BAP Eta Pi By-laws

Section 1: The Name of the organization shall be:
University at Albany
State University of New York
Section 2: The objective of Beta Alpha Psi is to encourage and give recognition to scholastic and
professional excellence in the field of accounting. This includes promoting the study and practice
of accounting, providing opportunities for association & self-development among members and
practicing accountants, and encouraging a sense of ethical, social, and public responsibility.
Section 1: These by-laws are subordinate to and in all ways subject to the national constitution
and by-laws of Beta Alpha Psi, and hereby reaffirm the purposes, policies, and principles
contained therein. Any provision of this document that conflicts with the existing national
constitution and by-laws shall be null and void.
Section 2: These by-laws shall be the principle governing document of the Eta Pi Chapter of Beta
Alpha Psi, and any constitution or by-laws previously existing are hereby superseded and are
null and void.
Section 3: The Eta Pi Chapter affirms its knowledge of and adherence to all applicable
University regulations.
Section 4: At least three copies of the national constitution and by-laws and of the chapter bylaws shall be maintained at all times. One copy shall be kept in the chapter’s minute book held
by the Reporting Secretary. Another copy shall be in the custody of the Faculty Advisor. A third
copy shall be placed so as to be readily available at all times to all members of the chapter.
Section 5: Should any Manual of Chapter Operations be prepared, it shall be considered an
appendix to these by-laws, and therefore subject to the same provisions covering amendments to
A. Membership
Section 1: The membership of this chapter shall consist of those individuals who are members as
of the adoption of these by-laws and who are periodically admitted to membership in such a
manner and under such requirements as may be prescribed herein or by the national constitution
and by-laws.
Section 2: Membership in the chapter shall be open to all persons, without discrimination, who
are interested in the aims and purpose of the organization and who are willing to subscribe to its
national constitution and by-laws and to the chapter by-laws, and who are otherwise qualified
under the provisions set forth in these documents.
Section 3: In addition to complying with all the qualifications for membership specified in the
national constitution and by-laws, each initiate in this chapter shall meet all the requirements of
this article.
Section 4: Only students and faculty members in good standing shall be entitled to vote and hold
office. All members in good standing may enjoy the privileges of this organization. Members in
good standing are those who meet all of the following:
1. Attendance at one more than half of the weekly technicals
2. Payment of chapter dues specified by the treasurer each semester.
3. Completion of 5 hours of service at the chapter’s major service event. The president may make
an exception for a member to complete the hours at a different event for credit.
4. Attendance at at least one recruitment event. Mentors must attend both recruitment events and
the social.
Members in distinguished standing meet the two out of the first three requirements and must
meet the fourth and fifth requirements:
1. Attend more than the required amount of weekly technicals. (The required amount is one
more than half)
2. Be involved as a mentor, on the Executive Advisory Council, or on the Regionals Team.
3. Be a Prospect Coordinator/Prospect Coordinator Assistant or be a member on a smaller
committee such as the recruiting committee, formal committee, community service
committee, alumni committee, or the fundraising committee.
4. Make his or her best effort to attend all social events based on E-board’s judgment.
5. Meet all other requirements of being a member in good standing. That includes paying dues,
completing the community service hours and attending the recruitment event. Mentors must
attend both recruitment events & the social.
To be a member in poor standing you:
1. Do not complete all of the requirements to be a member in good standing. Even missing just
one of the four requirements leads to a member in poor standing
2. Have scheduled a class that conflicts with technicals means you are still a member in poor
Section 5: An undergraduate student shall be eligible to be a prospective candidate after they
have elected accounting as his or her major & have completed 12 credit hours. A freshman may
be permitted only if they are a direct admit accounting student to the business school.
Section 6: All prospective undergraduate initiates must have a cumulative 3.0 grade point
average in all upper level (300+) accounting courses and cumulative 3.0 grade point average
Section 7: To be considered for membership, the candidate must meet the above requirements,
and in addition, complete the candidate requirements in accordance with the candidate manual
which is prepared by the prospect coordinators and approved by the executive board prior to the
candidate development process.
Section 8: Initiation shall be held at least once in each academic year and reported according to
the national constitution and by-laws. If there are enough members to be initiated, there should
be two initiations per academic year at the discretion of the President and Faculty advisor.
Section 9: The Candidate Development Process is for prospective candidates who have
completed the selection interview for selection as candidates. They have also attended one
recruitment event and the social. The President can make any exceptions for attendance at these
two events.
The Candidate Development Process includes the candidates completing:
1. 30 hours of community service
2. Interview questions selected by the Prospect Coordinators
3. 2 mock interviews
4. 2 resume reviews
5. Attendance at the career fair
6. Attendance at every weekly candidate meeting and technical
The Prospect Coordinators or the President can decide on any modifications of existing
requirements or additional requirements.
Section 10: An honorary member may be initiated by at least two-thirds vote of those present at
the chapter meeting. He or she shall have been considered because of personal and professional
achievements in the field of accounting.
B. Probation and Expulsion
Section 1: Any member not abiding by the membership requirements as set forth in article IV,
section 4 above, shall be in poor standing for a period of one semester.
Section 2: A member who has been noted, as being in poor standing shall be denied all privileges
of the chapter.
Section 3: A member who has been noted, as being in poor standing may be reinstated based on
completion of the missed requirements in the following semester in addition to attending 100%
of the weekly technicals. If they fail to complete all the missing requirements, they will be
deemed inactive. Being in poor standing for two semesters in a row automatically makes you
inactive. The executive board may vote on any circumstances for exceptions to be made.
Section 4: A member may resign or be expelled from the chapter following the procedure
outlined in the international constitution and by-laws. A two-thirds majority of active student
members shall be necessary to accept the resignation or to expel the member from the chapter.
The president shall have the responsibility for proposing the expulsion of a member, specifying
in writing to each chapter member the reasons for the proposed action. A vote on the proposal is
tendered to each student member and faculty advisor of the chapter.
A. Time
Section 1: Business meetings shall be held at least 8 times during the semester, unless otherwise
approved by a majority of the executive board.
Section 2: Emergency meetings may be called by the president or by a majority of the executive
board providing that the faculty advisor does not dissent from such action:
(A) Notice of emergency meeting must be given forty-eight hours in advance to all active
members who at that time are in the local area, or reside full time at a location other than in the
University area.
(B) Chapter business may be conducted at an emergency meeting.
B. Rules and Regulations
Section 1: A quorum shall consist of 65% of all active members. All action of such quorum shall
be legal and binding upon the chapter and its membership, pursuant to article VI, section 2 and 3
of the by-laws.
Section 2: A business meeting shall be defined as a meeting open to all active membership at
which chapter business may be transacted or discussed. Such business meetings shall be duly
called and conducted under proper parliamentary procedure.
A. Voting
Section 1: All members in good standing present at a chapter meeting shall have full and
complete voting power at such meetings.
Section 2: In the case of amendments to the chapter by-laws, all active members shall have the
right to vote:
(A) Members residing in the University area shall have the opportunity to vote by attending a
duly called chapter meeting; all such members shall be informed of such a meeting and proposed
amendment within a reasonable time before the holding of the meeting.
(B) Members residing outside of the University area shall have the right and opportunity to vote
by means of absentee ballot.
Section 3: By-laws may be amended only by an affirmative vote of at least two thirds of those
executive officers voting.
Section 4: Alumni shall be permitted to attend meetings, participate in all discussions and offer
suggestions at such meetings; but shall not have the right to vote.
Section 5: Voting of officers shall be by secret ballot.
B. Nominations for Officers: Elections and Installations
Section 1: The chapters program for each academic year shall designate two chapter meetings
for, but not limited to, the nomination and election of chapter officers.
Section 2: Nominations shall be held during the meeting designated for this purpose, and from
the floor during the meeting designated for election of officers.
Section 3: The election for the individual offices shall be voted upon separately. Officers shall be
elected in the following order: President, Internal Vice President, External Vice President, Vice
President of Membership, Reporting Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, &
Section 4: After the election for each office, a candidate defeated for any office shall not be
considered ineligible for any of the remaining offices.
Section 5: Candidates for office shall have the opportunity to briefly address the membership,
should the candidate so desire.
Section 6: Only active members in good standing shall be eligible for any office. Those
candidates interested in running for an office shall be eligible provided the present officers
decide that there is reasonable certainty that the candidate will fulfill his or her candidate
requirements and will be a member before installation.
Section 7: The candidate receiving the plurality of the votes on the first ballot for an office shall
be declared elected to that office. In the event of a tie, the members shall cast subsequent ballots
in attendance until one candidate receives a plurality.
Section 8: Installation of officers shall be held at a chapter meeting in the spring semester of the
academic year.
Section 9: In the event of a new office being created or a vacancy occurring in an existing office,
a special election may be held at a chapter meeting at which a quorum is present.
Section 10: The term of office shall start June 1st and end May 31st for all officers.
Section 11: Officers elect shall begin training and sharing responsibilities for their position upon
C. Rules of Order
Section 1: The parliamentarian shall be the faculty advisor and he or she shall settle any dispute
concerning rules of order or other related technicalities, according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
A. Elected Officers
Section 1: The President shall:
(A) Have the responsibility for and have authority over the planning and conducting of the
affairs of the chapter;
(B) Have such powers and responsibilities as precedent and reason dictate for the presiding
officer of the international honors organization;
(C) Be responsible for insuring that the chapter constitution and by-laws are current and
(D) Administrate over all officers and chairpersons;
(E) Appoint all Committee Chairpersons; and
(F) Must be able to attend both the Regional Meeting and the National Meeting.
Section 2: The Faculty Advisor shall:
(A) Counsel and assist the officers and various committees;
(B) Act as the office parliamentarian as more fully set fourth in paragraph C, Section 1 of article
(C) Verify the appropriate reports going to the national office, as required by the chapter activity
(D) Assure the continuity of the chapter, and the liaison with the accounting faculty, keeping
them informed of the chapter activities; and
(E) The faculty advisor shall not concurrently serve on the National Counsel.
Section 3: The Internal Vice President shall:
(A) Serve as assistant to the president and preside over meetings in his or her absence;
(B) Be responsible for coordinating the annual volleyball tournament to be held each fall
semester and the annual banquet to be held each spring semester;
(C) Correspond with all volleyball tournament and annual banquet guests in dealing with
directions, reservations, and thank you letters; and
(D) Upon the president’s resignation from office be eligible to run in a special election along
with the external vice president to fill the vacancy, and shall preside concurrently until the
Section 4: The External Vice President shall:
(A) Serve as assistant to the president and preside over meetings in his or her absence;
(B) Arrange all technical meetings while being the main liaison between the professional world
of accounting, campus community and the members;
(C) Correspond with all technical presenters in dealing with directions, reservations, and thank
you letters; and
(D) Upon the president’s resignation from office be eligible to run in a special election along
with the internal vice president to fill the vacancy, and shall preside concurrently until the
Section 5: The Vice President of Membership shall:
(A) Promote membership involvement by arranging social activities & mentor/mentee events;
(B) Hold a minimum of one social/sporting event per month;
(C) Use the lists of members from the reporting secretary to formulate the mentors and mentees
for the semester based on compatibility; and
(D) Maintain records of each annual formal to oversee the formal committee in planning the
Section 6: The Reporting Secretary shall:
(A) Assume the responsibility of acquiring and keeping all national report forms, and submitting
these forms promptly as designated by the chapter activities program;
(B) Keep an accurate and complete record of the attendance at all events;
(C) Maintain the membership database including active members, inactive members, pledges,
and alumni, as well an updated list of their address, phone number, and email address;
(D) Bring to the attention of the Vice President of Membership, the members who are not
meeting the attendance requirements and/or those whose period of probation is expiring; and
(E) Update the chapter, at business meetings, on the chapter’s National/Regional Activity (NRA)
point totals.
Section 7: The Corresponding Secretary shall:
(A) Assume the role of web master unless another member is appointed;
(B) Keep an updated list of members, their address, phone number, and email address;
(C) Be responsible for informing all members of upcoming events; and
(D) Assume responsibility for the articles being written and forwarded to the Beta Alpha Psi
(E) Ensure the executive board meetings are documented and minutes are sent to the executive
board after every meeting.
Section 8: The Treasurer shall:
(A) Bill and collect all dues, initiation fees, dinner fees, and other necessary items;
(B) Prepare an annual budget;
(C) Maintain current and accurate records of the financial position of the chapter and prepare all
reports required by the national office;
(D) Shall maintain complete and accurate record of the chapter’s financial position which may be
ascertained at all times;
(E) Report on the financial position of the chapter, including deviations from the budget, at all
business meetings unless waived by the executive board;
(F) Send to the national office the national initiation fee and appropriately completed supporting
documents for each active, honorary, and faculty initiate within ten days after the initiation; and
(G) Bring to the attention of the executive board those members who are on probation for late
payment of dues.
Section 9: Any deviations from the duties described above shall be determined by the president
and shall terminate with the term of office of the president, subject to the approval of the
executive board.
Section 10: The chapter shall have the power, by a majority vote of those student members
present, in any regular or emergency meeting, to declare any office vacant on account of
graduation, withdrawal, continued absence or inability or incapacity of any officer to administer
properly the duties of the office, and shall have the power to elect an officer to fill such
vacancies. In the event an office is filled under this section, the normal procedures for election
are superseded and temporarily suspended, and nomination, open election, and installation
during the same meeting shall fill the office.
B. Appointed Prospect Coordinators & Committees
Section 1: Three prospect coordinators and two prospect coordinator assistants are chosen based
on essay submission and previous involvement/abilities shown throughout previous semesters.
These positions are voted on by the Executive Board and are appointed on a semester basis.
Candidates have the ability to apply for these positions at the end of their candidate process.
Members can also apply through essay submission. The prospect coordinator assistants have the
option to move up to the prospect coordinator positions if they choose to do so.
Section 2: A fundraising committee, a formal committee, a recruiting committee, an alumni
committee and a community service committee shall be appointed by the executive board at such
time that they have had the opportunity to obtain information regarding each position. Among
the members competing for committee positions, the two or three members who receive the
highest amount of votes from the executive board shall be appointed to the position. All
members of these committees must maintain their attendance at the executive advisory council
meetings by making all but one of the meetings. The President can make an exception to this.
Executive Advisory Council:
(A) Members must attend at least three out of the four meetings per semester to get credit for
being on the council.
(B) This group is utilized to get the members opinions on how to better our chapter; and
(C) All committees are to be a part of this council to relay their ideas for their specific
committees to the members.
The duties of each of these committees include, but are not limited to:
Fundraising Committee:
(A) Plan at least one fundraising event per semester to raise money for regional’s activities and
formal funds. This could be a restaurant fundraiser or a bake sale; and
(B) Assume the responsibility of organizing and marketing each fundraising event
Formal Committee:
(A) Assist the President & Vice President of Membership in setting up the event in the Fall
(B) Be responsible for finding a DJ for the event and purchasing favors; and
(C) Send out invitations for the event in a timely manner and organize all attendees with their
dinner selections.
Recruiting Committee:
(A) Design a Recruitment T-Shirt for the semester at least a month and a half before the semester
begins & relay that information to the President.
(B) Make up a flyer to market the event & organize the tabling schedule for the week of
Recruitment; and
(C) Design the board in the School of Business to market our organization.
Alumni Committee:
(A) In the Fall Semester, plan an Alumni Panel event focused on Careers in Accounting. This
should focus on Beta Alpha Psi alumni, but can extend to School of Business alumni.
(B) In the Spring Semester, reach out to alumni from the list that the Reporting Secretary has to
see if they’d like to be on our website. If so, send the information to the webmaster to add; and
(C) Collect all of the information from the graduating seniors to organize for the webmaster for
the website.
Community Service Committee:
(A) Plan an extra community service event for each semester in addition to our group community
service event.
(B) Reserve at least one habitat for humanity date for each semester; and
(C) Compose a list of community service opportunities for the members.
The President has the opportunity to add another committee or amend these responsibilities.
Amended September 2013
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