September Senate Meeting Minutes

College Senate: Minutes
Date: 9/15/2015
Location: Allied Health Bldg., Room 4510
Minutes Approved: _X__Yes
___No (Changes: )
Visit the College Senate website at for the College Senate minutes,
SharePoint (items for open discussion), and information about NCCCFA, Senate bylaws, Senate
membership, committees, forms, etc.
President’s Report (Alison Gagan):
Blackboard update:
In July 2015 CPCC upgraded Blackboard. During the first few days of the semester, the upgrade was
“tested” when there was the typical, expected spike in usage. ITS is currently working with Blackboard
to determine if the upgrade is able to support the spike. There were significant issues with Blackboard
during the first few weeks of the semester. It is uncertain whether the issues are resolved or not.
August 9: There was a blip during peak course copy time. A patch was applied, which appeared to fix
the issue, thought the process was still slow.
August 17: The system was slow. While this is typical on the first day of class, the speed was significantly
slower this term.
August 17-24: It was determined that peak usage time for Blackboard was noon-1 and 3-5 pm.
Solutions/fixes were applied daily, but they seemed to be temporary fixes only.
August 22-23 were the days with the most intense issues.
August 24: It appeared that “fixes” worked but it could be a function of decreased usage. It is likely that
problems still exist.
Communication is a concern. Email notification to faculty and students is needed. ITS can’t send a
message regarding outages—this communication must come from the Learning Unit to faculty, and
from faculty to students. A general message on the Blackboard login page was suggested as a solution.
When students and faculty don’t know there is an issue, they try multiple browsers, which complicates
the issue. A warning on the login page would reduce this.
There was discussion about how best to email students when Blackboard is down. Email via Blackboard
isn’t possible. There is question about whether the email feature from Course Roster was working.
Announcements on Blackboard was not an option for notifying students, as courses could not be
Errors are especially a concern for short session classes, especially 4-week sessions.
ITS is continuing to work with Blackboard; this has been identified as a top-level concern, and is
receiving top-level support. The problem appears to be a code issue. It may be that the problem is fixed,
but that won’t be known until usage peaks again.
The issue is not with funding or college support.
Faculty should always complete a formal ITS Helpdesk request so that the issues can be documented
and tracked. Students should be encouraged to do the same.
A communication plan is being developed. It is anticipated that the communication will improve with
the hire of a new Director of eLearning.
The course copy feature was turned off at the beginning of the semester; this does not support short
session courses. It was suggested that the feature be disabled during the first week of each 16-week
term, then re-enabled.
Educational Resources
No funding amount has been confirmed for Educational Resources. A confirmation should be coming
Emailing Students
When emailing students it is recommended to use CAW, Class List tool, rather than WebAdvisor. CAW
email lists are accurate one week before class starts
Jumbo courses are not simply large sections, they are specifically-designed courses that require set-up
by eLearning. It is recommended that instructors do not combine multiple sections of the same class (for
example, four 25-student sections should not be combined). There was some disagreement about this
recommendation. Faculty focus group may be needed to address this issue. With 60 students, faculty
get load and a half, but no TA. TA’s are assigned at 100 students in one course. Concern exists about
engagement with students in large or combined sections. Jumbo classes are theoretically voluntary for
instructors, there may be some encouragement to get faculty to do this. It is acknowledged that some
classes better suited to jumbo courses than others.
Senate Goals
Alison reviewed suggestions from August ice breaker. Senate will select strategic planning goals. (see
attached). It is preferred that Senate will present one goal per area, but not required. Call for ballots for
Senate goals; AG will compile and email Senate. She meets tomorrow with strategic planning
Alison recognized that this meeting is well-attended.
Next Meeting Reminders
Dr. Zeiss will speak at the October meeting. Wear a nametag; bring a friend.
Committee Reports:
1. President-elect (Keith Powell): No report.
2. Academic Policies (Pam McIntyre): The committee met on 9/14/15. Several issues are being
addressed and will be brought to Alison and Keith for follow-up.
3. Credentials (Mona Yektaparast): Division Directors have been contacted and asked to provide
updated Senator lists.
4. Curriculum (Pat West): Please see handout (attached).
5. Educational Resources (Roschella Stephens): No funds confirmed yet; the committee hopes
to have money now that budget appears firm. Current requests for funds will be addressed as
soon as possible.
6. Faculty Welfare (Fred Tone): The committee will meet later in September. The committee
plans to form a round table group with representation from faculty, administration, Human
Resources, Senate, etc. to facilitate communication about issues. Fred is waiting for approval
from the Learning Unit. Fred asked for ideas for other possible partners. This is an effort to
resolve existing disconnects. Fred recognized Richard Zollinger for being open to
The committee proposes an amendment to the Senate Constitution. Currently, the constitution
requires that all executive committee chairpersons be current members of College Senate.
Some committees have appointed chairpersons, with President’s approval (Curriculum
Committee and Technology Committee). The suggestion is to amend constitution to read
“current or previous senator.” The proposed amendment will be sent out with minutes from this
meeting, and will be voted on at the October meeting.
7. Professional Staff Welfare (Denise Keating): Denise proposed that the next Senate meeting be
a working meeting to support library focus groups/strategic plan. She suggested extending the
meeting to 4:00 to accommodate Dr. Zeiss and the working session. It was also suggested that
the meeting begin at 2 rather than 2:30, with Dr. Zeiss speaking at 2:30 and the work session
being held from 3:00-4:00. There were no voiced conflicts and an informal vote supported
staying until 4:00.
New Professional Staff Senators were recognized. It was noted that there are many areas
represented. Denise is emphasizing getting representatives from many areas and filling all
available seats. Alison commended Denise for her efforts to improve representation.
8. Student Welfare (Tony Beatty): The committee will meet later in September.
9. Technology (Kathy Watkins): Kathy invited senators to join the Technology committee. Send
Kathy an email if you are interested. The committee met earlier in September. They discussed
the idea of a “sandbox.” The first event will be held on October 7th at 3:00 in the LRC 4th floor
Learning Commons area. Future events will be held on the third Wednesday of the month.
The Solutions team (ITS and Technology Committee) are addressing the issues with Blackboard.
Of concern is that the faculty did not have enough notification or support during the outage at
the beginning of the semester. A communication plan will be created and refined. Any
communication will have to come from the Learning Unit, not ITS Helpdesk or eLearning.
Richard Zollinger (guest speaker) updates:
There is no information about the community college or the state budget other than what was
reported in the paper this morning.
The Cato Campus expansion is ready to open; Harper and Levine to follow soon
Enrollment is down slightly (down more in seats than in FTE’s). This is expected to change after
short session courses begin.
Blackboard is being closely monitored by the college and by Blackboard to ensure that issues are
addressed as soon as they arise.
The salary study is complete. Changes may be implemented based on compression and
Service Learning:
Shannon Blair and Jenn Marts from Service Learning shared that Service Learning is available for
all courses, even those taught online. Currently there are more than 50 instructors using Service
Learning to help students put what they learn in class into action. There are more than 100
Service Learning partners. CPCC students documented 35,000 hours last year, representing the
equivalent of $800,000 in salaries donated to non-profit agencies.
eService learning will address will address Service Learning in online classes. This is currently
being piloted in ENG 111. Mark Coltrain is part of this process. Shannon received release time to
develop and study eService Learning. She is asking for partners and support from faculty. There
are opportunities to sign up for sessions on Learner Web (one at Levine, one at Central, one on
WebEx). Lunch provided during face-to-face sessions. Please let other faculty know this effort
Next Meeting Time: 3rd Tuesday of October, 2015 (2:30):
Location: Allied Health Bldg., Room 4510
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Godwin
College Senate Icebreaker, August 2015: Strategic Planning Objectives
The potential objectives, listed below, were suggested by Senators and guest faculty/professional staff at our
2015-2016 Academic Year Icebreaker. College Senate voted to determine which objectives should be our focus for
the 2015-2016 Academic year. The top 2 from each category are the first 2 goals listed. College Senate will discuss
and further refine these potential objectives at our October meeting.
Student Learning and Success
Goal: Ensure student learning and success by promoting an innovative and supportive learning environment.
1. Continue working on 2014-2015 academic year objective: Work with eLearning and the
eLearning Operational Team to improve communication between eLearning and faculty
and assure student success in courses that utilize a learning management system while
still retaining academic freedom for faculty
Use a single LMS
Review use of W policy
Collaborative community for online faculty focusing on effective teaching and student feedback
Identify and examine polices that support and promote student success
Obtain feedback from students about the LMS
Clearer guidance for students and instructors on the attendance policy, especially assigning “S”
Foster better communication about student support activities; i.e., Student Life, Student
Government, Collegiate Recovery Community
Organizational Learning and Development
Goal: Foster an organizational culture that maximizes individual growth through expanded learning opportunities.
1. Offer more PD and more Educational Resources funding
2. Make credentialing process easier by developing a transparent rubric, check list, and
streamline the process
ADA/Accessibility training for all employees (including part-time/adjunct)
Collaborative community for online faculty focusing on effective teaching and student feedback
Perform technology expertise and need assessments for areas to identify if they have old
technology and/or need training
Continue working on 2014-2015 academic year objective: Work with administration to modify the
PDP process and maximize individual growth through expanded learning opportunities for faculty
and professional staff.
Community Catalyst
Goal: Be a catalyst for the educational and socioeconomic development of the community through partnerships, coalitions,
lifelong learning, and civic engagement.
1. Create collaborative ways to share information more freely
Continue working on 2014-2015 academic year objective: Continue Arlene Parrish Fund
Organizational Capacity to Serve
Goal: Plan and manage human, physical, financial, and technological resources so that College programs, services, and
infrastructure meet student and community needs.
1. Develop “knowledge management system” to examine policies and procedures, connect
people with tools, and data management
Continue working on 2014-2015 academic year objective: Improve senate attendance,
encourage non-senators to attend senate meetings, and appoint a parliamentarian to
improve the functionality of senate and follow rules of order for greater effectiveness in
contributing to CPCC’s policies in our collective effort to improve student success.
Perform technology expertise and need assessments for areas to identify if they have old
technology and/or need training
Organizational Excellence and Innovation
Goal: Promote and sustain innovation, entrepreneurship, and excellence throughout the organization.
1. Establish Learning Unit roundtable
2. Create a college “Sandbox”: an innovation center to provide feedback on training, have
beta testers, and be part of the technology tool selection process
Develop “knowledge management system” to examine policies and procedures, connect people
with tools, and data management
Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes
August 25, 2015
Committee Members: Kimberley Balcos, Lorraine Brodziak, Amy Bruining, Mick Campbell, Ken
Collins, Marcia Colson, Rob Craig, Leonard Edge, Kelli Fitzgibbons, Matt Geis, Fred Gore,
Steve Gore, Melissa Granados, Martha Ingle, Mary-Margaret Kantor, William Kennedy, Stephen
Lancaster, Dennis Leak, Margaret Machovec, Pat McDaniel, Barbara Neequaye, Mike Putts,
Amber Rhinehardt, Shantell Strickland-Davis, Shannon Utley, Kathryn Wells, Pat West, Leesa
Whicker, Linda White
Curriculum Requests Reviewed and Approved:
New Courses:
HOR 218, Advanced Equipment & Maintenance new Combined Course Library course.
TRF 270, Advanced Turfgrass Equipment Maintenance new Combined Course Library
Program of Study Revisions:
1. Associate of Arts (A10100)
 Remove the 2nd Math and the 2nd Science requirement and place them in the Gen Ed
elective list.
2. Paralegal Technology (A25380)
 Remove MAT 110 from the math options list.
Co- Pre-requisite Requests:
BPT 112, Broadcast Writing to add ENG 111, Writing and Inquiry as a pre-requisite.
OTA 161, Fieldwork I Placement I revision to remove OTA 130 as a state required corequisite.
New Certificates:
Construction Management Entry Level Construction Skills Certificate.
Construction Management with a Specialization in Introduction to Residential Building
Code Inspector.