January 31, 2002

January 31, 2002
12:30 p.m.
Meeting called to order by Marcia Wade at 12:40 p.m.
Victor Hanson
Marcia Wade
Valerie Jeffrey
Allene Quarles
Lance Widman
Linda Olsen
Tom Storer
Judy Salmon
Michele Whiting
Ricardo Villarruel
Carol Quiroz
Vicki Mack
Don Brown
Gary Robertson
President’s Appointee
President’s Appointee (Alternate)
President’s Appointee
ECCE (Alternate)
ECCE (Alternate)
Keenan & Associates
Brad Zumbro
Rachel Lickley
Reviewed Notes of November 29, 2001 meeting. The item Medical Trend and Cost
Containment Analysis was listed in the notes as a discussion item for the January 31, 2002
meeting. The item was not put on the January 31, 2002 agenda but will be discussed at the
February 28, 2002 meeting.
Keenan & Associates reviewed the Premium and Claims reports for both Delta Dental and VSP.
Tom Storer inquired as to why the reports were based on number of employees rather than
number of enrolled members. It was explained that the plan is self funded and is underwritten
and funded on a per employee per month basis. The claims paid and the premiums represent all
members, giving an accurate paid loss ratio. The paid loss ratio is the paid claims divided by the
total premium received. The total paid loss ratio is running at 82.2%.
The vision plan, which is fully insured through VSP, was also discussed. For the year ending
2001, the total plan ratio was at 75%. In view of the favorable experience, it was suggested by
the Committee that they look at the possibility of self-funding the program. Keenan &
Associates will do a funding calculation showing the funding level and any potential savings to
the District.
El Camino Community College
January 31, 2002
Page –2
Marcia Wade and Don Brown presented a comprehensive packet of information containing
documents that would be needed to implement domestic partner coverage at the District. The
packet included: Domestic Partner Survey which surveyed five of the neighboring districts,
State of California Declaration of Domestic Partnership, El Camino Community College
Affidavit of Domestic Partnership, Statement of Financial Liability for Domestic Partner Health
Benefits, a Questions and Answers document, Notice of Termination of Domestic Partnership,
Statement of Disenrollment, and a sample memo from the District communicating the
implementation of the new offering. A Board Resolution will be drafted and provided at the
February Benefits Committee meeting.
Research indicates that implementing domestic partner coverage has had minimal cost impact to
employer’s benefit costs (less than 1%). This is primarily due to the limited number of
employees that participate in this coverage.
Further discussion will be held at the February 28, 2002 meeting.
The Committee discussed the two presentations that were held at the November 29, 2001
meeting. It was agreed that based on the presentation of the health benefits for part-time
employee’s, presented by Cheryl Beverly, was still unfamiliar to Southern California for the
District to sponsor. The plan will continue to be monitored as it progresses in the area.
The Deferred Compensation Plan, IRC 457 (presented by Mike Duncan from Life of the
Southwest) has not passed through California Congress. Once the plan passes through
Congress the District will review their options with the various vendors.
Lance Widman led a discussion regarding the Committee researching an alternative Third Party
Administrator. During this discussion Brad Zumbro of Keenan & Associates responded to the
Blue Shield e-mail that was distributed to the Committee members. Further discussion
regarding this topic will be held at the February 28, 2002 meeting.
Topics for discussion at the next meeting, February 28, 2002 at 12:30 will include:
Update on Domestic Partner
Alternative Third Party Administrators
Market Trends
Benefits Review for 2003
The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.