College Senate: Minutes Date: 11/18/2014 Location: Allied Health Bldg., Room 4501 Minutes Approved: __X_Yes ___No (Changes: ) Visit the College Senate website at for the College Senate minutes, SharePoints (items for open discussion), and information about NCCCFA, Senate bylaws, Senate membership, committees, forms, etc. Alison Gagan opened the meeting with a tribute to Arlene Parrish, who recently died after a brief illness. Alison spoke of Arlene’s knowledge and expertise, her commitment to her field and to CPCC, and of her outstanding character. Arlene was a member of a large family, who have established a scholarship in her memory. The scholarship will be available to students in cytotechnology, and will allow Arlene’s legacy to continue. A senate donation to this scholarship fund was discussed. A motion was made, seconded, approved to donate 50% of current senate funds to the scholarship fund. President’s Report (Joel Moore): 12 month deferred pay will not be an option for 10-month employees. The issue may be raised again later. No word on PT faculty compensation for mandatory training. Administrative workload for faculty is being examined (Mike Hogan). Any senators with information about administrative tasks borne by faculty should share with Joel. ‘W’ question—students who aren’t happy with grades are asking for W rather than receiving an F. In a recent incident a student and parent went to an administrator to request a W—the student was assured that W would be granted and tuition refunded. Faculty seeks support for following policies and decisions. Committee Reports: 1. President-elect (Alison Gagan): Alison distributed a document that outlined college senate objectives (aligned with college goals) for the 2014-2015 academic year (see attached original document). The following questions and discussion ensued: Goal/Objective 1 (Student Learning and Success)-the difference between eLearning (a college department that provides faculty support for a variety of instructional resources) and eLearning Operational Team (eLOT, an interdisciplinary committee charged with studying and making recommendations for quality assurance and student success in online learning. The eLearning Operational Team provides active, functional, and timely contributions to and evaluation of the eLearning initiatives at Central Piedmont Community College. The team works in concert with the eLearning Department and provides recommendations related to college-wide stakeholders to the eLearning Steering Committee) was explained. The survey disseminated in fall confirmed that better communication between eLearning and faculty is needed. Better support for Moodle users is needed. It was suggested that eLearning staff teach a curriculum course to become better familiarized with needs and issues. Goal/Objective 2 (Organizational Learning and Development)-Concern was raised that the senate objective doesn’t include professional staff and is not related to the college goal (the current PDP committee is focused on the faculty PDP). It was suggested that the senate table PDP for this document and address the issue elsewhere. An alternate suggestion was to choose an area of the PDP to focus on—teaching effectiveness was suggested as a possible area of focus. Further, the relationship of the senate objective to the overall goal was questioned; the response was that the PDP does provide expanded learning opportunities. In response to questions raised, Fred Tone provided feedback on the PDP Revision committee meeting, and the follow up meeting with Richard Zollinger. Other suggestions for changing the objective included 1) Criteria should be made more objective; 2) Tie 4-5 ratings to some kind of award or merit so it isn’t punitive. Based on significant discussion, this objective will be modified and shared via email. The need to improve communication between senate and the PDP revision committee was recognized. Goal/Objective 3 (Community Catalyst)-The senate voted earlier in the meeting to donate funds to the Arlene Parrish Scholarship Fund. Goal/Objective 4 (Organizational Capacity to Serve)-It is recognized that senate membership lists are not accurate nor are representatives available for each area. A Parliamentarian is needed. There may be a need to extend meetings to 1.5-2 hours to allow for discussion. A suggestion was made to move meetings to other campuses or provide opportunities to attend remotely via Lync or WebEx. There was some opposition to this remote attendance. AG will look for another room that has Lync capability, and this option will be explored. Lisa Godwin asked for updates to senate membership. Goal/Objective 5 (Organizational Excellence and Innovation-. Arlene Parrish was nominated to receive the College Senate award for 2014-2015. It was suggested that “teaching excellence” be added, in addition to “innovation or entrepreneurship.” 2. Academic Policies (Pam McIntyre): No report. The committee will convene immediately after the full senate meeting, and again in early January. 3. Credentials (): No report. 4. Curriculum (Pat West): No report 5. Educational Resources (Roschella Stephens): An additional $5000 was requested and granted; pending requests will be considered for additional funding. 6. Faculty Welfare (Fred Tone): The status of the PDP revision have been previously discussed under College Senate Objectives. There will be no survey of faculty regarding the PDP. Today’s committee meeting is cancelled. The committee is working with Student Life to finalize grade appeal deadlines and processes. There is a 30day deadline for appeals, as stated in the catalog, but SL has a caveat to the deadline. Senate will look to include a limit on the grade appeal time frame. 7. Professional Staff Welfare (Tony Hayes and Denise Keating): The committee continues to explore the proposal for CPCC to observe Veterans’ Day. The VA office is now involved/informed. Dr. Zeiss is aware of the proposal. There is still no decision, and the committee will continue to follow up. Senators are encouraged to bring to Tony any concerns they have with eLearning, and he will facilitate conversation and solutions. Paul Santos is meeting with committee soon; information will be shared at a future senate meeting. Tony thanked senate for allowing professional staff to participate in PDP process and for including professional staff in the senate objective. It was noted that a Parliamentarian is needed to facilitate senate meetings. 8. Student Welfare (Tony Beatty): Tony sent an email to previous committee members to solicit involvement. He met with the past chair and contacted student life to secure student membership. Committee will be planning meeting soon and will include student senators 9. Technology (Kathy Watkins): Tracie Clark will attend next tech committee meeting. Senators are encouraged to provide information to Kathy for sharing with Tracie. Online attendance will be addressed using senate questions. Libby Vagnoni and Edith McElroy will be included. Issues to be addressed are freezing columns (scrolling week by week), shading weekly to make it easier to determine absences and S, allow the S to “take” without having to clear A’s. (This last might not be an issue, but it is brought up often enough to create a need to address). Kathy will send email to Lisa who will send to senate. New Business: There will be no meeting in December. Minutes from the October senate meeting were approved. Motion to adjourn; seconded. Meeting was adjourned. Next Meeting Time: 3rd Tuesday of the month (2:30): Location: Allied Health Bldg., Room 4510 Respectfully submitted, Lisa Godwin Secretary