September 2014 Senate Minutes.docx

College Senate: Minutes
Date: 09/16/2014
Location: Allied Health Bldg., Room 4501
Minutes Approved: __X_Yes
___No (Changes: )
Visit the College Senate website at for the College Senate minutes,
SharePoints (items for open discussion), and information about NCCCFA, Senate bylaws, Senate
membership, committees, forms, etc.
President’s Report (Joel Moore):
PDP revision process- In the August meeting Joel announced that the current changes to the PDP
process were not finalized. The new PDP form is posted on the college website and the 2014-2015
process has begun, so it appears that the changes are final. Information gained through meetings
with administration has been conflicting. Joel will continue to follow through.
OL/excess load banking—(see attachment 1) Per Cathey Ross there is distinction between OL and
excess. “Excess load” refers to hours over 18, typically happening when an instructor takes on a
course because the load is under 18. No OL contract is written when this happens in the Fall
semester, and hours are banked until Spring semester, when the instructor can have a load under 18
hours to have a total of 36 sch for the year. If excess load is carried in the spring (for a total over 36
hours for the year) a contract for OL pay will be written. “Overload hours” refers to an entire course
taken on, over and above 18 hours, during either Fall or Spring semester. Contracts can be written for
either Fall or Spring in this case. A question was raised about contracts for OL—some instructors
were under the impression that contracts are no longer issued. They do exist, but don’t need to be
signed by the instructor. Instructors carrying an OL should request a copy of the contract from the
IOA. Information about OL pay can be viewed under “stipends” in “Pay Advices” in the Employee
menu on My College.
OL pay increase—OL pay has been increased by $100 for each course (not doubled as asked).
Course development compensation/stipend/reassigned time—(see attachment 2). Joel shared the
document, Reassigned Time/Stipend Categories dated August 2012. Senators asked if there is a
recommendation to follow if reassigned time is not granted. Joel suggested that instructors request
reassigned time in writing, including a copy of this document. Joel further requested that he be
informed of the outcomes of such requests.
12-month deferred pay for 1 month employees—When the deferred pay option was removed several
years ago the faculty was informed that there is an IRS issue with deferred pay. Since that time other
NC entities (e.g., Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools) have gone back to the deferred pay option upon
employee request. Joel brought this up to Richard Zollinger; RZ will look into this. As a reminder, it
was announced that those Credit Union can “defer” payment via a summer cash account.
Salary study—HR is currently conducting a salary study. Results will be provided.
Veteran’s Day observance—Richard Zollinger voiced no objections to observing Veterans’ Day, but it
cannot be added as an additional holiday. It would have to be traded for another holiday. 4th of July
was suggested; more discussion to follow at a later date.
Elimination of exam week—Administration has requested that the faculty be surveyed regarding the
possibility of eliminating exam week in favor of an additional week of classes. It appears that no
faculty input has been sought regarding the need for the elimination or the development of a survey.
While the issue is under serious consideration, an assurance was made that no decision would be
made without faculty involvement.
Several questions/issues were raised—
Would this add hours to the required class schedule? (apparently not).
When would grades be due? (unclear).
What is best for students? (it is feared that this will crowd their schedules and possibly cause
them to have multiple exams on one day).
Non-traditional classes (meeting once a week) don’t meet the “exam” schedule (causing
students to have exams on a day when the class doesn’t meet).
Extending the schedule a week would mean less time for each exam.
The issue appears to be a follow-up to instructors who don’t give an exam and just cancel meetings
that week. If exams are cancelled the instructor must meet in the assigned room at the scheduled
exam time. A motion was made to pass a resolution: College senate supports exam week as it
stands. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
Upcoming sales tax increase vote—A vote on increasing the sales tax is coming up in November;
CPCC would get 7 ½ % of projected increase. According to the Charlotte Observer, the revenue
would go to pay raises for FT faculty and staff.
PT faculty and staff were recently awarded raises.
Additional hours for PT faculty—Joel requested additional paid hours for PT faculty (5-10 hours extra
of pay per course). This would cover required administrative tasks and training. Other states have a
formula (extra .5 hour per 3 hour class).
Committee Reports:
1. President-elect (Alison Gagan):
No report
2. Academic Policies (vacant):
Additional members and a committee chair needed.
3. Credentials (Arlene Parrish):
No report
4. Curriculum (Pat West):
Handout provided (see attached).
5. Educational Resources (Roschella Stephens):
$25,000 has been awarded.
6. Faculty Welfare (Fred Tone):
There is a Faculty Welfare meeting immediately following the Senate meeting in HE 3510.
The committee will continue to work on PDP from different point of view and on Involuntary
administrative leave from different point of view. Also considering making reassigned time part
of policy.
7. Professional Staff Welfare (Tony Hayes):
Kathy Curtis is the new co-chair. The committee is willing to parallel Faculty PDP process
issues from the Professional Staff side.
Support for PD staff is requested; utilize as much as possible. Co-partner with staff to address
issues. The PD schedule appears to be determined ahead of time; open labs can support
faculty who can’t attend training due to teaching. Instructors are encouraged to utilize open
labs. The two weeks before classes start are bad weeks to offer trainings for some divisions.
Open labs go on weekly; are campus specific and can be requested at other campuses.
Elizabeth Forgione-Barkas is committed to meeting needs of each department.
8. Student Welfare (vacant):
Only one member; additional members and chair needed.
9. Technology (Kathy Watkins):
Focus of Tech Committee is addressing Bb issues and the roll out of CPCC’s newest version
(we are using 14, newest version 15-16 is called Bb 2014). The goal is to have everything
rolled out by 2015 Jan. Coming features include improvements to SafeAssign and “To Do” list
via “student mode” rather than “edit mode” or logging in with a student ID. Kathy is unsure
about upcoming trainings. A suggestion was made to have Bb training should be separate for
OL and f2f/hybrid classes—different needs.
Geek Fest November 13 at Levine. Gary Ritter is requesting presenters and volunteers.
QEP/STAR feedback via OSP is being funneled through the Tech committee. An issue is an
instructor’s inability to see who receives interventions once they are added (without going back
in). Interventions can be added at any time. A list of questions will be compiled and sent to
Tracie Clark. Requiring interventions at three weeks seems early; students who received
reports were alarmed. Students who got satisfactory reports were alarmed. The timing may
work better for online classes, where work was more likely to have been assigned and graded.
A tech survey will be sent soon to faculty.
A question was raised about instructor/program chair ability to provide overrides for full
sections. It appears it may be an authorization issue. It may be a semester to semester issue
when courses have the same section number for Fall/Spring.
New Business:
Is there a state mandated temperature in classrooms? An email was distributed, requiring temps of
74 for cooling; 70 for heating. Temperatures don’t seem to be consistent; there were complaints of
rooms being too hot (in the 80’s). Joel requested a copy; he will bring it to RZ’s. When there are
concerns, “school dude” is the proper channel, not direct contact of facilities.
Senators were asked to check the senate website for accuracy of senate list. Email Farhad, Joel,
Alison, or Lisa any updates.
The minutes from the August 2014 Senate Meeting were approved.
Next Meeting Time: 3rd Tuesday of the month (October 21, 2014) at 2:30
Location: Allied Health Bldg., Room 4510
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Godwin
ATTACHMENT 1: Excess load Vs. Overload
ATTACHMENT 3: Curriculum Committee Handout
Curriculum Committee College Senate Handout
August, 2014
Curriculum Requests Reviewed and Approved:
Pre and Co-Requisite Revisions:
OST 134, Text Entry & Formatting to add “minimum grade C” to OST 131 pre-requisite.
Diploma Revisions:
Simulation and Game Development Diploma (D25450-21) to:
 Remove COM 110, Introduction to Communications
 Add COM 231, Public Speaking