EE492 RESUME OUTLINE This is the only acceptable format for the RESUME. All other formats will be rejected. The resume must be EMAILED with NO ATTACHMENTS to me by Fri SEPT 2, 2016 , 12 NOON TO If an acceptable RESUME is not turned in by that time you will be dropped from the class. The following format must be followed to the letter: All parts are required. In the SUBJECT SECTION of the email you must have ONLY A SINGLE WORD: RESUME THE FOLLOWING MUST FIT ON A SINGLE LETTER 81/2 X 11 IN PAGE 1. NAME: FIRST, LAST , ID NO. 2. ADDRESS 3. PHONE NUMBER–REQUIRED 4. EMAIL ADDRESS – THIS IS A REQUIREMENT YOU MUST HAVE ONE 5. MAJOR 6. GPA 7. All EE CLASSES TAKEN WITH GRADES(INCLUDE 340, 350, 351) To take this class you must have taken and passed 340, 350 and two 400 level classes, and be taking one 400 level class not counting EE492 8. AREA OF INTEREST(Digital, Analog, Controls, Biomed, etc) 9. COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL EXPERIENCE 10. EXPECTED DATE OF GRADUATION 11. PROFESSOR IN CHARGE OF YOUR GROUP PROJECT AND NAME OF PROJECT