College Senate: Minutes Date: 02/18/2014 Minutes Approved: ___Yes Location: Allied Health Bldg., Room 4510 ___No (Changes: ) Visit the College Senate website at for the College Senate minutes, SharePoints (items for open discussion), and information about NCCCFA, Senate bylaws, Senate membership, committees, forms, etc. Guest Speakers: Student Coordinators for Project Life Bone Marrow Registry Cytotechnology Students Association has become involved on campus and has spearheaded the Project Life campaign. David Lindsay, bone marrow recipient and survivor, started Project Life because not enough people were on the registry. Project Life covers the $100 required to get you on the registry. There will be a “Swab Mob” at 12:30 tomorrow, February 19, between Belk and Elizabeth, to raise awareness of the drive which will be held April 9, 2014. Another “Swab Mob” is planned for March. A “Lunch and Learn” will be held a week before the drive to answer questions about the process. President’s Report (George Wightman): I. II. III. IV. Pay for training for part time instructors: Offering compensation for required training for part-time instructors who teach fully online classes has been discussed with Richard Zollinger. Paul Santos will address the Senate in March regarding the PDP revision process. It has been brought to Mr. Wightman’s attention that the VA doesn't recognize online classes and certificate programs. He would like information and feedback about this. Senate members for next year should be elected before the semester ends so that we don’t spend as much time getting ready for next year in the fall. The president-elect should be elected first. Then, senators in each division should determine if senators are in their 2nd year of service; if so, they need to be reelected or a new senator should be elected. Committee Reports: 1. President-elect (Joel Moore): eLearning: Expect some revisions concerning online classes and offerings. Among the changes will be a standard format for online classes. This will be implemented by Fall 2014. There was discussion about eLearning policies among senators. 2. Academic Policies (Lisa Godwin): No report 3. Credentials (Arlene Parrish): No report 4. Curriculum (Pat West): Please visit the Curriculum Committee Website for current minutes: 5. Educational Resources (Roschella Stephens): Three applications are in process; if approved, $1500 will remain available. 6. Faculty Welfare (Fred Tone): Involuntary administrative leave: The committee wants some constraints built into the process so faculty will be more aware of when and how this is implemented. The committee is trying to reach a compromise with administration; approaching in a positive way with suggestions may be more successful than past efforts. In some situations it may be appropriate but it’s possible that it is overused. It happens in all areas of the college. 7. Professional Staff Welfare (Tony Hayes): The committee would like an update on administration response to the Veteran’s Day holiday. 8. Student Welfare (Farhad Javidi): (1) Student intake: An email was sent about the EVA. Faculty have the power to override the EVA. Edith McElroy says she hopes we can start giving power back to faculty (2) Bookstore advisory committee and SGA. Students want information about the cost of books and digital content and funds the college receives from bookstore sales. (3) Financial Aid scam – Students are receiving calls from people presenting themselves as colleges. They get information about the student and ask for money in advance; for example, they’ll tell the student that if they put $300 in an account they will receive $700. The Student Welfare committee wants to make sure students are aware of the scam. (4) Automated attendance system – When an “X” was reported for the snow day the system automatically changed to “A” – this then resulted in students receiving a WN for classes starting last week. This is in the process of being remedied - 500 students were kicked out of classes in Math. (5) Adam Brooks (communications) – He is looking into writing policies on social networking and wants faculty and staff feedback before finalizing. 9. Technology (Gary Ritter): WebEx – now available – an easy way to communicate with groups. You can join a meeting, use for office hours and online classes. Up to 500 people can join and people outside the college can access as well. Training is starting in March. Visit the Learning Technology Services website and click “WebEx” to access more information. Next Meeting Time: 3rd Tuesday of the month (2:30): Location: Allied Health Bldg., Room 4510 Respectfully submitted, Alison Gagan Secretary