4-19-11 Coll Sen Minutes.doc

College Senate: Minutes
Date: 4-19-11
Minutes Approved: ___Yes
Location: Allied Health Bldg., room 4510
___No (Changes: )
Visit the College Senate website at http://www1.cpcc.edu/senate/ for the College Senate minutes, SharePoints
(items for open discussion), and information about NCCCFA, Senate bylaws, Senate membership, committees,
forms, etc.
President Gary Gilbody called the meeting to order and welcomed the senators.
President’s Report (Gary Gilbody): Gary brought the following items to the Senate:
1. May College Senate meeting
a. Tuesday, May 17, 2011, from 1:30 – 4:00 pm
b. Van Every Building
c. Mexican Food:
2. A motion was made to vote on the approval of March’s minutes. The minutes were unanimously approved.
3. The constitutional changes Gary had proposed have been tabled for the time being.
4. College Senate election nominations have been closed. All faculty and professional staff are encouraged to
Guest Speakers - Gary then introduced the following guest speaker:
Adam Brooks (Dir. Of Communication for Community Relations & Marketing Services): Adam gave an overview of
the EdCamp event.
1. Event will be held at CPCC on Wednesday, 5/11/11, from 9 am until 5 pm.
2. It will be located in the Overcash building, in Tate Hall.
3. The idea of EdCamp is based on the BarCamp, or un-conference, model.
4. Register for the event on LearnerWeb and find more information at www.cpcc.edu/edcamp.
5. Participants are encouraged to bring mobile devices (iPads, etc.).
President-elect (Fred Tone):
1. Office Hours revision to Policies & Procedures.
a. The recommendation of 5 office hours was presented to Richard Zollinger.
b. Mr. Zollinger felt that now is not a good time for an official change. However, he clarified that it is not
the expectation of administration that office hours be necessarily spent physically in the office.
c. The main goal of office hours is that students are able to access faculty when needed.
d. He is interested to hear feedback about how the office hours guideline is being implemented across
the College.
e. Please email Fred Tone with feedback regarding how the guideline is applied in your area.
2. The overload draft that was approved by Senate was modified by the Learning Council and is being
considered by Richard Zollinger.
3. Online grade changing has been approved and an official ITS request has been made by Richard Zollinger.
This should be in place for Fall Semester.
Guest Speakers (cont.) - Gary then introduced the following guest speakers:
Michael Hughes (ESS Director) and Dione Dixon: Michael and Dione discussed some updates on the process for
handling issues that occur in testing centers:
1. IRR – Irregularity Report
a. New form used by the testing center staff, based on observations.
i. Came about due to rising occurrences in the testing center, and a lack of procedure for
handling these issues.
ii. Many people had input during the development of this form, including Debbie Bouton, Cathy
Ross, Mark Helms, and Mel Gay.
iii. This form will be a tool for ESS to help maintain the integrity of the Policies & Procedures,
including Academic Integrity. It is also intended to help improve communication between
ESS and the Learning side of the College.
iv. ESS does not intend to interfere with grading, as this falls under the purview of the Learning
side of the College.
b. Process
i. An email will be sent by the testing center staff to ESS and the instructor with the IRR
ii. The instructor will fill out the bottom portion of the form, including any action that they feel
should be taken as a result of the incident.
iii. Any student discipline required will take place, and then the matter is closed. Normally, ESS
follows the instructor’s recommendations regarding what action(s) should be taken.
iv. A record of this form is kept in ESS records.
v. The instructor is informed and kept in the loop throughout the entire process.
2. The new IRR process was discussed among the Senators. Some changes and additions to the form were
suggested. Gary Gilbody and Michael Hughes agreed to discuss these changes and take them into
Committee Reports:
1. Faculty Welfare (Fred Tone): No report, other than items discussed in the President-elect report.
2. Credentials (Peggy Rivers): The committee continues to run into “unwritten” rules in the portfolio approval
process. The committee will continue to try to streamline the process and clarify the guidelines from the beginning
of the process.
3. Student Welfare (Sonya Johnson): The committee presented the following updates:
 The committee is continuing to look into student fees.
 The committee will make exam care packages for the SGA representatives on each campus.
 Some questions have come up about student tuition refunds. Gary agreed to discuss this with Jeff Hill
(Exec. Director of the Business Office).
4. Professional Staff Welfare (Keith Vincent): No report.
5. Educational Resources (Erin Payton): The committee gave the following report:
 This year, $20,000 was distributed by the committee.
 The money was used to send employees to conferences in locations across the city including San
Francisco, New York City, Orlando, and Philadelphia.
 The committee does not yet know what next year’s budget will be.
6. Curriculum (Pat West): Pat provided a handout of items reviewed by the committee as follows:
March Requests reviewed and approved:
Program of Study Changes:
 Computer Technology Integration: Add CTI 130, Device Foundation and an either / or option for CET
111, Computer Upgrade/Repair in the CTI A25500 degree and diplomas D25500-D1, D2, D3, D4, D5,
D6, D7.
 Paralegal Technology: Add LEX 271, Law Office Writing as a technical elective, delete OST 164, Text
Editing as a technical elective, add LEX 271 under major and related course requirement and replace
COM 233, Persuasive Speaking with COM 110, Oral Communications as an either / or option in the
communications electives.
7. Technology (Farhad Javidi): The committee gave the following report:
 The iPad 2 pilot will begin this summer and one machine will be distributed to each Division. The iPads
from the first pilot will not be collected at this time.
 Approval has been requested for employees to be able to access the WordPress blog outside of the
 Faculty and staff who need Windows 7 installed on their computers are asked not to make ITS requests
at this time. These upgrades will happen, but the process will take some time.
 Tech plan requests (for items priced over $500) will be open until June 1, 2011.
 The new email archiving system will go into effect soon. Emails can be retrieved from it back into
Outlook, but the organization system will be limited.
New Business: An inquiry was made about progress on the grade appeal policy changes. Gary agreed to find out
the status of this process.
There being no further business, a motion was made, seconded, and unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting.
ACTION: Please share the information in these minutes with the members of your division/department.
Next Meeting Time: May 17, 2011
Location: Van Every Building
Respectfully submitted,
Courtney Kimball