College Senate: Minutes Date: 3-22-11 Minutes Approved: ___Yes Location: Allied Health Bldg., room 4510 ___No (Changes: ) Visit the College Senate website at for the College Senate minutes, SharePoints (items for open discussion), and information about NCCCFA, Senate bylaws, Senate membership, committees, forms, etc. President Gary Gilbody called the meeting to order and welcomed the senators. Guest Speakers: Gary then introduced the following guest speaker: Jerry Pickler (Professional Development): Jerry discussed the new Student Response Systems (clickers) in the Classroom: 1. Can be used to poll students with questions during class. 2. In the future, it will be possible to use them to take class attendance. 3. Training classes for the system have been offered on all campuses. (See LearnerWeb). 4. Students will purchase the clickers at the CPCC bookstore. a. Must be listed as a requirement for the class, like a textbook. b. Students will be able to use Financial Aid to purchase the clickers. President-elect (Fred Tone): A proposed change to the Overload Policy was presented to the Senate. This change came from a committee which included two faculty members (Fred Tone and Mike Albanese). 1. The proposed change was presented to the Senate. 2. Concerns were discussed. 3. A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously passed for the College Senate to endorse the policy change. Committee Reports: 1. Faculty Welfare (Fred Tone): The committee proposed a change to the Policies and Procedures (4.12) to address faculty office hours: The proposed change would add wording to specify “five (5) hours per week” to the current wording. Concerns were discussed. A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously approved to add “in addition to their regular teaching schedule” to the proposed change. A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously approved to support this change to Policy 4.12. The proposed change will now go to Richard Zollinger. 2. Credentials (Peggy Rivers): The committee presented the following updates: Two portfolios have been approved by the committee and are moving on to the next step in the approval process (formerly Marge Wilson). The committee was considering the possibility of automatic titles being given to faculty after a certain period of time. However, the current system is more in line with other schools’ policies, and the committee feels it would be inappropriate to request changes before the existing procedures have been in place for at least five years. The five-year mark will occur in two years. 3. Student Welfare (Sonya Johnson): The committee presented the following updates: The committee is researching student fees (what they are, where the money goes, etc.). The committee will present their findings at the April Executive Committee meeting. The testing center will now work with an instructor before establishing punishment for issues that occur in the testing center, when they are issues that would normally be under the instructor’s purview. 4. Professional Staff Welfare (Keith Vincent): In Keith’s absence, Erin Payton gave a report for the committee. Professional Staff have come together to volunteer as a group for both the Skyline Run and Sensoria. 5. Educational Resources (Erin Payton): The committee gave the following report: There are no funds remaining for this school year. The committee will give a report at the April College Senate meeting with examples of how this money has been used in the past. 6. Curriculum (Pat West): Pat provided a handout of items reviewed by the committee as follows: Requests reviewed and approved: 1. New / Revised Certificates Delete 4 Culinary Arts certificates (State CIP Project) Delete ERG 115A from Civil Engineering Technology Certificate with a Specialization in Construction Materials Testing and Civil Engineering Technology Certificate with a Specialization in Project Supervision. Computer Technology Integration Certificate in Computer Technology Integration Fundamentals Computer-Integrated Machining Certificate in Programming and Operations Computer-Integrated Machining Certificate in Fundamentals of Machine Tools Computer-Integrated Machining Certificate in Basic Machining Skills Computer-Integrated Machining Certificate in Motorsports Machining Certificate I Computer-Integrated Machining Certificate in Advanced machine Tool Operations 2. New Courses: Add COM 130, Nonverbal Communication to the list of courses offered by the Arts and Communication Division Add 16, Small Group Communications to the list of courses offered by the Arts and Communication Division 3. Pre-Requisite and Co-Requisite Requests: 13 pre-requisite requests for Hospitality courses Add EDU 146 as a pre-requisite EDU 154, Social/Emotion/Behavior Development 4. Program of Study Changes: Criminal Justice POS revision to add: CJC 161, Introduction to Homeland Security, CJC 162, Intelligence Management and Security Analysis, and CJC 163, Transportation and Border Security Health Information Technology Program of Study revision (State CIP Project) 5. Curriculum Standard Revisions: Construction Management Technology: Add BUS 139, Entrepreneurship and BUS 230, Small Business Management as either / or options under the required Accounting / Business subject area. 7. Technology (Farhad Javidi): No report President’s Report (Gary Gilbody): Gary brought the following items to the Senate: 1. Proposed changes to College Senate Constitution a. Name change from “College Senate” to “Faculty and Professional Staff Senate” b. Presidential eligibility requirement addition i. A candidate must have completed one full year as a full-time instructor. c. Constitutional areas to examine in the future: i. Article II, section 6 1. Indicates that if a Senator has three absences during a school year, their seat will be vacated. ii. Article II, section 7 1. Addresses who is responsible for conducting Senate seat elections, and keeping track of who the current Senators are. d. These changes will be voted on during the April College Senate meeting, and sent to the entire College with the officer elections in May. 2. There are two bills before the NC General Assembly that may affect CPCC and its students. These were brought to Gary’s attention by Rick Helms. a. The first would prevent post-secondary education for illegal aliens. b. The second would require that GED testing and programs be offered in English, and not in other languages. c. After making the Senators aware of these proposed bills, there was a brief discussion by the Senators. 3. The May College Senate meeting will be at the Culinary Arts Center a. Proposed date is Tuesday, 5/17, from 2:00 – 4:00 pm b. The backup date is Monday, 5/16, from 2:00 – 4:00 pm New Business: No new business. There being no further business, a motion was made, seconded, and unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting. ACTION: Please share the information in these minutes with the members of your division/department. Next Meeting Time: April 19, 2011 Location: Allied Health Bldg., room 4510 Respectfully submitted, Courtney Kimball Secretary