 90 calendar days of employment to be eligible for sick leave. There are specific
reasons for acceptable sick leave use. The minimum amount of sick leave time to take is 2
hours; the maximum is 24 hours.
a. If there are part-time temporary employees who were out sick this fiscal year (on or
after July 1, 2015) before the process was set-up, managers/leads can work with the
division office to ensure the sick time is recorded properly. Make sure part-time
temporary employees did not make up the hours they missed by working an extra
b. The district established a separate account code to use for federal work study
students. Federal funds cannot be used to cover sick leave pay because the law was
established by the State. Categorical programs also have separate accounts for parttime temporary sick leave.
c. Can a temporary part-time employee opt not to use a paid sick leave day when they
are out sick? If the manager/lead knows the employee was out sick, then the time off
must be reported as sick leave. Sick leave days do not carry over into the next fiscal
New Student Welcome Day (NSWD) is tentatively scheduled on Wednesday, August 24,
2016. The division council members were asked to share the date with their constituents. W.
Garcia would like to encourage all the division departments participate in some capacity, by
providing services, workshops or information. NSWD will be expanded this year as a fair on
the Library Lawn. Counseling hosted the first NSWD planning meeting on March 1st.
Counselors Maribel Hernandez and Tawnya Cola are the NSWD coordinators.
B. Hayden from Outreach & School Relations is available for help with posting
announcements on the Student Services Center lobby plasmas and department websites.
Please email him for help/information. He is also available for one-on-one training.
Finals Madness has been cancelled this year because there are not enough Student
Development employees to staff the event. But since students want the event to take place,
they discussed asking MESA to host and finance the event this year. The Library will be
open until 9pm. Student Development may still provide finals week activities during the day.
Assessment/Testing is continuing with the “Just in Time” tutoring sessions, with SI coaches
providing pre-Math assessment workshops. The ½ hour-1 hour free Math refresher
workshops are offered through September, the second week of the fall semester. There are
morning and afternoon sessions offered. Because testing and the workshops are offered
throughout the day in SSVC 218A, the room is pretty much booked during this prime-time
period. Another meeting room option is SSVC 207.
There has been no word about the new Student Services Center building plans, which may be
still at the Division of the State Architect (DSA) for review. W. Garcia will update the
council about the status of the water station when he finds out. The building is currently
scheduled for completion in Spring 2018. The Financial Aid staff currently located in the
Administration Building will be in the Communication Building from Summer 2017 through
Summer 2018.
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 am.