Office of the Vice President – Academic Affairs EL CAMINO COLLEGE

Office of the Vice President – Academic Affairs
NOTES – 14 May 2007
Assessment of Learning Committee
Attendees: J. Bernardo (CEC), N. Freeman, C. Gold, D. Goldberg, D. Grogan, L. Kjeseth, M.
Kline, R. Lewis, D. Maruyama (CEC), J. Simon, H. Storms, C. Stripe
I. Information/Announcements
A. SLO Summer Plans: L. Kjeseth and J. Simon will be working on the website and newsletter
as summer projects. Additional summer plans will be emailed to the committee members.
B. Conference: A reminder was announced to register for the Strengthening Student Success
Assessment Conference on October 3-5 in San Jose.
C. Handbook: A handbook was compiled with information for each division. L. Kjseth and J.
Simon will work with Janet Young to bring SLO information online and connect with courses in
database. SLO will be looked as part of curriculum. Evidence is needed to use assessment to
make decisions on curriculum and budget in accreditation. It is a way of reporting results online.
D. SLO and Assessment Institute: L. Kjeseth and J. Simon will do a presentation at the SLO
and Assessment Institute in July. They would like to obtain the Life Drawing Assessment from
H. Storm to present at the Institute. The workshop is for SLO coordinators to share about
assessment audit and how other colleges shape SLOs.
II. Division Assessment Reports
Industry & Technology
 Four brown bag workshops for faculty were held.
 First SLO statement will be submitted to R. Lewis for review by June 1.
Learning Resource Unit
 C. Striepe sent assessment.
 8 single classes were given a pre-test and tallied. A 10% increase of knowledge overall. The
division will assess and implement.
 Assessment was discussed among various committees that focus on SLOs, course review,
program review, and textbook selection. Each committee looked at one course and
submitted one SLO statement last semester.
 Calculus assessment will be done differently.
Natural Sciences
 N. Freeman will complete the SLO for Biology next week.
 Anatomy and Physiology will be assessed this summer.
 Two SLOs were generated for Chemistry and is being reviewed.
 Information is pending for Geology and Physics.
Behavioral & Social Sciences
 In the process of writing SLOs and discussing assessment.
 Working with Cabrillo model.
 Start SLO and each faculty will access in their own way.
 Reading research papers for English 1A, A and corresponding ESL courses.
 Division is reviewing rubric.
III. Discussion
A. Success and Failure of Subcommittee: It was decided in lieu of subcommittees, focus on one
project as a time as a group. Time will be spent at each meeting on a current project for the
week. Email conversations will continue between meetings and questions will be brought up at
the next meeting. The committee may revisit the idea of subcommittees at another time.
B. Assessment Philosophy Statement: A draft was distributed to committee members to review.
It was suggested to continue email conversation on the statement for any revisions/suggestions.
At the next meeting, the committee will assess and finalize the draft. It will be submitted to the
Academic Senate for review next fall. The Division Council and College Curriculum Committee
can be possible groups to assist on SLOs. It will be modeled after Cabrillo and Bakersfield.
IV. Action
A. Vote on Future of Subcommittees: – It was agreed that the committee does not need
subcommittees at this time. Projects will be done by priority.
V. Other
We are one College but how do we incorporate two bodies (CEC & ECC)? We are a partnership
now but a separation will happen and both programs will be independent. CEC can have own
SLO although it follows ECC course outline. How should CEC proceed? How can assessment
be applied at CEC? Should SLOs and assessment format be generated at ECC or CEC? Will it
be done as a group? There is structural difference in both schools. Formal SLOs have been done
jointly between both campuses. It is helpful to have basic guidelines on how to integrate ECC
faculty into this process. Both campuses can work together in beginning and separately later on.
How do we incorporate CEC faculty into division level SLOs and curriculum? In the beginning,
work on curriculum for both groups to decide the impact at both campuses. Integrate at the
faculty level with counterparts.