Instructor Name: Catherine Alexander
- 713-71 8-7930-W. Loop ; 713-71 8-5868 N. Forest
- cathyalex0427@yahoo.com
- By appointment
CRNs: 74635 N. Forest, Room 120; 76060 W. Loop, Room C129
Web Textbook Readings From Following Text:
McQuade & Atwan , eds .
, The Writer's Presence: A Pool of Readings.
Special Notes:
assigned readings can be located online.
textbook is also reserved in HCCS S. Loop library.
*Students should bring 2+ favorite magazines to class
*All teacher lecture materials can be found on HCCS Learning Web.
* Rough drafts & final drafts are the only documents that can be printed in the lab!
* You cannot print assigned readings in lab!
Other Materials:
A pocket folder with paper , 1 black or blue pen , 1 red pen, flash drive , zip diskette or other file saving device , 2 blue books for assignments, summaries , and class notes , 1 mini stapler , 1 green scantron form
Grade Percentages:
10% E ssay # 1: Diagnostic Papers Revised
10% E ssay #2: Critica l Analysis
1 0% Essay # 3: Compare Contrast
30% Essay #4: Cause Effect Argument
10% E ssay #5: Final Exam Revision of Essay #2 or #3
10% Annotated Bibliography
10% Reading Journal (bluebook)
10% Quizzes/Assignments/Class Paiiicipation
Important Dates:
Aug 24: First Day of Fall Classes
Sept 7: Labor Day
Sept 9:
Sept 30:
Official Day of Record
Last Day for Administrative/Student Withdrawal
Nov 26-29: Thanksgiving Holidays-Cam pus Closed
Dec 6:
Dec 7:
Instruction Ends
Final Exams Begin (7 days)
Dec 1 4:
Dec 18:
Grades Due Online by Noon
Grades Available to Students