College Senate: Minutes Date: 4-14-09 Location: HA304 Minutes Approved: _X_Yes ___No (Changes: ) Visit the College Senate website at for the College Senate minutes, SharePoints (items for open discussion), and information about NCCCFA, Senate bylaws, Senate membership, committees, forms, etc. Guest Speakers: Elvira Johnson, Chair, Learning Outcomes Committee: Elvira discussed the four Core Competencies (critical thinking, communication, personal growth and responsibility, and information technology/quantitative literacy) and announced that workshops are available to provide a basic understanding of the four competencies as well as to provide a forum for questions and discussion. Every college-degree course will have at least one core competency (determined by the division). Assessments will indicate whether students have met the core competency and whether they are ready to progress to the next level. The website ( provides details for the core competencies, key indicators, and sample methods of assessment. To find the core competency for a particular course, go to When students graduate, they will be able to show how they have met the competencies through an electronic portfolio. Candidates for Senate President-Elect: o o Gary Gilbody Phil Briggs Each candidate will present a prepared statement to Brenda Armentrout for the Communicator. The election will be held the end of April and details will be provided by email and the Communicator. President’s Report (John Cone): John provided updates on the following items: Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM): Human Resources (HR) will return the wording to its original status before changes were made. Categories of employment throughout the College will be reinstated with guidelines for each (administrative, faculty/professional staff, and classified staff), titles on contracts (extendible, conditional, needs improvement) will again be listed at the top of the contract, due process will be returned for “needs improvement” contracts, etc. Also, drafts of PPM changes created by HR will be provided to College Senate for review and feedback. Hopefully, changes will be sent to us next week and will be emailed to senators. Copyright and Intellectual Properties Policies: These were emailed to senators recently for review in order to vote on the changes today. ACTION: Since many did not remember the wording, the policies will be emailed to senators with the subject line “For Your Review” or “Action Required.” This issue was tabled until the May meeting to provide additional time for senators to review. Vice President for Learning Candidates: In addition to the open forums, each of the four candidates will also meet with College Senate members for 30 minutes of questions and answers (the locations will be emailed to senators): o April 16, 1:00-1:30: Richard Zollinger o April 20, 2:30-3:00: Dr. Daniel Campagna o April 27, 1:00-1:30: Dr. Ben Dillard o April 30, 1:00-1:30: Dr. Nicholas Akinkuoye ACTION: If a senator cannot attend a meeting, he/she is requested to send a constituent from their area. Campus Safety: There is much confusion about the process to follow and whom to contact when student behavioral problems (such as threats) occur. ESS is now responsible for student discipline and there is a director housed on each campus. The College Senate needs to be represented on committees that deal with classroom procedures and safety in order to assist with establishing the guidelines to follow. Campus Security has stated they cannot guarantee that an officer will be available in case of an emergency situation due to reduced manpower, which should be considered an unacceptable response. The Student Code of Conduct states what students can and cannot do, but there are no additional guidelines for faculty/staff and what they should do in response (whom to contact, what exactly to do, etc.) Professional Development is responsible for part-time and full-time orientations and Security makes presentations to both groups regarding “failure to comply” and having students removed from classrooms. Still, though, faculty members do not know the current procedures. This issue needs to be reviewed from faculty and student perspectives in order to provide a strong policy that all faculty, staff, and students know will be enforced consistently by the College. o A motion was made and seconded to request that Faculty Welfare and Student Welfare Committees be represented on the College committee that addresses this issue (Safe College Team and care teams). The motion passed unanimously. o A motion was made and seconded that College Safety training also include information on how to handle student threats in addition to the current information on potential emergencies. The motion passed unanimously. Committee Reports: 1. President-elect (Brenda Armentrout): no report 2. Academic Policies (James Kirkpatrick): James announced that the new withdrawal at the 35% date has created some dissatisfaction based on the fact that students may not have enough input at that point to make a judgment about whether they need to withdraw. Therefore, a survey has been created by Adam Brooks that can be accessed to provide feedback. ACTION: James will email the web address of the survey to senators so they can then forward it to their constituents. During discussion, it was determined that the survey is currently available to anyone, including students, which would invalidate the results. Adam will work on making it secure before the address is emailed to senators. 3. Credentials (Brenda Armentrout): Brenda announced the following: a. The President-Elect election will be held at the end of April. b. Also, applications for faculty titles will be accepted until the end of April and then again in August. c. Divisions need to determine whether senators need to be elected for next year (those ending a twoyear term) and hold elections. Brenda will email a reminder to all division directors. 4. Curriculum (Pat West): no report 5. Educational Resources (Joel Moore): Joel reported that there is still no money for travel due to budget issues. He will remind the VP for Learning that Senate wants the funding reinstated once budget restraints are relaxed. 6. Faculty Welfare (Phil Briggs): Phil announced that the concerns of this committee had been handled by the President and President-Elect (PPM issues, Copyright/Intellectual Properties, etc.). He stated that the committee wants to be involved in College safety issues. 7. Professional Staff Welfare (Adam Brooks/Scarlett Hollingsworth): Adam announced the following: a. The committee last met March 24. The next meeting will be April 28 in HA204, and they will continue to meet through the summer. b. Budget concerns include the status of longevity pay and other benefits such as increases in insurance co-pays and possible furloughs. See these websites for additional information: c. and The committee is discussing the College’s PDP process as well as upward evaluations. 8. Student Welfare (Brantlee Drake): absent/no report 9. Technology (Rob Craig/Adam Brooks): Adam mentioned the following items that are being discussed by this committee: a. Social Networking Guidelines are being discussed by the college’s Technology Team and the draft is in its final stages. This version is available at This document will eventually go into PPM and will affect instruction. The committee will address this issue again at the May meeting. ACTION: Read through the document and send comments to both Rob Craig and Adam Brooks. b. The College Senate website design is in progress. Please send comments/suggestions to Adam. c. Beginning in the fall, instructors will be required to log in to classroom podium computers. 10. NCCCFA (Rick Coulter): Rick announced that the membership drive is continuing and he will send another reminder email to everyone. 11. Part-time Welfare (Linda Dunham): Linda announced that the committee will meet next week. 12. “Spirit” (Arlene Parrish/Kimberley Kaylor): Arlene announced that the committee will meet electronically this week. They will be actively participating in these three upcoming events: a. ArtsFest b. Skyline Run c. Health and Wellness Day There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded and unanimously voted to adjourn. Next Meeting Time: Since final exams will be in progress during the regular meeting week in May, the Senate instead will meet on May 5, the first Tuesday of the month (2:30) Location: TBA Respectfully submitted, Barbara Whitt Secretary